

Toxic-Pathoiogic Stuty on Cerebral Regions Related to Dependence of Morphine Ddependent Rast

【作者】 杨春艳

【导师】 杨文信;

【作者基本信息】 泸州医学院 , 中西医结合临床, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本试验构建豚鼠耳部银屑病样动物模型,通过复方五倍子箍围膏、阳性对照药物(0.05%维甲酸乳膏、普连软膏)及阴性对照药物(凡士林膏)的平行外用给药,观察各组受试动物耳部皮肤用药前后的变化,通过对皮损进行银屑病严重程度指标(PASI)评分比较,采用Baker法对组织学积分评估并对炎症细胞进行计数,探讨复方五倍子箍围膏外用治疗寻常型银屑病的可行性及疗效。方法:(1)40只豚鼠分笼标准饲养,适应性喂养1周。(2)1周后随机抽取8只作为E组空白组正常饲养,余32只,将5%心得安乳剂均匀涂于组豚鼠双侧耳背皮肤(1cm×lcm用药0.3g,用玻璃棒涂匀),厚度为1.0mm,每日3次,连续2周,造成银屑病样模型,(3)2周后把豚鼠随机分为四组,每组8只,包括A组(复方五倍子箍围膏实验组),B组(普连软膏)为中药阳性对照组、C组(0.05%维甲酸软膏)为西药阳性对照组,D组为阴性对照组(凡士林)。(4)在豚鼠耳后的皮损处作好标记,外用相应的药膏。四组均采用传统的中间留顶围涂的方法。四组用药量均控制为(1cm×lcm用药0.2g,用玻璃棒涂匀),每日2次,早晚各一次,连续3周。(5)在用药治疗前及治疗3周后,进行PASI评定。(6)用药3周后,手术切取各组豚鼠双侧耳部标本,置10%甲醛溶液中固定,石蜡包埋,切片,常规HE染色,光镜下逐一观察耳部皮肤局部病理变化,参照Baker法进行组织学积分评估和进行炎症细胞计数。(7)用SPSS13.0 for Windows软件对所有数据进行进行统计分析,所有数据均以X±S表示,分别采用T检验和单因素方差分析进行分析,对各组间的比较用q检验做两两比较,以P<0.05差异有统计学意义。结果:1造模两周后,模型组动物耳背部涂药处毛发部分脱落无毛根,动物耳背局部皮肤发红,毛细血管扩张明显,并出现搔抓耳部现象,空白组豚鼠双耳毛发正常无脱落。2造模各组用药前后PASI评分分别为A组6.75±1.04,B组6.75±0.71,C组6.63±0.74,D组7±1.07,治疗后为A组2.38±0.52,B组3±0.54,C组2.13±0.84,D组6.25±1.29,复方五倍子箍围膏实验组与凡士林组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01),复方五倍子箍围膏实验组与0.05%维甲酸软膏比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05),复方五倍子箍围膏实验组与普连膏组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。3、造模后豚鼠耳部皮肤组织病理可见表皮角化过度,角化不全.棘层肥厚,真皮毛细血管扩张.有较明显的单一核细胞及多形核白细胞浸润.Baker评分为6.56±1.81,外用各组药物后,造模处皮损的组织病理明显改善,Baker评分分别下降至A组2.75±0.55,B组3.41±0.68,C组2.31±0.60,各组间两两比较,复方五倍子箍围膏实验组与凡士林组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01),复方五倍子箍围膏实验组与普连软膏组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05),复方五倍子箍围膏实验组与维甲酸组比较(P>0.05),差异无统计学意义。4、造模后豚鼠耳部皮肤组织可见明显的炎症细胞浸润其评分为86.38±5.94,用药后可见炎症细胞数有不同程度的减少,A组52.37±3.56,B组61.44±5.78,C组45.36±5.21,各用药组与凡士林组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。复方五倍子箍围膏实验组未发现外涂引起的局部毒副作用。结论:本实验研究结果显示:1、复方五倍子箍围膏外用可以改善豚鼠耳部银屑病样皮肤的PASI评分。2、复方五倍子箍围膏对5%心得安诱发的豚鼠耳部上皮增殖、毛细血管扩张及炎症现象具有抑制作用。3、复方五倍子箍围膏对寻常型银屑病进行期有疗效,推测其靶作用在于抗真皮乳头层的后微血管增生。

【Abstract】 Objective:Construction of the test guinea pig ear model of psoriasis-like animal,through hoop around compound gall extract, positive control (0.05% Victoria A acid cream, with cream & P) and negative control agents (petrolatum ointment) for topical delivery of parallel to observe the animals in each group tested before and after treatment of ear skin changes through the skin lesions of psoriasis severity index for (PASI) score more with Baker method and compare the histological score points to explore the topical cream compound gall hoop around the feasibility and efficacy of treatment of psoriasis.Methods:(1)40 guinea pigs sub-standard breeding cage, adaptive feeding for one weeks.(2)After one weeks of 8 randomly selected as the E group were fed control group, more than 32 will be 5% propranolol emulsion evenly applied to both sides behind the ears of guinea pig skin (1cm×1cm drug 0.3g, with a glass rod Tu Yun) thickness of 1.0mm,3 times a day for 2 weeks, resulting in psoriasis-like model.(3)After 2 weeks,the guinea pigs were randomly divided into four groups,n=8,including the A group (compound gall Guwei paste the experimental group), B group (P with ointment) for the positive medicine control group, C group (0.05% retinoic acid ointment) for the Western positive control group,D group,negative control (Vaseline).(4)Ea(?) lesions in guinea pigs after the office well marked, the corresponding topical cream. Liang Jun drug control for the four groups (1cm×1cm drug 0.2g, with a glass rod Tu Yun),2 times a day, morning and evening for three weeks.(5)In drug treatment before and after three weeks of treatment, PASI assessment conducted.(6)Medication three weeks after surgical double ear of guinea pigs in each group to take the Department of specimens, set 10% formaldehyde solution in fixed, embedded in paraffin, sliced, regular HE staining and observed under light microscope each of the local pathological changes in ear skin, the light of Baker Act is organized Integral assessment of learning.(7)SPSS13.0 for Windows software with all the data for statistical analysis,all data are X±S,said T tests were used and ANOVA analysis,the comparison between groups was statistically significant difference in the further use q pairwise comparison test todo.With P<0.05 significant difference.Results: 1、Two weeks after modeling, model animal ears fall off the back applicator Department hairless part of the root hair, part of the animal behind the ear of local skin redness,dilated capillaries,and the emergence of the phenomenon of scratching the ear, the normal control group guinea pigs ears no hair off.2、After modeling, PASI score before and after treatment in each group were A group 6.75±1.04,B group 6.75±0.71,C group 6.63±0.74, D group 7±1.07,after treatment A group 2.38±0.52,B group3±0.54, C group 2.13±0.84, D group 6.25±1.29,Compound gall hoop around the experimental group and Vaseline ointment group, the difference was significant (P<0.01),cream compound gall hoop around the experimental group compared with 0.05% retinoic acid ointment,the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05),compound gall hoop around the experimental group and the S & P with cream cream group, the difference was significant (P<0.05).3、After modeling, the pathological guinea pig ear skin epidermis shows hyperkeratosis,parakeratosis.Acanthosis dermal telangiectasia. A more visible mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration. Baker score was 6.56±1.81,topica drugs in each group after the modeling office histopathological lesion; improved, Baker score decreased from Group A 2.75±0.55,B Section 3.41±0.68,C Section 2.31±0.60,in each group pairwise comparison, cream compound gall hoop around the experimental group compared with the contro group, the difference was significant (P<0.01),cream compound gall hoof around the experimental group with the S & P with ointment and comparison the difference was significant (P<0.05).Gypsum compound gall hoop arounc the experimental group and the RA group (P<0.05),the difference was no statistically significant.4、After modeling the ear skin tissue of guinea pigs showed obvious inflammatory cell infiltration in their score of 86.38±5.94,the number of inflammatory cells after treatment shows that there are differen degrees of reduction, A group of 52.37±3.56,B group 61.44±5.78,C group 45.36±5.21,the drug group compared with the vaseline group was significantly different (P<0.05).Paste Compound gall hoop around the experimental group found no local side effects caused by applied externally.Conclusion:The experimental results show that:1、Compound gall ointment foi external use can improve the hoop around the ear of guinea pigs PASI score of psoriasis-like skin.2、Ointment Compound gall Guwei propranolol-inducec epithelial proliferation in guinea pigs, the phenomenon of capillary dilation anc inhibit inflammation.3、Compound gall hoop around on psoriasis cream is effective for period, suggesting the role of its target is the dermal papilla layer after anti-angiogenesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 泸州医学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】R275
  • 【下载频次】68

