

Effects of Transplanting Location and Density on the Morphological and Population Quality of Different Types of Rice

【作者】 刘树金

【导师】 袁继超;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以四个类型水稻品种(杂交籼稻金优527、常规籼稻昌米011、杂交粳稻9优418、常规粳稻合系39)为材料,分别在中低海拔地区雅安(600m)和高海拔地区西昌(1590m),研究了栽培地点、栽插密度对不同品种水稻形态特征及群体质量的影响。结果表明:(1)水稻的叶片形态不仅在品种间有差异,还因栽培地点和种植密度而异。叶长、叶宽、叶片的长宽比雅安均大于西昌;两地上三叶的叶长和叶宽均有随着栽插密度的增加而变小的趋势;两籼稻品种上部叶片(倒1、2叶)的长宽比小于两粳稻品种;西昌点的比叶重大于雅安,雅安稀植穗前比叶重大,穗后下降快,西昌全生育期比叶重稀植均大于密植;雅安点剑叶的叶开角随栽插密度的增加而降低,其余两地上三叶的叶夹角在不同密度间差异不显著;两籼稻品种上三叶的叶基角和叶开角均雅安大于西昌,而两粳稻品种有相反趋势,所有品种上三叶的叶枕距雅安均显著大于西昌。两地剑叶和倒2叶的松散度均随密度增加而减小,上三叶的松散度均是雅安大于西昌,特别是籼型品种。雅安点的株高显著高于西昌,特别是两籼稻品种。上述结果说明籼型品种的株叶型在不同栽培地点间的差异较大,粳型品种株叶型的环境效应相对较小。由于各处理间株叶型不同,田间的透光率也有差异。总体看,西昌点各处理在40cm-100cm对光的截留显著大于雅安点;高密度的透光率最低;B2的透光率较高;(2)水稻基部节间的长度、粗度、比茎重及抗倒伏特性在不同品种、栽培地点和种植密度间也有一定差异。雅安点基部二节节长、基部三节各节粗大于西昌点,但比茎重显著低于西昌;两地基部三节的茎粗、比茎重和秆型指数均随密度的增大而减小。两籼稻品种的比茎重和秆型指数均大于两粳型品种,杂交种大于常规种。西昌点基部节节间的折断弯矩(M)均极显著的大于雅安,特别是两粳稻品种,两地M值均随栽插密度的增大而减小,两粳品种的M大于两籼稻品种;西昌点基部三节节间的弯曲力矩(WP)值均极显著的小于雅安点,雅安基部三节节间WP随栽插密度的增大均先增大后减小,而西昌基部三节节间WP均随栽插密度的增大而减小,两杂交品种的WP大于两常规品种;雅安点基部三节的倒伏指数均极显著的大于西昌点,雅安点基部三节各节间L工均随栽插密度的增大而增大,西昌基部基部一节的LI差异不显著,西昌基部二、三节各节间的LI随栽插密度的增大,均先增大后减小,雅安两粳稻品种的LI较低(尤其是B3),西昌点两杂交稻的LI较低。(3)栽培地点和种植密度对各品种的分蘖成穗、源库关系和物质的积累与运转也有一定影响。最高苗数、颖花量西昌点高于雅安点;两地的最高苗和颖花量均随栽插密度增大而增多。西昌点穗前LA工大于雅安,但穗后下降快;两地的LA工均随密度增大而提高。抽穗期粒叶比西昌与雅安差异不显著,成熟期西昌显著高于雅安;雅安三个密度间粒叶比相差不显著,西昌点的粒叶比随着密度的增加而提高;从总体上看,两个籼稻品种的粒叶比大于两个粳稻品种,特别是雅安。西昌干物质积累量极显著大于雅安,干物质积累量随着栽插密度的增大而增大,栽插密度对雅安干物质积累的影响大于西昌;干物质积累量在地点间的差异杂交种大于常规种,籼稻大于粳稻,常规种和粳稻的稳定性更高。叶片的干物质分配率雅安点高于西昌点,籼稻品种低于粳稻品种,两地各品种有随密度增加而减小的趋势,特别是穗前,而茎鞘的干物质分配率则相反。叶、茎鞘的物质输出与转换率雅安高于西昌,随栽插密度的增大而先增大后减小,两常规种大于两杂交种。(4)水稻的产量在不同栽培地点、种植密度和品种类型间也较大差异。雅安点的有效穗数和千粒重小于西昌点,穗粒数大于西昌点;杂交种的穗粒数和千粒重高于常规种,西昌点杂交种的结实度低于常规种;随着密度的增加,有效穗增多,穗粒数下降。各品种的产量西昌均高于雅安,特别是两个常规种;密度对各品种的产量均有影响,总体两点均以中高密度产量较高。

【Abstract】 With four rice varieties (Hybrid indica Jinyou 527, Conventional indica Cangmi O11, Hybrid Japonica 9you 418, Conventional Japonica Hexi39) as materials, in the low altitude region Ya’an (600m), high altitude region Xichang (1590m). Studies were conducted on the effect of different transplanting density to morphological characteristics and the population quality of different rice varieties in different ecological zones. The results were as follows:(1) Not only in the form of rice leaves are different in varieties, but also because of cultural sites and planting density varies. Leaf length, leaf width, leaf length to width ratio, were greater in Yaan than in Xichang; The leaf length and leaf width of the upper three leaves in the two places,with the increase of planting density smaller and smaller; Two indica rice cultivars upper leaf (Leaf fall 1,2) aspect ratio were less than two japonica rice; Yaan’s specific leaf weight of the sparse level, bigger before heading and then decreased rapidly after heading. In Xichang, sparse’s specific leaf weight was greater than dense’s in the whole growth period;Two locations of flag leaf base angle, reduced with the increase of planting density, The upper three leaves Opening angle of Yaan also decreased with increasing density, while difference was not significant in different densities in Xichang;. The upper part of the two indica rice varieties clover leaf base angle and opening angle are greater in Yaan than in Xichang, while the opposite trend of the two japonica rice varieties. All varieties of pillows from the upper leaf clover was significantly greater in Yaan than in Xichang. Flag leaf and two leaves were loose degree decreases with increasing density in the two locations, the upper three leaves are loose degree in Yaan than in Xichang, especially in indica varieties. The height was significantly higher in Yaan than in Xichang, and in particular the two indica rice varieties, both plant height increased with planting density increases. The results suggest that indica varieties cultivated in different plant type, significant difference between locations, japonica rice plant type of environmental effect is relatively smallAs a result of treatments in different plant type, the field of light transmission rates are different. Overall, the handle 40cm-100cm light rejection in Xichang was significantly higher than in Yaan,the highest-density had the minimum transmittance; B2 had highest light transmittance.(2) Rice Basal length, diameter, stem weight ratio and lodging properties in different species, planting location and plant density there was a difference between. In Yaan the base of the two keeps the length of the base diameter of three sections than Xichang point, but stem weight ratio was significantly lower than the Xichang; Two sites of the three basal stem diameter, stem weight and stem-type than the index with the density increases.Two indica rice cultivars than stem weight and stem-based index of greater than two Japonica varieties, greater than the conventional hybrid species.Xichang base steadily between the break point moments (M) were significantly larger than Yaan, especially the two Japonica rice varieties, Two places’M-values increased with planting density decreases, the two japonica varieties of M is greater than the two indica rice varieties; Xichang base point among the three steadily bending moment (WP) values were significantly smaller than Yaan point, Yaan the base of the three inter-WP steadily increased with planting density were then decreased, while the Xichang base steadily between the three WP increased with the increase of planting density decreased, the two hybrids of WP than two conventional varieties; In Yaan,the base of the three of lodging index were significantly greater than the Xichang point, Yaan point between the base of three sections with LI are the increase of planting density, the base of a base in Xichang of LI was not significant, Xichang base 2,3 LI between sections with increasing planting density, were then decreased, In Yaan, two japonica rice varieties (especially B3) LI were lower, while two hybrid rice point lower LI in Xichang.(3) Planting location and plant density on the varieties of tillers, source-sink relations and material accumulation and the operation also have some impact. The highest tillers, spikelets in Xichang points higher than in Yaan point; The highest seedling and spikelets in two locations were increased with planting density increasing. LAI before heading is greater in Xichang than in Yaan, but after heading down faster in Xichang; LAI in two places are increased with the density increased. Grain-leaf ratio of the two sites, the difference was not significant in the heading,Xichang’s grain-leaf ratio significantly higher than Yaan’s in the mature stage; Yaan’s grain-leaf ratio between the difference in the three density was not significant,Xichang’s leaf ratio increased as the density increases; Overall, the two indica rice varieties of grain-leaf ratio is greater than the two rice varieties, especially Yaan.Xichang dry matter accumulation was significantly greater than Yaan, Dry matter accumulation is increased with the increase of planting density,planting density on dry matter accumulation of more in Yaan than in Xichang; Dry matter accumulation in the difference between locations, hybrids are greater than conventional varieties,Indica rice varieties are greater than japonica rice,conventional varieties and japonica rice varieties more stable. On leaf dry matter distribution ratio, in Yaan higher than in Xichang,Indica varieties are lower than japonica rice, Leaf, stem and sheath material output and conversion rates, higher in Yaan than in Xichang, with the increase of planting density first increases and then decreases, the two conventional varieties are more than two hybrids.(4) Rice production has a greater difference between different cultural locations, planting density and variety of types. Yaan point panicles and grain weight Xichang points less than the number of grains larger than Xichang point; Hybrid grain number and grain weight higher than conventional types, Xichang hybrid seed points lower than the conventional kind of degree; As the density increases, effective ear increased,while the number of grains decreased. Production of all varieties were higher in Xichang than in Yaan, especially the two conventional species; Production of all varieties were affected by density; In general, the density and high density have a higher yield in two locations.

  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】181

