

Research on Seismic Behavior of Pre-stressed Fabricated Concrete Frame Joints

【作者】 杨晓波

【导师】 柳炳康;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 预压装配式预应力混凝土框架,采用工厂化生产的预制柱和预制预应力梁,运至现场直接吊装,梁柱就位后,将后张预应力筋穿过梁、柱预留孔道,对节点实施预应力张拉预压。后张预应力筋既可作为施工阶段拼装手段,又可在使用阶段承受梁端弯矩,构成整体受力节点和连续受力框架。既克服了装配式节点受力可靠性差的缺陷,又解决了预应力混凝土框架难以装配的问题,形成预制预应力混凝土装配整体式框架,建立了装配式预应力结构新体系。本文通过三榀预压装配式混凝土框架在低周反复荷载下的加载试验,得到了框架节点的裂缝分布及损伤图,以及节点核心区位移-剪切角滞回曲线和荷载-剪切角滞回曲线,了解了框架节点应力分布和剪切变形,探讨了节点剪力传递机理,分析了节点核心区的抗裂性能,推导出预压装配式框架节点的抗裂验算公式和剪切变形验算公式,并结合工程有限元软件对试验进行模拟对比。研究表明,预压装配式框架节点核心区处于双向受压状态,具有良好的抗裂能力和抗震性能。

【Abstract】 Pre-stressed fabricated concrete frame is assembled by pre-cast pres-stressed beams and columns with tendons in the joints of the frames. These beams and columns are hoisted in sit and the tendons are passed through the moirépips. So pre-stressing force is brought to the joints of the frame. These tendons also can assume the moments at the end of the beams in ordinary condition. By way of these tendons, pre-cast beams and columns can be assembled conveniently, and the joints and frames are monolithic and continuous. Consequently, compared with common reinforced concrete frames, this kind of frame systems possess higher reliability and solved the problems in the process of assembling Pre-stressed Concrete frames. Pre-stressed fabricated concrete frame explores a new way for industrial production of pre-stressed structures.A two-storey and double-span pre-stressed fabricated concrete frame was tested under reverse cyclic loading in this paper. The crack distribution and damage map and the hysteresis curves of displacement-shear angle and load-shear angle of the core area of joints were obtained. The authors figure out the stress distribution and shear deformation of the frame joints, discussed mechanism of shear transferring of joints, analyzed the anti-cracking capacity of the core area of joints and derived the anti-cracking formula and shear deformation formula of the pre-stressed prefabricated concrete frame joints at last. Finally, the author used the finite element software project to simulate the experiment. The results indicated that the core area of pre-stressed fabricated concrete frame joints in the in the state of bi-directional compression showed excellent anti-cracking capacity and seismic performance.

  • 【分类号】TU378.4;TU311.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】377
  • 攻读期成果

