

The Sensibility Analysis of Slope Stability Based on Stress State Method

【作者】 王轶昕

【导师】 方诗圣;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 边坡稳定是土木工程中一个重要课题,涉及隧道、地下工程开挖与防护诸多方面。在目前的工程实际应用中,分析和预测边坡失稳各类方法多种多样,然而其分析的思路依然是沿袭多年历史的“假定滑动面”试算的半理论半经验法衍生出来的,“假定滑动面”方法最重要的两个基点难以弥补理论与应用上的缺陷。其一是假定滑面上各点切线方向的抗剪强度的发挥与剪应力之比所对应的安全系数;其二是条分法引入刚体假说,将重力集中沿伸到滑弧中点,应用平行力系的平衡方程研究条间力,进而假定、求解试算,这与刚体力学的重力集中在质心处,刚体无内力的基本原理也相悖论。本文的主要工作为以下三个方面:一是依据土体应力状态为条件,应用土的库伦强度定律和库伦摩尔准则,所得到的平面土坡安全系数的系列计算公式,进行以边坡应力状态的稳定分析的过程全面论证;二是以大量边坡稳定和滑坡工程实例,进行边坡安全系数的计算,计算结果与文献中的各类方法的结果相对比,定性结果趋于一致;三是结合典型应用实例,对边坡各个参数进行纵向和横向对比,分析其参数的敏感性,依据边坡稳定解析解的相关参数,进行影响边坡稳定安全的敏感性分析。

【Abstract】 The stability of analysis is an important research problem in civil engineering,such as tunnel ahead or underground engineering and so on. In application of practical project at present, There are many varieties of different methods about analysis and forecasting landslide, However, the analysis of the idea is still followed years of history, "Assume the sliding surface," the semi-theoretical spread derived from the semi-empirical method, "Assume the sliding surface" approach, the two most important point is difficult to cover theory and application flaws. One is assumed slip surface points tangent direction shear strength play and shear stress ratio corresponding safety coefficient, the second is the introduction of rigid body slice method hypothesis, focus on extending into the slip surface gravity midpoint, Application of the parallel system of forces between the force balance equation of articles, and then assume that solving a spreadsheet, which is focused on rigid body mechanics, gravity center of mass Office, the basic principles of rigid body has no internal force with paradox.My main job follows three aspects: First, based on the literature referred to the condition that the stress state, application of Coulomb strength criterion, the resulting series of flat slope safety factor calculation, carried out to side Slope stability analysis of the stress state of the process of comprehensive argument; Second, a large number of slope stability and landslide engineering example, the calculation of the slope safety factor calculated results with the literature results were compared each method, qualitative results are consistent; The third is a combination of a typical application example, the various parameters on the slope of vertical and horizontal comparison of the sensitivity of its parameters, based on analytical solutions to slope stability related parameters, to influence the sensitivity of slope stability analysis.

  • 【分类号】TU43
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

