

Study on the Characteristics Pollution and Ecological Restoration of the Tongyang River, Chaohu Lake

【作者】 廖荣明

【导师】 洪天求;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 入湖污染河流是湖泊污染物的重要来源,大部分点源与面源污染物通过入湖河流进入湖泊。因此,减少入湖河流水体污染物含量,对湖泊富营养化的治理,具有举足轻重的作用。本为以巢湖烔炀河为研究对象,根据实地调查,共设置6个采样断面,分别于2008年10月、12月和2009年3月、5月、7月、11月,总采集36个水质样品、40个植物样品。采用分光光度法等测试分析所采样品中氮磷营养物含量,较为系统的研究了烔炀河水体氮磷营养物的变化特征与分布,以及两种典型植物(水花生和菱角)的时空变化特征与分布;并提出烔炀河水体生态修复植物群落配置方案。研究结果表明:(1)烔炀河水质呈弱碱性水,pH在78之间;烔炀河自上游到下游DO呈逐渐增大的趋势,CODMn、NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N、TN、TP均基本呈逐渐减少的趋势。(2)对植物样品中氮磷营养物含量分析表明,菱角对氨氮、总氮和总磷的吸收能力要好于水花生,而水花生对硝态氮和亚硝态氮的吸收能力好于菱角。(3)由相关性分析可知:烔炀河水体中氨氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮、总氮和总磷之间相关关系均表现为显著和极显著的关系。植物和水体中相应氮磷营养物相关性分析表明,水花生中氨氮含量与水体中含氮营养物含量间呈显著相关,与水体中总磷无显著相关性;水花生中硝态氮、亚硝态氮、总氮和总磷与水体中各氮磷营养物均呈显著或极显著相关关系。菱角中氨氮、硝态氮、总氮和总磷与水体中各氮磷营养物均呈显著或极显著相关关系;亚硝态氮与水体中各氮磷营养物间无相关关系。(4)根据烔炀河水体氮磷营养物的变化规律与烔炀河有水生植物生长季节的单位河长污染物降解量对比分析可知,水生植物对烔炀河水质变化有直接影响。(5)在充分调查和实验的基础上,提出烔炀河垂向植物群落构建方案。使烔炀河河道沿垂向形成包括水生带、湿生带及陆生带的完整、健康、稳定、并具有一定自我调节能力的生态系统。

【Abstract】 Lake-inlet pollution river is the main source of the pollution of lake. Most point-source and area-source pollution is coming from the lake-inlet river. So it is very important to reduce the amount of pollution of lake-inlet river and control the lake eutrophication.The article is focus on chaohu and Tongyang river, according to the filed-work, setting up 6 sampling section, collecting 36 water samples and 40 plant samples during Oct. and December of 2008 and March, May, July, November of 2009. Analysis and testing the samples in nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient content by spectrophotometry and systematically researching the variation and distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient in Tongyang river as well as the two kinds of typical plants(Altemanthera philoxeroides and Trapa bicornis) to propose the configuration of Ecological restoration of plant communities of Tongyang river. The result shows:(1) Tongyang river’s water shows alkalescent, PH 78. The Do is increasing gradually from upstream and downstream.,CODMn、NH4+-N、NO3--N、NH4+-N、TN、TP is decreasing gradually.(2) After analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient in plants sample, the Absorptive capability of Trapa bicornis for NH-N, TN, TP is better than Altemanthera philoxeroides but the Absorptive capability for NO-N and nitrite-nitrogen is better than Trapa bicornis(3) Correlativity analysis shows: The correlativity of NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N,TN and TP in Tongyang river shows significant relation and very significant relation of each other. After correlativity analysis of plant samples and water samples shows that the correlativity relation between Altemanthera philoxeroides ammonia nitrogen content and water ammonia nitrogen content is Significant correlation, no significant correlation with TP in water. The correlativity relation between Nitrate, nitrite nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in Altemanthera philoxeroides and Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in water shows significant or highly significant correlation. The correlativity between Ammonia, nitrate, total nitrogen and total phosphorus and Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in water shows significant or highly significant correlation. Trite nitrogen and trite nitrogen in water is shows no correlativity.(4) According to the variation rules of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in Tongyang river and the relative analysis of pollutant degradation with the hydrophytic vegetation season shows that hydrophytic vegetation has direct effect to the water quality of Tongyang river.(5) On the base of investigation and experiments, suggesting the propose of vertical vegetation construction of Tongyang river to make Tongyang river form a vertical and self-adjusting ecological system alone the river which including aquatic zone, wet zone and terrestrial zone.

  • 【分类号】X52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】202

