

Study of the Growth Dynamics, Environmental Benefits and Heath Benefits of the Rare Plants Taxus Chinensis

【作者】 杨磊

【导师】 高素萍;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 红豆杉(Taxus chinensis)是一种天然抗癌药物资源和园林树种,具有重要的经济、社会和科学研究价值,但其起源古老,是第四纪冰川孑遗下来的古老树种,数量稀少,已濒临灭绝,系我国的一级保护植物。它的保护与利用倍受全球关注,是国际松杉类专家组(CSG)和《国际濒危动植物贸易公约》确定的保护物种。无论是从物种保护、资源开发,还是从系统学地位来看,对红豆杉的研究均具有十分重要的意义。本文选择四川邛崃市四川瑞云生态农业技术开发有限公司实验基地的红豆杉人工林为研究对象,对不同时期红豆杉的生长发育动态、生物量积累、生态效益以及保健效益进行了研究,以期为红豆杉的合理开发利用提供基础数据和理论依据。经过研究,初步得到以下结论:1红豆杉生长发育动态红豆杉生长发育初期在1~4月,生长旺盛期在4~10月,生长后期在10~12月;红豆杉平均树高生长增长量>平均新梢长增长量>平均地径生长增长量。不同时间段红豆杉生长发育的动态变化与红豆杉生物量积累的动态变化趋势基本一致。红豆杉的树高、地径与其生物量的积累具有一定的相关性。以地径(D)、树高(H)、地径平方乘树高(D2H)作为自变量模拟红豆杉全树生物量的回归方程的F检验值均达到了极显著的水平(F>F0.01)。从不同自变量模拟的回归方程的判定系数来看,自变量为H时,判定系数最高(R2=0.9976),可以用树高(H)作为自变量来模拟红豆杉的全树生物量。2红豆杉生态效益红豆杉不同季节单位叶面积日固碳量排序为:夏季4.89g/d·m2>秋季3.81g/d·m2>春季2.55g/d·m2>冬季1.98g/d·m2;红豆杉不同季节单位叶面积日释氧量排序为:夏季3.56g/d·m2>秋季3.81g/d·m2>春季1.85g/d·m2>冬季1.44g/d·m2。红豆杉不同季节单位叶面积日蒸腾吸热量排序:夏季1898.73 kj/d·m2>秋季1556.53 kj/d·m2>春季1330.02 kj/d·m2>冬季729.34kj/d·m2。红豆杉不同季节单位叶面积降温效应排序为:夏季0.125℃>秋季0.102>春季0.088℃>冬季0.018℃。不同时期红豆杉滞尘量的排序为:0.415g/kg(2009年11月)>0.386g/kg(2009年3月)>0.339g/kg(2009年7月)。红豆杉单位叶重滞尘量为:0.380g/kg,单位叶重年滞尘量为:6.384g/kg。3红豆杉保健效益红豆杉在不同时期的吸硫量的排序为:0.36%(2009年11月)>0.31%(2009年3月)>0.28%(2009年7月),年平均吸硫量为0.32%,与滞尘量在2009年3月、7月和11月的变化趋势相同。红豆杉挥发性有机物中共检测到35种成分,主要成分为:醇类物质,占总含量的74.315%。其次为萜烯类物质,包括五种物质成分,占总挥发物含量的10.996%。酯类物质的含量占到总挥发物的5.05%。检测到的醛类物质和酮类物质含量相仿,分别为3.77%和3.394%。另外,还检测到少量的烷烃类物质辛烷,含量为0.612%。含量最少的两种物质为二丁基羟基甲苯和二苯乙炔,含量分别为0.386%和0.143%。此外,检测到两种不知名的化合物。挥发性有机物中对人体有益的成分有:醇类物质、醛类物质中的2-己烯醛和安息香醛及其衍生物4-乙基安息香醛、烯烃类物质中的α-蒎烯。

【Abstract】 Taxus chinensis is a nature resource of anticancer medicine, a good species for landscape planting what has important economic, social and scientific research value. But the origin of Taxus chinensis is very ancient. As one of the first-class protective plants in China, an endangered species with small number, Taxus chinensis is an ancient relict species of Quaternary Glaciation. Taxus chinensis have been determined as a protected species by CSG and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the protection and utilization of it receives much concern in the world. Whether from species protection and resource development, or from the systematic status, study of Taxus chinensis has the extremely vital significance.Taking Taxus chinensis plantation in the experiment base of Sichuan Ruiyun ecological agriculture technology development corporation in Qionglai Sichuan province as research object, the dynamic growth, biomass accumulation, ecological benefits and health benefits were studied, in order to provide basic data and theoretical basis of rational exploitation and utilization of the Taxus chinensis. Through the research, concluded that:1 The dynamic growth of Taxus chinensis The early growth and development stage of Taxus chinensis was from January to April, the vigorous growth period was from April to October, and the late growth stage was from October to December. The average increment of tree height> the average increment of new shoots length> the average increment of ground diameter. The trends, both of the growth dynamic changes in different period and biomass accumulation dynamic changes of the Taxus chinensis, were basically the same.There was a certain correlation between the tree height, ground diameter and biomass accumulation of Taxus chinensis. Building regression equation about Taxus chinensis biomass, regarded ground diameter (D), tree height (H) and square of ground diameter multiplied by tree height (D2H) as independent variable, and the F-test value of it was greater than F0.01 which showed extremely significant. From the coefficient of determination of regression equation in different independent variable, the coefficient of determination was the highest R2=0.9976 when regarded H as independent variable, so we could use Has independent variable to simulate the biomass of Taxus chinensis.2 The ecological benefits of Taxus chinensisThe order about daily carbon amounts assimilated per unit leaf area of Taxus chinensis in different seasons was that:4.89 g/d·m2 in summer>3.81g/d·m2 in autumn>2.55g/d·m2 in spring>1.98 g/d·m2 in winter. The order about daily releasing oxygen quantity per unit leaf area of Taxus chinensis in different seasons was that:3.56 g/d·m2 in summer>3.81g/d·m2 in autumn>1.85 g/d·m2 in spring >1.44 g/d·m2 in winter.The order about daily Transpiration absorbing heat quantity per unit leaf area of Taxus chinensis in different seasons was that:1898.73kj/d·m2 in summer>1556.53kj/d·m2 in autumn>1330.02 kj/ d·m2in spring>729.34 kj/d·m2 in winter. The order about cooling effect per unit leaf area of Taxus chinensis in different seasons was that:0.125℃in summer>0.102℃in autumn>0.088℃in spring >0.018℃in winter.The order about the amount of dust absorption of Taxus chinensis in different period was that: 0.415 g/kg (November in 2009)> 0.386 g/kg (March in 2009)> 0.339 g/kg (July in 2009).The yearly amount of dust absorption per unit leaf weight was 0.380 g/kg and the amount of dust absorption per unit leaf weight was 6.384 g/kg.3 The health benefits of Taxus chinensisThe order about the amount of Taxus chinensis absorbing sulphur in different period was that: 0.36%(November in 2009)>0.31% (March in 2009)>0.28%(July in 2009), the annual mean of absorbing sulphur was 0.32%, and the variation trend of it was the same with the amount of dust absorption.Thirty-five species composition were found in the volatile organic compounds from the Taxus chinensis, and the main components were alcohols, occupying 74.315% in total content, the second was terpene, occupying 10.996% in total content, and 5 species composition were included. Esters account for 5.05% of the total volatile organic compounds. The contents of aldehydes and ketones were similarly, accounting for 3.77% and 3.394%. In addition, a small quantity of octane was found, and the content of it was 0.612%. The two least species were butylated hydroxytoluene and tolane accounting for 0.386% and 0.143%. Moreover, two kinds of unknown compounds were also detected. Alcohols, 2-hexenal, benzaldehyde,4-ethyl benzaldehyde and a-pinene were all the beneficial ingredients to human in the volatile organic compounds.

  • 【分类号】S791.49
  • 【下载频次】251

