

The Application of Adaptation Theory in Consecutive Interpretation

【作者】 高晶晶

【导师】 任静生;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 交替传译是一种十分复杂且特殊的动态交际过程。译员作为跨文化交际的桥梁,要根据交际场合的不同对语境、交际者、双语文化差异等因素有较强的认识能力,对于依据何种标准来选择合适的译本,学者们都进行过不同层次的讨论。本论文运用顺应理论,拟从新的视角解释交替传译过程,提出顺应理论在交替传译中的指导作用。语言顺应理论是由国际语用学会秘书长Verschueren(比利时)在他的新著《语用学理解》(Understanding Pragmatics)中提出的,以一种新的视角来考察语言的使用。近年来,国内外学者对语用学与翻译的结合研究日趋增多,但是较优秀的研究成果除了《口译:选择、协商与顺应》为桂林电子科技大学马霞发表于2006年《中国翻译》外,少有研究将顺应理论与交替传译结合。语用顺应论中提出语言具有变异性、协商性和顺应性三大特性的观点,指出语言选择的语境顺应,语言结构选择的顺应,顺应的动态性以及顺应的意识程度这四个研究角度。结合顺应理论,文章主要探讨在口译这种复杂的动态的交际行为中,在不同的语境下,顺应的意识程度不同,语言结构特点不同如何选择合适的口译语言,并且深入的研究译者意识凸显性在口译过程中的重要作用。通过口译实例,并结合理论,文章证实了顺应理论在交替传译过程中至关重要的策略指导与解释作用。

【Abstract】 Consecutive Interpretation is a rather complex and dynamic process. The interpreter, as the bridge of cross-cultural communication, should develop high sensibility in factors such as context, communicators, and the difference between languages and cultures. As for the choice of some standard to guide interpretation, scholars have been carrying out various discussions. Based on Adaptation Theory, this thesis sheds new light on the ways how the interpreters achieve his/her best interpretation under the guidance of this theory.The Adaptation Theory was first put up by the Belgian linguist Verschueren in his monograph Understanding Pragmatics, which investigates language-using from a new perspective. In recent years, many researchers have begun to analyze translation with pragmatics. But few have touched the field of combination of Adaptation Theory with Interpretation. Among them the comparatively well-known work is the research finding Interpretation: Choice, Negotiation, and Adaptation by Professor Ma Xia from Guilin University of Electronic Technology, which was published in Chinese Translators Journal (2007). Adaptation Theory points out that languages possess the properties of variability, negotiability and adaptability. Besides, it advocates language-using is a choice-making process during which the adaptability of contextual correlates, linguistic structures, and salience aspect should be investigated.By employing Adaptation Theory, this thesis discusses on how to make choices of linguistic use from a variable range of possibilities in the dynamic process of interpreting in different contextual factors, and also have a few touches about the interpreters’salience aspect. With combination of interpreting samples and the Adaptation Theory, this thesis confirms the significant role in guiding and explaining consecutive interpretation.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】128

