

Reasonable Assessment of Land Use Planning in Gulin

【作者】 肖婧

【导师】 邓良基;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以古蔺县土地利用总体规划的实施为研究对象,运用收集资料、建立PSR模型、层次分析等方法对古蔺县1996-2006土地利用总体规划的实施进行评价,并针对该轮土地利用总体规划存在的问题,结合县域经济社会发展实际,对古蔺县2006-2020土地利用总体规划所作的调整进行相应的合理性评价和提出可持续发展建议。古蔺县1996-2006土地利用总体规划实施十年以来对土地资源起到了一定的保护作用,在土地资源的基础性配置中起到重要的宏观指导作用,但是由于受历史背景等限制,该轮规划对古蔺县的定位、定性缺乏深刻的分析,实际实施中仍然凸现了土地资源优化配置薄弱、土地生态基础建设较为薄弱、人地关系失调、建设用地需求和耕地保护之间的矛盾突出、基本农田保护率偏高等五个方面的问题。针对第一轮规划中凸现的问题,古蔺县在新一轮2006-2020的规划中作了较大的调整,本文对调整后的总体规划进行可持续发展的相关合理性进行了分析,得出如下结论:(1)农用地利用结构配置合理。在新一轮的规划中采取产业结构调整,加大退耕还林,划分相应的综合区等措施和手段,实现耕地所占比列23.8%,园地所占比列0.44%,林地所占比列40.99%的规划目标,这对于提高土地利用的综合效益,进一步实现土地资源的合理配置更为合理。(2)建设用地利用结构得到优化。古蔺县1996年全县建设用地经济效益单项指标为每公顷为4.4945万元,到2005年增加到10.8318万元,是1996年的2.41倍,变化系数为+1.41,纵向比较总体较为显著,可以看出古蔺县经济上升空间较大,在2006-2020年的规划中大幅增加的建设用地指标能满足县域经济发展,使城乡建设用地内部结构得到进一步优化调整。(3)未利用地用地利用结构符合古蔺经济发展需要。至2020年未利用地将减少到9041公顷,其占土地总面积的比重由基期年的3.61%减少至2.87%。通过新一轮规划调整,土地利用状况将沿着有利于全县经济社会发展的方向转变,并在极大程度上改善我县土地利用粗放、浪费的局面,全县土地利用朝着节约集约的方向迈进,全县生态环境也能有大幅度的改善。(4)北部旅游发展土地利用区体现可持续发展思想,充分结合实际,对森林覆盖率较高,可开发为耕地的后备资源较少的地区,适时调整发展与旅游相关的服务和生态特色产品为主旅游产业园区,实现可持续发展。(5)中部工业发展土地利用区为工业化进程打下基础。通过新一轮的调整充分运用了古蔺县现有的资源优势,带动了全县工业化进程,起到以点带面,形成中部产业带的作用。(6)南部粮、棉、烤烟经济发展土地利用区规划合理。对水源条件较好,相对其他区域来说耕地后备资源较丰富地区,在新一轮规划中将其化为粮、棉、烤烟经济发展土地利用区,有利于充分利用土地资源,发挥其气候优势,实现全县农业结构朝持续化、区域化、规模化、集约化方向发展。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the Gulin implementation of land use planning is for the object, using the data collection, the establishment of PSR model, hierarchical analysis methods to evaluate the 1996-2006 implementation of land use planning, and for that round of land use planning problems, combine with county economic and social development reality, the new round of the 2006-2020 land use planning adjustments accordingly reasonable analysis and suggestions for sustainable development.1996-2010 land use planning on the land decades played a protective role of the land resources,and in the basic configuration of land resources played an important role of the macro guide, but due to the constraints of the historical background, the planning to the actual situation of Gulin are lack of profound analysis, practical implementation still highlights five aspects of the problem:optimal allocation of land resources weak,weaker land ecological infrastructure,man-land relationship disorders,prominent conflict between construction land needs and farmland protection, high rate of basic farmland protection.Direct to the problems in the first planning, Gulin in the planning of a new round of 2006-2020 makes a big adjustment, this article analyzes the related rationality of sustainable development on the adjusted overall plan,obtain the following conclusions:(1)Agricultural land using structure allocation is reasonable.In the new round of planning,taking industrial stucture adjustment, increasing reforestation,dividing corresponding integrated area,by this measures and means to achieve the share of out 23.8% of cultivated land, garden out share of 0.44%, share of listed woodland 40.99% of the planning objectives, which for improving the overall efficiency of land use, and further realize the rational allocation of land resources is more reasonable.(2)Construction land use structure get optimized. Gulin county land for construction of 1996 individual economic indicators for the 4.4945 million yuan per hectare,by 2005 to 10.8318 million yuan,2.41 times in 1996, changes in coefficient of+1.41, vertical comparison is obvious, by this can be seen the county economic rise larger space, in the new round of planning a significant increase of construction land to meet the county’s economic development, the internal structure of urban and rural construction land to be further optimized adjustment.(3)Unused land use structure is in line with county economic development. To 2020,unused land will be reduced to 9,041 hectares, its proportion of the total land area from the base year of 3.61% reduces to 2.87%.Adjusted by a new round of planning, land use conditions will benefit the county along the direction of changes in economic and social development, and to a great extent on the improvement of county land use is extensive, wasteful situation, the county land use towards intensive conservation direction, the county can have a significant environmental improvement.(4)Tourism development in northern areas of land use reflect the concept of sustainable development, combine the reality fully, to the area of high forest cover, the reserve resources of land can be developed to the cultivated field are fewer, timely adjust the development and tourism related services and ecological characteristics of the main tourism products Industrial Park, to achieve sustainable development.(5)Central Industrial Development District land use is the base for the industrialization process. Through a new round of adjustments make full use of the Gulin’s existing resources advantage, spuring the process of industrialization, playing from point to area’s effect, forming the role of the central industrial belt.(6)Southern grain, cotton, tobacco’s economic development district land use planning is reasonable.To the area of better conditions on the water, arable land compared to other regions is relatively rich reserve of resources,in the new round of planning plan this area to grain, cotton, tobacco land use area of economic development,it is conducive to the full utilization of land resources,playing its climate advantage,to achieve the agricultural structure of the county to sustainable, regional, scale, intensive direction development.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】193

