

Characteristics and Forming Mechanism of Karstic Collapse Columns (belts) at Coalfield in Huainan

【作者】 张春雷

【导师】 钱家忠; 刘登宪;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 岩溶陷落柱作为煤田一种特殊的地质体,不仅影响了煤炭开采过程中巷道布置、巷道稳定性、煤炭开采数量,而且可能引发工作面突水,对井下矿工的生命安全带来严重威胁。对陷落柱特征及形成机理的研究,将有助于煤矿地质工作者对所遇陷落柱做出正确判断,提前做好准备措施,有效防止煤田灾害发生,减少陷落柱可能带来的损失。项目研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文在查阅研究国内外相关文献的基础上,以淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱(带)为研究对象,采用了理论分析和现场应用相结合的研究方法,系统收集并分析了淮南煤田地质资料、水文地质资料、地下水化学特征资料、陷落柱井下揭露资料。通过三维地震资料及陷落柱内部岩石照片,分析了淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱的形态特征及内部充填特征;在分析谢桥矿井下出水点位置及地下水特征资料的基础上,采用GIS软件DTM分析功能和分类主成分分析方法研究了淮南煤田陷落柱的影响范围、影响带内煤系水质、水量、水温的变化特征;并系统总结了淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱(带)三种不同层位含、导水性的差异。在分析淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱特征的基础上结合淮南地质演化过程及地下水活动,研究了煤田陷落柱(带)形成的机理。对淮南矿煤田地质灾害、水害防止工作具有一定参考价值。研究表明:(1)淮南岩溶陷落柱(带)平面形态多为长条形,长轴延展方向多是NW-SE,剖面形态上陷落柱表现为上小下大,且多数陷落柱的顶界在基岩面以下;(2)淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱(带)基底多发育于寒武纪灰岩,岩层塌陷面积大,围岩裂隙高度发育;(3)淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱(带)含、导水性各煤层存在差异,越向下层,含、导水可能性越大,在开采过程中应特别注意,防止突水事故的发生;(4)淮南煤田岩溶陷落柱(带)影响范围广,在影响区内下部煤系含水层易受灰岩含水层补给,而上部煤系含水层因曾受过新生界水体混入,水质出现异常,并且局部煤系含水层由于受氧化条件影响,水质特征也发生一定的改变;(5)淮南煤田在经历三次地质构造中发育出一系列NW向的张性断层,并在地表水、地下水长期由东南向西北的溶蚀中逐渐形成深至寒武纪灰岩的岩溶洞穴,最终在重力作用下塌陷,形成陷落柱。

【Abstract】 Karst collapse column as a special kind of geologic body in coal not only effects roadway arrangement, roadway stability and the quantity of coal mining, but also may because water inrush on coal face, which poses a great threat to the safety of workers. The research on the characteristics and forming mechanism of karst collapse column is helpful for coal geologists to make correct judgement on karst collapse column, and then prepare in advance, to prevent coalfield disasters effectively and reduce the losses from collapse column. Thus this research has important theoretical and practical significance. Based on many relative literature about coalmine karst collapse column, this paper was performed using the theoretical analysis and field application to analyse the date of coalfield-geology, hydrogeology, chemical character and collapse column underground in Huainan which is located in karst collapse column area. According to the 3D seismic data and image in columns, analyse morphological and internal filling characteristics of the karst collapse column. By analysing the data of groundwater chemical and the location of water inrush in Xieqiao mine, combines the DTM Function with principal component analysis of GIS, to study the sphere of influence, the character of water quanlity and quantity, and the temperature changes in the affected zone. And systematic summary of the Huainan karst collapse columns (belts) with three layers of different hydraulic conductivity. By analyzing the characteristic of karst collapse column, combines the geological evolution process with the groundwater activity, to study the forming mechanism of karst collapse column. The analysis above are of important guidance for preventing geology problems. The results of this research are summarized below:(1) The plant shapes of the most karst collapse column are elongated, and the general trend in NW-SE, cross sections show small top and big bottom, the top under the bedrock surface for the most karst collapse column;(2) Most karst collapse column develop from Cambrian limestone and with large collapsing area, and the adjoining rock crack highly developed;(3) The hydraulic conductivity of karst collapse column in each coal is different, and the lower the coal seam, the greater the hydraulic conductivity. It is necessary to pay special attention to it and then prevent water inrush; (4) With a wide affection and obvious variation of hydrochemical character in the karst collapse column, only notice the variety of coal water and prepare in advance can we avoid water inrushing;(5) A series of extension fault along NW direction developed in Huainan mine field after three tectonic processes(geological structure), then evolve into karst caves extending down to Cambrian limestone because of the long-term corrosion of SE-NW groundwater, finally form the collapse column due to gravity.

  • 【分类号】P618.11
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】529

