

Research of 3d Geological Fault Modeling Method and Visualization

【作者】 江礼迁

【导师】 胡敏;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着可视化理论和计算机图形学的飞速发展,三维地质建模和可视化成了当前国内外研究热点。地质建模可视化技术为地质工作者在3D空间中观察地质结构、分析地质特征提供了新的方法和手段,可为建筑规划和建筑设计提供科学的决策依据。本论文在对国内外三维地质建模发展现状分析的基础上,系统研究了三维地质建模理论,提出了一种有效的构建地质断层模型的方法和利用虚拟钻孔对地质体模型进行修正的方法。全文主要内容如下:(1)对地质建模过程中应用的空间插值算法做了系统的研究,分析了三维地质建模的三种模型——基于面表示的模型、基于体表示的模型和基于混合表示的模型三大类,对其中有代表性的模型做了说明,并总结了各种结构的优缺点。(2)对断层所涉及的地质概念作了全面的解释和说明,并分析了构成断层的几何要素和断层的不同类型。在深入研究现有地质断层建模技术的基础上,提出了一种新的断层构模方法,该方法先将地层恢复到未发生断裂时的状态,将原断层两侧的地层层面看作一个连续的整体进行统一处理,进行插值及层面的拟合,然后计算出地层层面与断层的交线,以这条交线为断层两侧地层层面的共同边缘线,最后以此边缘线为基础,根据断层的位移(断距)对两侧地层层面的边缘线进行调整,生成最终的断层模型,实验结果证明了这种方法的有效性。(3)分析了影响三维地质建模精度的主要因素、误差来源及三种精度评定与检测方法;然后针对钻孔及虚拟钻孔的特征,提出了一种基于虚拟钻孔的三维地质体模型修正方法,经过实验验证,通过此方法进行修正后的模型能更准确的反映研究区地层实际分布情况,对工程的设计和施工有一定的指导作用,同时也能够极大的节约野外钻探费用和现场工作时间。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the visualization theory and computer graphics, the 3D geological modeling and visualization have become the research hot points. The Geological visualization technology not only provides new ways for geological workers to observe geological spatial distribution and analyses geological phenomenon in three-dimensional space, but also makes more scientific decision-making for geologists. After an overview of research about 3D geological modeling in our country and foreign countries, this dissertation study some methods of geological modeling systematically, then puts forward a effective method to constructing geological fault modeling, and a approach for error correction of 3D geology modeling from virtual borehole.The main contents of dissertation are as following:(1) Study systematically the spatial interpolation algorithms applied in the process of geological modeling, analyze three different 3D geological models: Facial Model ,Volumetric Model, Hybrid Model. Analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of these models.(2) Make a comprehensive explanations and clarification about the concepts of geological fault, then analyze the geometry elements of the fault, and the types of the fault. Based on the study of existing geological fault modeling methods, a new method of modeling fault is put forward. Firstly, put the stratum back to the state when no fracture ,treat the layers on both sides of the fault as a continuous whole, the spatial interpolation and surface approximation are used, then calculate the cross line of the ground level and the fault, use this cross line as a common edge line of the both sides of the fault. At last, based on this edge line, adjust the edge line both side of the fault on the ground level according to the fault throw, generate the final fault model, experimental results prove the effectiveness of this approach.(3) Analyze the main factors which affect the accuracy of three-dimensional geological modeling, source of errors and three methods of accuracy assessment and testing. In accordance with the characteristics of drilling and virtual drilling, put forward a new error correction method for 3D strata model, experimental results show that the model modified with this method can reflect the actual distribution of the stratum more accurately, provide some guidance to engineering design and construction, and can greatly saving cost and time for field drilling.


