

Preparation and Characterization of Inorganic Compounds Based on Copper Nanowires Template

【作者】 张翠成

【导师】 陈春年;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 应用化学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 1.硒化铜纳米晶体的尺寸介于分子团簇和块状晶粒之间,具有传导电子的媒介作用,不仅是良好的半导体材料,而且具有可见光吸收、光致发光、大的三阶非线性极化率和快的三阶非线性响应速率等光学特性,被广泛地应用于发光二极管、光催化剂和电化学电池及太阳能电池等方面。但是,金属硒化物纳米晶体并不像金属硫化物那样轻易制得,这主要是因为硒源远比硫源难于获得,并且高温高压等反应条件不易控制等原因造成的。本文通过一种新型溶剂热法,在80℃的乙二醇溶剂中通过一种简易的实验方案可以合成内径为50-120nm,管壁厚为60-100nm的均匀CuSe纳米管。具体过程是在溶剂中利用铜纳米线作为牺牲模板与合适的硒源进行反应。制得的产物具有良好的结晶性和分散性,且制得的硒化铜纳米管表现出优越的紫外可见光吸收性能。另外,在实验中就不同溶剂、不同硒源、反应温度以及碱性条件对于产物形貌的影响也进行了研究。适当的硒源和溶剂在CuSe纳米管的形成中担任了决定性的角色。并用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)及扫描电镜(SEM)对产品进行了表征。2.由于CuO纳米线修饰传感器有较大的比表面积、较好的传输和催化性质等良好的性能,使其具备了较高的灵敏度、电流响应和稳定性。基于纳米氧化铜对葡萄糖具有催化性,选择合适形貌的CuO制作非酶传感器来检测葡萄糖溶液有其重要的意义。本文分别进行了金属铜纳米线、氢氧化铜纳米线、氧化铜纳米线的合成、葡萄糖传感器的制备及电化学性能测试;同时讨论了实验步骤操作与测定实验结果的关系。具体方法是采用水热法以铜纳米线为模板,过氧化钠为氧化剂对铜线侵蚀,氧化生成了海参状氢氧化铜纳米线,对氢氧化铜进行加热原位脱水得到海参状纳米氧化铜。讨论了改变反应条件、反应时间和加入表面活性剂来观察产物形貌的改变情况。对产物分别用X射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和扫描电镜(SEM)进行了表征。利用海参状氧化铜修饰铜基片制备电极,并通过循环伏安曲线进一步探讨了其对葡萄糖溶液的催化氧化效果。

【Abstract】 1. The size of copper selenide nanocrystals between molecular clusters and micro-grain fill with the role of conduction media of electrons. It is not only a good semiconductor materials, but also has optical properties in visible light absorption, photoluminescence, large third-order nonlinear polarizability and quick third-order nonlinear response rate and it has been widely used in light-emitting diodes, photocatalyst and electrochemical batteries and solar cells, and so on. However, the metal selenium compounds nanocrystalline is not as easily obtained as metal sulfide for the source of selenium is difficult to prepare than sulfur. Another causes is that the preparation of selenium compounds need high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. This paper mainly discusses a simple experiment which can synthesize uniform CuSe nanotubes of 50–120 nm in inner diameter and 60–100nm in thickness by a new solvothermal method with ethylene glycol at 80°C. The process is using Cu nanowires as sacrificial templates and choosing suitable selenium sources for the reaction. The production has a good crystallinity and dispersion, especially it showing the superior performance of UV-Vis absorption. In addition, the different solvents, different selenium sources, reaction temperature and alkaline conditions determining the morphology of product was also discussed. Suitable selenium sources and solvent played a crucial role in the formation of well-defined CuSe nanotubes. The productions were also characterized by XRD, TEM and SEM.2. The sensor modified by CuO nanowire has a greater surface area, better transport , catalytic properties and good performance, making it has high sensitivity, current response and stability. The nano-copper oxide having catalytic property to glucose, selecting the appropriate morphology of CuO as a non-enzyme sensor to detect glucose solution has an important significance. The main aim of this paper is to synthesize copper nanowires, cupric hydroxide nanowires and copper oxide nanowires. The preparation and application of glucose sensor was based on Cu substance. At the same time, it is also discussed the relationship of the steps of the experiment and the experimental results. Cu(OH)2 nanowires with sea-cucumber shape were fabricated by mixing Cu nanowires with Na2O2, then Na2O2 as the oxidant via hydrothermal method. Through further heat treatment, Cu(OH)2 to CuO nanowires without obvious morphological in-situ has been achieved. The morphology of production was discussed owing to the change of reaction conditions, reaction time and the mount of surfactant. The structure and morphologies of production were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), transmiss electron microscopy(TEM) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The cyclic voltammograms and electro catalysis of glucose at the CuO nanowires with sea-cucumber modified Cu electrode was also further discussed.

【关键词】 氧化铜纳米管硒化铜溶剂热法传感器
【Key words】 copper oxidenanotubescopper seleniumsolvothermalSensors

