

Taoistic Harmonious Thought and Its Application to Landscape Design

【作者】 娄茜

【导师】 潘国泰;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究该课题目的,通过研究道家和谐思想与自然环境的关系来审视景观设计。道家是中国春秋战国时期,诸子百家中最重要的思想学派之一。道家所主张的“道”,是指天地万物的本质及其自然循环的规律。道家的和谐生态思想是中国优秀传统思想文化的重要组成部分。有“天地与我并生,万物与我为一”的观念中所蕴涵的生态整体思想。景观设计的目的是为了美化环境,带给人们亲近自然,融于现代环境的一项工作。早在100多年前在美国进入快速城市化阶段时,就已经有设计遵从自然的思想。虽然在我国这一理念刚刚引入,和谐的景观设计就已经成为了我们在初步阶段就应当重视的指南针。重新审视国学,从事物运行的规律、借助道家文化精华为我们的景观设计做出指引。从而启发我们的景观设计必须注重内在的思想性,以及继承和发扬中国传统文化的重要性。充分理解和谐景观的态度!

【Abstract】 The purpose to research the theme is to survey the new environment of landscape design through researching the relationship of Taoistic idea of harmony and natural environment. Taoism is one of zhe most important schools of thought in Chinese Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods.“Taoism”, which is supported by Taoists, is focused on the essence and discipline of the whole nature. The thought of ecological harmony played a very important role of Chinese traditional culture, which contains the whole thought of ecology of“I, myself am born and living harmoniously with the whole nature”. The purpose of landscape designing is beautifying the environment, and letting people live comfortably with nature and modern environment. As early as 100 years ago, when the USA began the fast urbanization, the designers has agreed that designing should be obey the natural rules. Although this philosophy has just drawn into our country, harmonious landscape design has become the most important direction in the very beginning. To survey Sinology again and to undertake the discipline of natural running by using the Taoistic ideas gives us the guiding of our landscape design. And it also enlightens us that landscape design should focus on the importance of the internal idealistic and inherit and carry forward Chinese traditional culture. We should totally understand the attitude of harmonious landscape.


