

On the Ideological and Political Education of Company’s Employee in the Harmonious Socialist Society

【作者】 王月东

【导师】 朱双庆;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 思想政治教育是党的工作的生命线,公司职工思想政治教育是公司的生命线。随着市场经济的发展,公民法律意识的增强,公司职工的思想政治教育面临着很多新情况,遇到了很多新问题。主要体现为,一是职工权理论和保护模式的缺乏;二是当前流行的企业文化与职工思想政治教育的整合问题,三是职工思想政治教育在经济全球化、信息网络化的现代社会中教育手段和方法的创新问题。这些问题的有效解决,是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求。中共中央提出了社会主义和谐社会的六大特征,即民主法治,公平正义,诚信友爱,充满活力,安定有序,人与自然和谐相处。从系统论的角度而言,和谐社会是由上述六大要素耦合而成,任何一个要素不能正常作用,则和谐社会难以实现。本文所讨论的正是适应和谐社会的问题,因为职工权的基础是民主法治、公平正义,企业文化的目标是诚信友爱、和谐相处,充满活力、安定有序需要手段方式的创新。本文是以公司职工的思想政治教育为研究对象,遵循提出问题,分析问题和解决问题的思路:第一部分,提出问题,指出公司职工思想政治教育在和谐社会中所需要解决的三大问题,即职工权缺乏保障,与企业文化的整合及创新手段方式问题。第二部分,分析问题解决问题,提出公司职工权的理论和保护模式,企业文化对于思想政治教育的兼容和借鉴意义,以及和谐社会背景下如何创新公司职工思想政治教育的方式和手段。第三部分,在全文分析的基础之上,得出结论并提出研究的展望。论文在写作过程中,试图从以下方面有所创新。第一,引入法律的视角看待公司职工思想政治教育,分析公司职工思想政治教育的权利基础。传统公司理论强调对股东负责,然而随着职工的人力资源性质开始逐渐被认识和重视,与此相适应,关于公司职工权的研究也在深入。公司职工权内容上具有双重性,即包含了财产性质的索取权和人身性质的参与管理权。对于职工权的保护,我国的法律规定还并不完善,文章提出可以通过以下方式细化和完善,如要明确规定职工董事、职工监事的法律地位、适用范围,职工董事、职工监事的人数比例必须由法律明确规定,建立健全职工董事、职工监事合法权益的保障机制,建立健全对职工董事、职工监事的监督制度,明确规定对公司职工权利造成损害时,要追究相关人员的民事或者刑事责任。第二,论文突破了传统的局限于职工思想政治教育的个体研究模式,而是将和谐社会视为由诸要素耦合的系统,主动考察思想政治教育与要素之间不相符合之处,力求探明完善路径,以弥补理论空白。第三,注重运用比较制度学的方法,对文章内容多角度多侧面论述。论述职工权时注意分析国外的职工权制度并作比较,由于国外思想政治教育提法罕见,在公司中往往盛行企业文化,故分析企业文化的内涵、外延,通过与思想政治教育的比较指出对思想政治教育的借鉴意义,论述方法手段创新时,以激励机制作为借鉴来完善论文深度。这些使得论文在研究方法上,采用多学科的研究方法,力图以思想政治教育为原理,以法律的目光来审视该课题,从管理学的角度指明其实用性,动态研究公司职工思想政治教育。这突破了以往单纯以思想政治教育研究思想政治教育的藩篱。

【Abstract】 Ideological and political education is critic for the work of our party, and the Ideological and political education to employee is also very important to company. Nowadays,ideological and political education to employee is facing many new problems with the development of market-oriental economy and the strength of citizens’awareness of law. These questions mainly include:first of all, our country lacks theory and way to protect the labor’s right; secondlly, how should we deal with the popular company’s culture; last but not the least, how to innovate the method of education in mordern society. Sloving these questions effectively, will defintely be helpful to achieve the Harmonious Socialist Society. Harmonious Socialist Society consists of six characters, inculding democracy and rule by law, justice, honest, vitality, order, dealing harmoniously with nature. From the systematic view, ineffection of any character will hinder to achieve the Harmonious Socialist Society. This paper is discussing the questions of how to make the Ideological and political education to employee adapt to the Harmonious Socialisit Society, because, the basis of right to employee is democracy and rule by law, justice, the objective of company’s cultrue is honest and dealing harmoniously with nature, vitality and order need innovation of ways.This paper pays attention to ideological and political education to company’s employee, according to the way of raising questions,’analyzing questions and sloving questions. It consists of three parts:the first part puts forwards to the three questions, those are the lack of protecting right of employee, how to deal with company’s culture, how to innovate the way of ideological education to company’s culture. The second part analyses and sloves three questions, putting forward to the theory and model to protect the right of company’s employee, analyzing the way of company’s culture is to better the ideological and political education of company’s employees, and posing idea to innovate the way of ideological and political education in the Harmonious Socialist Society. The third part, it comes to the conclusions and the possible further studies.This paper trys to innovate in the following points. Firstly, viewing ideological and political education to company’s employee from law, analyzing the right basis of the object. Traditional thoery of company puts the emphasis on the shareholders, however, the research of right of employee has been developed, in accordence with the development of human resource theory. The right of employee inculdes right of property and personal right. Our law lacks the way of protecting the right of employee, so this paper suggests to take actions as follows, for examole, law should definitely provide the status, range, rate of labor director and labor superviser,establishment of model to protect the right of labor director and labor superviser, and the civil and criminal punishment of violating their rights. Secodly, the paper breaks the limitation of individual research model of ideological and political education, regarding the Harmionious Socialist Society as the system that is composed by six factors, wondering on the unconsistence of ideological and political education with these factors, in order to better theory. Thirdly, this paper uses methods of systematic comparing way, social analyzing way by law and so on, illustrating the paper from many sides. For example, while discussing right of employee, the paper compares the foreign system, and it contrasts the popular company’s culture with ideological and political education. These research methods collect the principles of law, ideological and political education, and management, breaking through the traditional limitation of researching ideological and political education by itself.

  • 【分类号】D64;F272
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】169

