

The Research of Stiffness Degradation of Short-limb Shear Wall Structure Under High Temperature Condition

【作者】 薄冰

【导师】 黄慎江;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钢筋混凝土短肢剪力墙结构是我国工程技术人员近年来提出的一种新型抗侧力结构体系,在高层住宅建筑中得到了日益广泛的应用。但是与一般剪力墙结构相比,其抗震性能较差,地震区应用经验不多。相关理论研究远不及框架结构和一般剪力墙结构深入,滞后于实际应用。地震发生后极易产生火灾等次生灾害,火灾高温的作用会导致短肢剪力墙结构各方面性能的恶化。而结构刚度的退化会削弱其抗震性能,所以对高温环境下结构刚度退化的研究具有较为重要的意义。本文分别在常温及高温环境下,利用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS进行缩尺单层双肢短肢剪力墙单调加载时的非线性有限元仿真试验和分析。对有无翼墙以及不同肢厚比和轴压比的试件的破坏形态、承载能力等进行了对比研究,得出的结构荷载—位移关系曲线基本和已有试验结果相吻合。进而研究了短肢剪力墙结构在常温及高温环境下的刚度退化问题,得出刚度退化系数随试件层间位移角变化的关系曲线。通过分析表明,高温后短肢剪力墙结构的水平承载力、抗侧刚度均有降低的趋势,刚度退化的程度随着环境温度的升高而增大。说明高温环境对结构各方面的性能产生了不利的影响,在实际工程中应注意结构的抗火、耐高温等问题。

【Abstract】 In recent years, China engineers originated a new type of anti-lateral force structural system which is called reinforced concrete short-limb shear wall structure (SLW). It has been widely used in high-rise residential buildings. However, compared with the normal shear wall structure, the SLW system show worse seismic performance and has little experience in earthquake zone. Related theory is far behind of the frame structure and the normal wall structure. So, it’s postponed the SLW practical application. Secondary disasters such as fires are easily generated after earthquake and fire can leads to high temperature. It weakens the SLW’s properties of all aspects greatly. In addition, stiffness deterioration would reduce their performance of anti-seismic. Therefore, research degradation of structural stiffness under high temperature condition is important.This thesis use of general finite element analysis software ANSYS for monotonic loading of the nonlinear finite element simulation and analysis about reduced scale single-storey SLW under normal and high temperature environment. Contrasted on whether the wing wall and the thickness of different limbs and axial compression ratio than the specimen failure modes, such as carrying capacity of a comparative study, the structure derived from the load - displacement curve and the experimental results have been consistent. And then study of the short-limb shear wall structure stiffness degradation under normal and high temperature, obtained stiffness degradation coefficient change curve with the model’s displacement angle. The analysis shows that the SLW’s capacity, lateral stiffness had decreased after high levels of temperature. The degree of stiffness degradation enlarged with the environment temperature increases. Explain that high temperature environment had a negative impact on the performance of various aspects of the structure. In practical engineering structures should pay attention to fire, heat and other issues.


