

Effect of the Agricultural Usage of Biogas Slurry on Maize Yield, Quality and Environmental Quality of Soil

【作者】 陈璧瑕

【导师】 伍钧;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 沼液作为人畜粪便等有机物在厌氧条件下充分发酵后的液体残余物,不仅含有N、P、K等营养元素,而且含有丰富的腐殖酸、有机质、氨基酸、生长激素、抗生素、微量元素等营养物质,是一种腐熟水溶性速效肥。目前,沼液在农业生产上的应用越来越广泛。本试验以正红6号玉米为供试材料,利用养猪场猪尿粪发酵的沼液,按照随机区组排列的试验设计,设置不同的沼液量处理梯度,针对四川山丘区沼液农用对当地玉米产量、品质及土壤环境质量的影响,种植玉米的沼液适宜施用量以及当地土壤沼液农用环境承受力状况等问题,在四川省资阳市临江镇大型养猪场的责任地上开展了玉米大田试验。本试验的具体研究结果如下:1、沼液农用对玉米生长发育、农艺性状的影响从玉米的生育进程和农艺性状的表现来看,各施肥处理生育期和生育时期的差异不明显,全生育期最大相差3d,施用沼液能促进玉米的生长发育,各农艺性状表现较好,从而使玉米表现出良好的生长状态,特别是当沼液施用量在5000~7000kg/667m2的范围内时,沼液对玉米生长发育的促进作用与常规化肥相当。2、提高玉米产量和品质的最佳沼液施用范围施用沼液能明显提高玉米产量、改善营养品质、提高矿质元素含量,并促进籽粒对氮、磷、钾素的吸收。综合沼液提高玉米产量和品质的因素来考虑,本研究认为,当沼液施用量控制在5000~7000kg/667m2的范围内时,玉米的产量最高、品质最佳。3、控制玉米中重金属含量的沼液最佳施用范围玉米铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)的含量随着沼液施用量的增加总体上呈逐渐上升的趋势,但最大含量均低于食品中Cu、Zn的限量标准(Cu:10mg/kg, Zn:50mg/kg).与《食品中污染物限量》(GB2762-2005)的限值相比,施用沼液的各处理玉米铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、砷(As)、汞(Hg)的含量均低于相应的污染物限量标准(其中Hg未检出),在本试验范围内,说明沼液农用不会引起食品重金属污染,所种植的玉米符合食品卫生标准的要求。综合考虑,就本次试验而言,当沼液施用量控制在4000~5000kg/666.7m2的范围内时,玉米重金属含量均低于常规化肥处理,施用沼液与施用常规化肥相比能明显降低玉米重金属含量,从而能在一定程度上提高食品安全。4、兼顾土壤肥力和土壤环境质量的沼液最佳施用范围与玉米种植前相比,施用沼液能在一定程度上提高土壤pH值,防止土壤酸化;随着沼液施用量的增加,土壤全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质含量均不同程度地提高,且沼液处理的最大含量均超过常规施肥处理的含量,施用沼液对改善土壤理化性质效果明显。沼液能明显提高土壤矿质元素的含量,当沼液施用量控制在4000~7000kg/666.7m2的范围内时,土壤矿质元含量均处于较高的水平。随着沼液施用量的增加,土壤重金属含量有不同程度地上升。与玉米种植前相比,所有施用沼液的处理土壤Cr、As的含量符合国家土壤环境质量一级标准,Pb、Cd、Ni、Hg的含量符合国家土壤环境质量二级标准。当沼液施用量控制在4000~6000kg/666.7m2的范围内时,土壤重金属含量处于较低的水平。从土壤肥力和土壤环境质量状况的角度来看,在本试验范围内,当沼液施用量控制在4000~6000kg/666.7m2时,土壤肥力较高,环境质量较好,施用沼液的环境效益较高。综上所述,在本试验范围内,从玉米的生长发育、产量、品质、食品安全、土壤肥力及土壤环境质量等方面综合考虑,在四川山丘区的紫色土上种植玉米的沼液(养猪场猪粪尿厌氧发酵的沼液)最佳施用范围为5000~6000kg/666.7m2,此时沼液农用的经济效益和环境效益达到最佳平衡。

【Abstract】 Biogas slurry, the liquid remnant of fully-fermented organic matters like animal dung and human sewage under anaerobic condition, not only contains nutrient elements such as N, P and K, but also is rich in humic acid, organic matter, amino acid, growth hormone, antibiotics, microelements etc. It is a rotten water-soluble active fertilizer, which is more and more wiediy applied in agriculture nowadays.Our experiment utilizes the biogas slurry made from the pig dung of the hoggery, with experimental material of maize is named No 6 Zheng hong. According to the trial design ranged by means of random blo-cking and setting treatent grads of different biogas slurry dosage, we research on the effect of biogas slurry utilized in agriculture on local maize yield, quality and environmental quality of Soil on massif area of Sichuan Province. And also this experiment researchs on the proper dosage of the biogas slurry for the maize planting and the environmental endured ability by the agricultural usage of the biogas slurry. Our maize planting experiment took place at the contracted farmland of a large-scale hoggery in Lin jiang Town, Zi yang City, Sichuan Province. The specific findings are as follows:1. Effect on maize growth and agronomic traits by the agricultural usage of the biogas slurry.In terms of the maize growth period and the agronomic traits, no big difference showed under different treatments, the biggest difference of growth period is three days. The biogas slurry can help the maize grow and each agronomic trait is good, which can bring good growth condition to the maize, especially when the biogas slurry dosage is in the range of 5000~7000kg/667m2, the biogas slurry is similar with the ordinary chemical fertilizer in promoting the maize growth.2. The best biogas slurry dosage range for promoting maize yield and quality.The biogas slurry can increase the maize yield obviously, improve the nutritional quality, raise mineral elements content and promote maize’s absorption of N, P and K. Take the maize yield and quality into consideration, the biogas slurry dosage should be controlled in 5000~7000kg/667m2, when the maize yield and quality reached the summit.3. The best biogas slurry dosage range for maize heavy metal content control. The content of Cu, Zn in maize is increasing gradually with the biogas slurry dosage raising, but the largest content do not exceed the limits of Cu, Zn (Cu:10mg/kg, Zn:50mg/kg) in food, comparing the limits in Food Contamination Limit (GB2762-2005), the content of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, Hg in maize under all the biogas slurry treatments do not exceed the corresponding limits of contamination (no Hg was found in this experiment). This proves that, in this experiment, the agricultural usage of the biogas slurry will not bring heavy metal pollution of food, the miaze planting by biogas slurry meets food-sanitation standard request. Based on an overall consideration of various factors, on the part of this experiment, the heavy metal content in maize would be less than chemical fertilizer treatment when the biogas slurry dosage is in the range of 4000~5000kg/666.7m2. Comparing chemical fertilizer, using biogas slurry can obviously reduce heavy metal content of maize and improve food security to a certain degree.4. The best biogas slurry dosage range for soil fertility and soil environment quality.Comparing the soil before the maize planted, we found that the biogas slurry usage enhanced pH to a certain degree, which could prevent soil acidification. With the dosage raise, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available kalium and organic matter in soil increase in different levels, and the content of the aforesaid elements under biogas slurry treatments are all higher than that in the chemical fertilizer treatment. The biogas slurry usage increases the mineral elements content in soil evidently and improves the physico-chemical characteristics of soil. When the biogas slurry dosage is within 4000~7000kg/666.7m, all mineral elements content in soil is relatively high. Heavy metal content in soil increases in different pitches with the raise in the biogas slurry dosage, Cr, As content in soil after the biogas slurry usage meets the national standard of ClassⅠsoil, while Pb, Cd, Ni and Hg content meets ClassⅡ. The heavy metal content in soil would be much lower when the biogas slurry dosage is in the range of 4000~6000kg/666.7m2.In terms of the soil fertility and soil environment quality, in this experiment, the biogas, slurry dosage should be controlled within 4000~6000kg/666.7m2, to achieve a good soil fertility, good edatope and high environmental performance.All in all,5000~6000kg/666.7m2 is the best range of biogas slurry dosage from the hoggery for maize planting in the purple soil in massif area of Sichuan Province, in terms of the growth period, maize yield, quality, food security, soil fertility and environmental quality of soil in this experiment.

  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】403

