

Studies on Olive Embryo and Stem in Vitro

【作者】 吴佐英

【导师】 王永清; 韩华柏;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 果树学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以油橄榄(Olea europaea L.)种胚和带芽茎段为试材,探索其组织培养体系,为油橄榄快速繁殖及相关研究奠定基础。主要研究结果如下:1、在3月、4月、5月、6月分别采取‘Frantoio’品种的健壮枝条进行接种,结果表明4月和5月采取的外植体进行接种的效果最好,其褐化率最低,均为23.4%,而其它时间(3月和6月)采样进行接种的褐化率分别为45%,33.6%。2、油橄榄的不同节段间,消毒效果存在一定的差异。表现为顶节、次顶节、第三节和第四节的污染率呈递减趋势,以第三节和第四节作为外植体更容易建立起无菌培养体系。而且以消毒处理18min的效果最适宜。3、试验研究表明White培养基适宜诱导芽萌发,MS培养基适宜诱导愈伤组织。4、胚培养对于启动培养基中各激素的要求不明显,9个处理的出芽率均较高,均在50%以上。而三个品种中‘Tanche’的胚培养小苗增殖效果最好,增殖系数为1.58。最佳增殖培养基为White+6-BA 2.0 mg.L-1+NAA 0.3 mg.L-1+GA32.0 mg.L-1。5、茎段初代培养品种间差异很大,出芽率不高,最高的为16.7%。其中‘Frantoio’品种表现最好,出愈率和出芽率均较高。茎段培养小苗的增殖系数为1.72,最好的品种是‘Frantoio’,最佳增殖培养基为White+6-BA2.5 mg.L-1+NAA0.1 mg.L-1.6、最佳生根培养基是:1/2 MS+NAA 2.0 mg.L-1+6-BA 0.3 mg.L-1,生根率可达86.7%。7、瓶苗在室内放置7天,再将其置于室外进行炼苗,30天后开瓶,再炼苗7天后移栽,本次试验用于炼苗的植株为30株,成活了7株,成活率为23.33%。

【Abstract】 In this study, olive (Olea europaea L.) embryo and stems were used as materials to establish an in vitro culture system. The main results were as follows.1.’Frantoio’ were inoculated in March、April、May and June, explants isolated in April and May resulted in the lowest browning rate,23.4%, the other time (in March and June) were inoculated with the browning sampling rate of 45%,33.6%.2. Sterilization effects were different in different parts of the stems. Performance for the top section, second top section.ⅢandⅣof the contamination rate decreased, the section III and section IV were the best, And 18min to the effect of disinfection best.3. White was the suitable basic medium with high sprouting rate, while MS was suitable for callus induction.4. The embryo culture was less strict in the requirement for hormones in the medium in the primary culture. However, proliferation was cultivar dependent and’Tanche’showed the best proliferation performance in the medium White+6-BA2.0mg.L-1+NAA0.3 mg.L-1+GA32.0mg.L-1.5. The stem culture was more cultivar dependent, the hightest was 16.7%. Of the cultivars used in the study,’Frantoio’ was the most responsive whose callus induction rate and sprouting rate were 58.3% and 6.7%, respectively.6. The best rooting medium was 1/2 MS+NAA2.0mg.L-1+6-BA0.3mg.L-1, in which rooting rate could reach 86.7%.7. In vitro plantlets were put inside the room at the normal temperature for 7 days, then were put outside for hardening.30 days later, bottles were opened for 7 days. Then transplantation was followed, resulting in a survival rate of 11.9%.

  • 【分类号】S565.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】128

