

Study on the High-temperature and High-pressure Steam Sterilization of Medical Waste Treatment System and Application

【作者】 谷良平

【导师】 熊鸿斌;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 医疗废物是国家危险废物名录中第一类的污染物。按照国家有关法律、法规安全处置好医疗废物是一项十分重要的工作。论文在认真分析医疗废物的定义、分类的基础上,从其来源、产生量、成分及危害、管理等进行了研究。重点研究了我国医疗废物处置的现状以及各种医疗废物处理处置技术的发展,总结了各种医疗废物处置技术的适用性及其存在的主要问题。提出我国中小城市医疗废物处置中心采用高温高压蒸汽灭菌工艺符合国家相关危险废物处置技术规范和规定,具有不可替代的优势。论文对高温高压蒸汽灭菌式医疗废物处理系统进行了全面的分析研究,对高温高压蒸汽灭菌工艺处理过程中的灭菌控制参数进行研究及优化,对相关配套工艺中废水废气处理工艺和收运管理系统进行了研究总结,对高温高压蒸汽灭菌式医疗废物处理系统的应用推广有一定的现实意义。主要包括:(1)灭菌锅内温度、压力和空气排除率的关系可表示为:(2)医疗废物的包装、空气排除率、灭菌室结构和种类对蒸汽的热穿透能力具有一定的影响,最终影响灭菌效果。(3)灭菌室压力为220KPa(表压),即温度为134℃时,30min完全能够达到灭菌效果;装载容量为60%时,经济效益最好。(4)医疗废物处置高温蒸汽处理产生的VOC气体,建议采用膜工艺或生物过滤器的方法处理;(5)采用调节池-CASS生化池-消毒池工艺处理医疗废物高温蒸汽产生的废水,出水可达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978--1996)其他排污单位一级排放标准。(6)采用托曳容器收运方式和多线路全范围的收运路线,并辅之以“电子称+条形码”的计量统计系统,是一种有效安全的收运系统。

【Abstract】 Medical waste is the first category of hazardous waste pollutants in China. It is a very important task to dispose the medical waste according to the relevant laws and regulations in state.On the basis of careful analysis of medical waste in the definition and classification, the paper was studied about source, output, composition and hazards, and management. It mainly researched on the current status about the medical waste disposal and the progress of all kinds of medical waste treatment and disposal technology. The various medical waste disposals and the applicability of the main problems were summarized. The medical waste disposal center in small and medium cities uses the high-temperature and high-pressure steam sterilization process which is in line with national technical specifications and requirements related to hazardous waste disposal in China, and it has irreplaceable advantages. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the high-temperature and high-pressure steam sterilization process. And it researches and optimizes control parameters. The paper also summarizes the wastewater and exhaust gas treatment process and the collection, transportation management system in the related matching process. Type of high-temperature and high-pressure steam sterilization of medical waste treatment system to promote a certain practical significance. Mainly include:(1) The relationship of the temperature in sterilization pot and pressure, vacuum can be expressed as:(2) Medical waste Packaging, air exclusion, sterilization room structure and type of hot steam penetration has some impact, the ultimate impact the sterilization effect.(3) In the pressure 220KPa (gauge pressure), when the temperature is 134℃, 30min to achieve complete sterilization effect; Loading capacity is 60%, the economic benefit is best.(4) Based on the combination of adsorption and condensation process, the proposed use of membrane filter method or biological treatment.(5) The wastewater from High-temperature and high-pressure steam sterilization of medical waste after disposal has reached the first discharge standard of the Comprehensive Standard of Wastewater Discharge (GB-8978-1996) using the Regulation Pond- CASS Biochemical Pond -Disinfection Pond process.(6) The disposal system based on prop-drag container collection and multi-line transportation routes in full scope connecting with the measurement of statistical systems is effective and safe.


