

On Popularization of Higher Education Equity and Its Mechanism

【作者】 范仁庆

【导师】 吴椒军;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 马克思主义原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高等教育作为整个教育“金字塔”体系的塔顶,是现代文明的产物,其公平问题历来被视为资源分配的调节器和社会公平的方向标,对人才培养、民生改善和社会主义和谐社会构建具有重要意义。尤其是当下我国高等教育从精英阶段向大众化阶段的转型过程中,高等教育不公平问题日益突出,正成为人们关注的焦点。本文以美国教育社会学家马丁·特罗教授的高等教育大众化阶段及其理论为理论依托,在借鉴已有研究成果精华的基础上,立足我国基本国情和高等教育大众化的实际,通过对高等教育公平相关概念的辨析,揭示了高等教育公平概念的内涵与特征,分析了我国高等教育不公平现状和表现。在此基础上,文章剖析了影响高等教育公平的制度因素,阐明了高等教育公平的实质是制度问题,根本原因在于高等教育制度安排的障碍和缺失。文章认为,高等教育公平的实现机制在于制度创新,必须坚守高等教育的公益性底线,坚持差异补偿原则,妥善处理公平与效率的关系,合理配置高等教育资源,全面规范各种教育制度,调整和完善高等教育政策,是实现高等教育公平的政策初衷和路径选择。

【Abstract】 Higher education as the top of "Pyramid" system, which is of great significance to personnel training, livelihood improvement and building a harmonious socialist society, is the product of modern civilization and its equity has always been considered as the direction of resource allocation and social equity. Especially, the current higher education is the transformation process from elite stage to popularization, and the inequities in higher education having become increasingly prominent are becoming the focus of attention.Based on American sociologist and Professor Martin Throw’s the stage of higher education and its theory, relying on the essence of research results and based on Chinese fundamental realities and popularization of higher education, the article reveals the meaning and characteristics of concept of higher education equity and analyzes the present state and performance of unfair higher education through the analysis of related concepts of higher education equity. On this basis, the article analyzes the factors that affect the equitable higher education, explains the essence of fair higher education that is the problem of system and thinks that the fundamental reason is the barriers and deficit of higher education’s arrangement.The article thinks that the system of higher education’s equity lies in the system of innovation. All the things that we must insist on the bottom line of higher education’s equity, uphold the principle of compensating differentials, properly handle the relationship between equity and efficiency, rationally allocate higher education resources, comprehensively regulate various education systems and adjust and improve higher education policies are the original policy and alternate path of realizing higher education equity.

【关键词】 大众化高等教育公平实现制度
【Key words】 PopularizationHigher EducationEquityRealizationSystem

