

Evaluation of T. Aestivum Cv. Chinese Spring-L. Elongatum Disomic Addition and Substitution Lines and Chinese Endemic Wheat for Aluminum Tolerance

【作者】 彭芸苹

【导师】 颜泽洪;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 酸性土壤一般指表土pH<5.50的土壤,红壤、黄壤、砖红壤和赤红壤等都是这种类型土壤。近年来,酸雨沉降及不良耕作方式加速了土壤酸化,导致酸性土壤中的铝毒害问题日益严重,限制了作物生物和经济产量的提高。酸性土壤铝毒害已成为全球性最重要的农业问题之一。为了研究酸性条件下不同长穗偃麦草E染色体和中国特有小麦对铝耐性的差异并从中发现可能的耐铝抗源,本文通过水培法对27份中国春-长穗偃麦草二体附加和代换系以及28份中国特有小麦进行了耐铝测试,并利用86对随机分布在小麦21条染色体的SSR引物对特有小麦进行分析,从而研究其遗传差异与耐铝的关联。所获得的主要结果如下:1.中国春-长穗偃麦草二体附加和代换系对铝的耐性差异27个不同的中国春-长穗偃麦草二体附加和代换系对铝的耐性存在差异。DA2E在不同铝浓度下的再生根伸长量均显著或极显著低于中国春,但二者耐铝指数差异几乎都不显著;DA4E在不同铝浓度下的再生根伸长量与中国春几乎都无显著差异,但耐铝指数均显著或极显著低于中国春。其余5个二体附加系无论再生根伸长量还是耐铝指数几乎都与中国春相当,耐铝性能无显著差异。DS1E/1A在无铝、DS4E/4D在所有铝浓度处理下的再生根伸长量分别极显著高或低于中国春,但DS1E/1A以及DS4E/4D在几乎所有铝浓度处理下的耐铝指数均显著或极显著低于中国春;DS3E/3B虽在几乎所有处理下的再生根伸长量显著或极显著低于中国春,但仅在pH4.50+200μM Al3+处理下的耐铝指数显著或极显著低于中国春;DS5E/5B和DS7E/7A在pH4.50+200μM Al3+处理下的再生根伸长量和耐铝指数均显著或极显著低于中国春的相应指标;DS6E/6A和DS6E/6B在无铝处理以及DS6E/6D在pH4.50+200μM Al3+处理下的再生根伸长量都显著或极显著低于中国春,但与中国春在所有处理下的耐铝指数均无显著差异;DS1E/1B在几乎所有处理下的再生根伸长量与中国春都无显著差异,但在pH4.50+200μM Al3+处理下的耐铝指数极显著低于中国春。2.不同中国特有小麦对铝的耐性差异本研究所测试的3种中国特有小麦对铝耐性的差异较大,从中鉴定出了一些材料具有与中国春相似或更优的耐铝能力。云南铁壳麦耐铝能力总体较强,所有材料都能耐pH4.00+120μM Al3+,即使在pH4.00+240μM Al3+和pH4.00+360μM Al3+处理下仍可找到一些与中国春耐铝性能相当或更优的材料。新疆稻麦As360是本研究所发现的耐铝性能最佳的材料。除此之外的新疆稻麦在所有铝浓度处理下的再生根伸长量和耐铝指数均显著或极显著低于中国春,表明它们的耐铝能力不及中国春。多数西藏半野生小麦在不高于pH4.00+120μM Al3+处理下与中国春耐铝性能相当,但在高于pH4.00+120μM Al3+处理下的耐铝性能几乎都不及中国春。3.中国特有小麦遗传差异与耐铝抗源的关系根据多态性SSR分子标记聚类结果,将中国春在内的28份中国特有小麦聚为两大类,其中一类包括所有云南铁壳麦、西藏半野生小麦和中国春;第二类则只包括7份新疆稻麦。新疆稻麦As360的耐铝能力在不同铝浓度处理下均优于中国春,而其它新疆稻麦均不耐铝,在聚类图上,所有新疆稻麦与中国春的遗传距离较远,处于不同的分支。因此,As360具有与中国春相同或相似的耐铝基因的可能性较小,二者很可能是独立起源的耐铝抗源。所有云南铁壳麦在pH4.00+120μM Al3+处理下的耐铝能力与中国春相当,即使在pH4.00+240μM Al3+和pH4.00+360μM Al3+处理下仍可以找到部分材料与中国春的耐铝性能相当。在聚类图上它们与中国春处在同一大支下面的不同小分支,表明它们的耐铝基因可能有一定的关系。部分西藏半野生小麦在pH4.00+120μM Al3+处理下的耐铝能力与中国春相当,且与中国春聚在同一分支,说明这些西藏半野生小麦可能具有与中国春相同或相似的耐铝基因。

【Abstract】 Acid soils, with a pH 5.50 or lower, distributed extensively around the world’s land. Aluminum toxicity is one of the limiting factors for crop production in the acidic soils. There are some main acid soil types, including red soils, yellow soils, humid-thermo ferralitic and lateritic red earths. In recent years, acid deposition and poor tillage have accelerated the soil acidification. The aluminum toxicity in acidic soils has become one of the seriously global agricultural puzzles.For comparing the aluminum tolerance of wheat lines with different Lophopyrum elongatum chromosomes as well as Chinese endemic wheats and found potential new sources of aluminum tolerance,27 T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring-L. elongatum disomic addition and substitution lines and 28 Chinese endemic wheats were tested for aluminum tolerance by using hydroponic screening. The Chinese endemic wheats werte further subjected to SSR analyses for studying the association between the genetic dissimilarity and aluminum tolerance. The main results were as follows:1. Aluminum tolerance of T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring-L. elongatum disomic addition and substitution lines Significant difference on aluminum tolerance was observed in 27 T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring-L. elongatum disomic addition and substitution lines, of which, the root regenerate length (RRL) of disomic additional line 2E (DA2E) was significant different lower than that of Chinese Spring (CS), while no significant different was observed in aluminum tolerance index (RTI) between DA2E and CS in all aluminum concentrations. The RRL of DA4E was almost no significant different with that of CS, but the RTI was significant different lower than that of Chinese Spring. Based on RRL and RTI, the aluminum tolerance of the remaining five disomic addition lines were very similar to CS.The RRL of substitution lines DS1E/1A in 0μM Al3+, DS4E/4D in all aluminum stress were respectively significant higher or lower than that of CS, leading to the RTI of them were significant lower than that of CS. Though the RRLs of substitution line DS3E/3B in all aluminum stress were respectively significant lower than that of CS, only the RTI in pH4.50+200μM Al3+ was lower than that of CS. Compared with CS, the aluminum of DS5E/5B and DS7E/7A in pH4.50+200μM Al3+ were worse than it. The RRLs of DS6E/6A and DS6E/6B without aluminum and DS6E/6D in pH4.50+200μM Al3+ were respectively lower than that of CS, while their RTIs without significant difference, suggesting that the aluminum tolerance of them were very similar. The RRL of DS1E/1B in all aluminum stress were respectively the same as those of CS, however, the RTI in pH4.50+200μM Al3+ were lower than that of CS.2. Aluminum tolerance among Chinese endemic wheatsThe aluminum tolerance of three types of Chinese endemic wheats were not the same, some wheat lines showed the same or even much better aluminum tolerance as/than CS.Among all the three types of Chinese endemic wheats, Yunnan hulled wheats have shown much better aluminum tolerance than Xinjiang rice wheat and Tibet semi-wild wheats. It was found that all of Yunnan hulled wheat lines showed similar aluminum tolerance as CS in pH4.00+120μM Al3+. Distinguishly, some Yunnan hulled wheat lines showed much better aluminum tolerance than CS even in pH4.00+240μM Al3+ and pH4.00+360μM Al3+, respectively.Xinjiang rice wheat line As360 is one of the best aluminum tolerance wheat lines in all the tested Chinese endemic wheats. Surprisingly, the aluminum tolerance of the remaining Xinjiang rice wheats was poorer than CS.Most of Tibet semi-wild wheats showed the same aluminum tolerance as CS when aluminum concentration below 120μM Al3+3. The association between genetic dissimilarity and aluminum tolerance in Chinese endemic wheatsBased on the polymorphic SSR data clustering results, all Chinese endemic wheats could divide into two groups. The one group contained Yunnan hulled wheats, Tibet semi-wild wheats and CS, while the remaining group contained seven lines of Xinjiang rice wheat.The genetic distance between aluminum tolerance Xinjiang rice wheat line As360 and CS was very far, suggesting that the aluminum tolerance gene(s) of As360 probably not the same as that of CS.All Yunnan hulled wheats showed the same aluminum tolerance as CS when aluminum below 120μM Al3+. Distinguishly, some Yunnan hulled wheats showed the same or much better aluminum tolerance as/than CS. Combined with clustering data, it suggested that the aluminum tolerance genes of Yunnan hulled wheats may be different from CS.Some Tibet semi-wild lines showed the same aluminum tolerance as CS when aluminum concentration below 120μM Al3+ and showed very near distance with CS, suggesting that the aluminum tolerance genes of them were probably very similar or the same.

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