

Effects of Silicon on the Strength of Rice Stem

【作者】 林熊

【导师】 王西瑶; 徐江;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 密植高产目前已成为水稻科学研究领域的共识,因密植引发的倒伏,严重影响水稻产量的提高和品质的改善,受到大家普遍关注。硅是植物的有益元素,能改变株型与促进光合,增强茎秆抗倒伏能力,提高水稻产量。因此,本试验以两优培九和9311为试材,设3个密度,4个硅处理浓度,探讨外施硅对水稻茎秆强度及相关性状的影响。研究结果如下:1、两优培九和9311在高密度下产量最高,分别为9371.10kg/hm2和9279.15kg/hm2,比低密下分别增产36%和29.9%。施硅处理下,两优培九和9311水稻的平均产量分别为8412.45kg/hm2和8335.50kg/hm2,比对照增产27.95%和18.71%,差异显著,即硅对水稻有增产作用。2、硅对水稻株高和茎秆基部伸长节节间长度的影响差异不显著。水稻茎秆节间长度大小为基部第二伸长节>第三伸长节>第一伸长节。而茎粗、茎壁厚度随着SiO2施入量的增加而增加,两优培九最大值分别增加了18.13%和36%,9311最大值分别增加了12.37%和20%,即硅能增加水稻茎粗、茎壁厚,且差异达到显著或极显著水平。3、水稻茎秆单位节间鲜重、干重、含水量都为基部第一伸长节>第二伸长节>第三伸长节;都随着施硅量增加而增加。施硅处理后,水稻单位节间鲜重、含水量,在齐穗期差异不显著,而齐穗15d和齐穗30 d时差异显著。而这三个时期施硅处理后,单位节间干重都差异显著,且最大值可分别增加19.41%、19.64%和17.9%。4、水稻茎秆基部三个伸长节SiO2含量为基部第一伸长节<第二伸长节<第三伸长节。外施硅能增加水稻茎秆中SiO2的沉积量,且随着生育期的进行增幅加大,齐穗期、齐穗15 d、齐穗30 d分别增加了10.28%、13.54%、16.39%。5、施硅处理后水稻茎秆基部伸长节节间纤维素含量明显增加,在齐穗期、齐穗15d、齐穗30d分别比对照增加了40.31%、22.87%、36.69%,且SiO2的沉积量与纤维素含量呈正相关关系。施硅处理后,半纤维素含量降低,且在齐穗30 d时,半纤维素含量降低幅度最大为21.4%。且SiO2的沉积量与半纤维素含量呈显著或极显著负相关关系。硅能增加木质素含量,但在齐穗时作用效果不明显,在齐穗后15 d和齐穗30 d时,木质素含量在施硅处理后比对照增加了28.28%和23.3%,差异显著。硅能增加茎秆灰分含量,齐穗15 d时增加幅度最大为14.17%,且SiO2沉积量与灰分含量呈显著或极显著正相关关系。6、水稻茎秆抗折力为基部第一伸长节>第二伸长节>第三伸长节。齐穗15 d,茎秆抗折力最大,随后开始降低。随着施硅量的增加茎秆抗折力增大,两优培九和9311水稻茎秆基部伸长节节间抗折力在90kg/hm2或135kg/hm2SiO2时达到最大值。齐穗期、齐穗15d、齐穗30 d,茎秆抗折力在施硅处理后平均比对照分别增加了19.61%、20.61%、40.89%。其抗折力大小与水稻茎秆中Si02的沉积量呈显著或极显著正相关关系。

【Abstract】 Dense high-yield has become the consensus of scientific research in the rice field. The lodging caused by dense which serious impact on rice yield enhancement and quality improvement is a common concern. Silicon is a useful element in plants which can change the plant type and the promotion of photosynthesis, enhance lodging resistance and raise the level of rice yield. Therefore, the two rice varieties, Liangyoupeijiu and 9311,was as the tested material. The experiment set up three density and four silicon concentrations to explore the silicon on rice stem strength and related traits.The results are as follows.1.The rice yield of Liangyoupeijiu and 9311 in high-density level was maximum, respectively 9371.10kg/hm2 and 9279.15kg/hm2,were more than the low-density, which increased respectively 36%,29.9%.The average yield of Liangyoupeijiu and 9311 in silicon treatments were respectively 8412.45kg/hm2,8335.50kg/hm2,and the yield increasd 27.95%,18.71%,the rice yield was the significant difference. Namely, silicon has the role on rice with increase yield.2. The effect of silicon on rice plant height and elongation internonde lengths both were not significant.The internodes length size of stem was the second elongate section>the third elongate section>the first elongate section. The size of stem diameter, stem wall thickness were increased with SiO2 increased. The largest stem diameter, stem wall thickness of Liangyoupeijiu increased respectively 18.13% and 36%,9311 are increased respectively 12.37% and 20% compared with the control. So silicon could significantly increase the rice stem diameter, stem wall thickness.3.Unit fresh weight, dry weight, water content of rice stem sections were all the base of the first elongate section>the second elongate section>the third elongate section.In silicon treatment, unit fresh weight and water content of rice stem sections both are not significant difference at full heading. But the unit fresh weight and water content increased when the silicon concentration increased 15 d and 30 d after the full heading.With silicon increased, unit dry weight of rice stem increased. The maximum value were higher than the control, respectively 19.41%,19.64% and 17.9%,at full heading,full heading 15 d,30 d.4. The SiO2 content of rice stem was the first elongate section<the second elongate section<the third elongate section. Exogenous silicon could increase the amount of SiO2 deposition in rice stem, increase respectively10.28%,13.54%,16.39% at full heading, full heading 15 d,30 d.5. After silicon treatment, cellulose content is higher than the control, at full heading, full heading 15 d,30 d, respectively increased 40.31%,22.87%,36.69%, which was a positive correlation between cellulose content and SiO2 content.At full heading 30 d, hemicellulose content decreased 21.4% in silicon treatment. The SiO2 content and hemicellulose content were significant or very significant negative correlation.Silicon could increase the lignin content at the full heading 15 d,30 d, After silicon treated,the content of lignin increased 28.28%and 23.3%.but it was no significant at the full heading stage.Silicon can increase ash content. Compared with control, ash content were increased highest 14.17%,at full heading 15 d.The SiO2 content and ash content were significant or very significant negative correlation.6.The rice stem breaking-resistant strength was the first elongate section>the second elongate section>the third elongate section. Silicon could increase the breaking-resistant strength of Liangyoupeijiu and 9311,and it reached the maximum in content 135kg/hm2 or 90kg/hm2 of SiO2. At full heading, full heading 15 d,30 d, the stem breaking-resistant strength compared with the control increased 19.61%, 20.61%,40.89%.The breaking-resistant strength and SiO2 content were significant or highly significant positive correlation.

【关键词】 水稻茎秆二氧化硅含量抗折力纤维素
【Key words】 riceculmSiO2 contentbreaking-resistant strengthcellulose

