

Effects of Chlorogenic Acid on Production Performance and Antioxidant Function in Trionyx Sinensis

【作者】 舒辉

【导师】 温安祥;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 动物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文探讨添加不同剂量的绿原酸(CGA)对中华鳖生产性能和抗氧化功能的影响。选择健康均重为(140.78±24.18)g的中华鳖80只,随机分为5组(A组-E组),每组4个重复,每个重复4只,分别投喂添加0、100、200、400和800 mg/kg绿原酸的饵料。于试验的第60 d取样,测定各组的增重率;肠体比,体脂比、裙边比,肠绒毛高度;肌肉水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量;裙边和肌肉胶原蛋白含量、肌肉胆固醇含量;血浆超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性和丙二醛含量。并观察肠绒毛形态。结果如下:(1)饲料中添加绿原酸对中华鳖的生长具有明显的促进作用。200 mg/kg试验组的增重率显著高于对照组,提高了129.23%(P<0.05)。(2)各组间的裙边比、体脂比、肠体比、肌肉水分和粗脂肪含量无显著差异(P>0.05)。(3)饲料中添加绿原酸能促进中华鳖的肠道发育。所有添加组的肠绒毛高度和对照组之间均存在显著差异,肠道绒毛高度分别提高了25.52%(PB<0.01)、60.35%(PC<0.01)、52.30%(PD<0.01)、50.95%(PE<0.01)。(4)饲料中添加绿原酸能提高中华鳖肌肉粗蛋白含量、肌肉和裙边胶原蛋白含量,降低肌肉胆固醇含量。400 mg/kg试验组的肌肉粗蛋白含量显著高于对照组,提高了21.26%(PD<0.05);各添加组的裙边胶原蛋白含量相对于对照组分别提高了13.00%(PB<0.01)、25.63%(PC<0.01)、17.98%(PD<0.01)、27.46%(PE<0.01),其中,400和800 mg/kg试验组与100 mg/kg试验组存在极显著差异(P<0.01);200和400 mg/kg试验组的肌肉胶原蛋白含量相对于对照组分别提高了56.22%(PC<0.05)和54.44%(PD<0.05);200和400mg/kg试验组的肌肉胆固醇含量相对于对照组分别降低了13.43%(PC<0.05)和10.45%(PD<0.05)。(5)添加绿原酸能增强中华鳖的抗氧化能力。100和200 mg/kg试验组的血浆SOD活性相对于对照组分别提高了27.06%(PB<0.01)和28.25%(PC<0.01);200 mg/kg试验组的血浆CAT活性相对于对照组提高了118.22%(Pc<0.01),且与800 mg/kg试验组存在显著性差异(P<0.05);200和400 mg/kg试验组的血浆GSH-PX活性相对于对照组分别提高了26.18%(PC<0.01)和44.82%(PD<0.01),且这两组与100和800mg/kg试验组均有极显著性差异(P<0.01);200和400 mg/kg添加组的血浆丙二醛含量相对于对照组分别降低了17.83%(PC<0.05)和21.02%(PD<0.05)。综上所述,在本试验条件下,在饲料中添加200 mg/kg绿原酸能显著促进中华鳖的生长;200、400 mg/kg绿原酸能显著提高中华鳖裙边和肌肉胶原蛋白的含量,并降低肌肉胆固醇水平;200、400 mg/kg绿原酸能显著提高中华鳖的抗氧化能力。因此在饲料中添加200-400 mg/kg绿原酸能增强中华鳖的抗氧化能力并改善其生产性能。

【Abstract】 This study focused on the effect of different doses of chlorogenic acid on the production performance and antioxidant functionin in trionyx sinensis.80 healthy trionyx sinensises with an average weight of (140.78±24.18) g were selected, and randomly divided into 5 groups (A~E group) with 4 replicates in each group and 4 turtles in each replicate.0,100,200,400 and 800 mg/kg of chlorogenic acid were added in the diets of 5 groups respectively. The trial lasted for 60 days. The results showed that.(1) Chlorogenic acid had good effect on the growth of trionyx sinensis. Compared with control group,400mg/kg chlorogenic acid increased weight gain ratio 129.23% (P<0.05)(2) There were no differences in calipash ratio,intestine ratio,body fat ratio,muscle moisture,and muscle crude lipid among five groups (P>0.05)(3) Chlorogenic acid could promote intestinal growth of trionyx sinensis. Compared with control group,each chlorogenic acid group increased the height of intestinal villus in trionyx sinensis 25.52%(PB<0.01),60.35% (PC<0.01),52.30%(PD<0.01),50.95% (PE<0.01)(4) Chlorogenic acid could increase the content of muscle crude protein、muscle and skirt collagen,and reduce the content of muscle cholesterol in trionyx sinensis. Compared with control group,400mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced content of muscle crude protein 21.26%(PD<0.05);each chlorogenic acid group enhanced the content of skirt collagen 13.00%(PB<0.01),25.63%(PC<0.01),17.98%(PD<0.01),27.46%(PE<0.01); 200 and 400mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced the content of muscle collagen 56.22% (PC<0.05),54.44%(PD<0.05);200 and 400mg/kg chlorogenic acid reduced the content of muscle cholesterol 13.43%(PC<0.05) and 10.45%(PD<0.05)(5) Chlorogenic acid had good effect on antioxidance of trionyx sinensis. Compared with control group,100 and 200 mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced the activity of plasma SOD 27.06%(PB<0.01) and 28.25% (PC<0.01); 200 mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced the activity of plasma CAT 118.22%(PC<0.01);200 and 400 mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced the activity of plasma GSH-PX 26.18%(PC<0.01) and 44.82%(PD<0.01),200 and 400mg/kg chlorogenic acid reduced the contentof plasma MDA 17.83% (PC<0.05) and 21.02%(PD<0.05)In summary,400mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced the growth of trionyx sinensis remarkably; 200 and 400 mg/kg chlorogenic acid enhanced the content of muscle and skirt collagen in trionyx sinensis,and reduced the content of muscle cholesterol in trionyx sinensis obviously; 200 and 400 mg/kg chlorogenic acid increased antioxidant function of trionyx sinensis. As a result,200~400 mg/kg CGA could improve production performance and increase antioxidant function in trionyx sinensis.


