

Research on Plant Composition and Importance of Plant Landscape in Typical Agritainment, Chengdu

【作者】 孟长来

【导师】 李梅; 费世民;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以成都市三圣乡“五朵金花”、郫县农科村和成都市北湖公园的农家乐为研究对象,运用生态学、社会学、旅游学和统计学的基本原理和方法,对其进行植物组成数量和特征的研究,并对农家乐游客进行植物景观重要程度的问卷调查,分析不同属性人群对植物景观环境的需求程度。主要研究结果如下:(1)成都市典型农家乐植物群落中应用的乔木种类有56种,灌木种类83种,草本种类有118种,共计257种,91科184属。出现植物种类较多的科(≥7种)有蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科、木犀科,出现频率较高的乔木有天竺桂、桂花、枇杷、黄葛树等,出现频率较高的灌木有山茶、红檵木、杜鹃、棕竹、八角金盘等,出现频率较高的草本植物有繁缕、黄鹌菜、荠菜、鼠麴草、碎米荠、沿阶草等。从群落外貌上看,三圣乡“五朵金花”和郫县农科村形成了常绿阔叶种与落叶阔叶种相间的外貌特征,而成都北湖公园则是常绿阔叶的外貌特征。(2)成都市典型农家乐平均配置乔木5.1±2.47(N=60)种。北湖公园每户农家乐平均配置乔木5.25±2.34(N=12)种,农科村农家乐平均配置乔木4.65±2.3(N=20)种,三圣乡农家乐平均配置乔木5.36±2.68(N=28)种。超过50%的乔木树种为三区域共有或两区域共有。农家乐平均配置灌木8.77±3.41(N=60)种。北湖公园每户农家乐平均配置灌木7.83±4.13(N=12)种,农科村农家乐平均配置灌木10.25±2.69(N=20)种,三圣乡农家乐平均配置灌木8.11±3.29(N=28)种。超过55%的灌木树种为三区域共有或两区域共有。农家乐平均拥有草本11.83±6.75(N=60)种。北湖公园每户农家乐草本种类平均为13.92±10.05(N=12)种,农科村农家乐草本种类为9.7±3.61(N=20)种,三圣乡农家乐草本种类平均为12.46±6.59(N=28)种。超过58%的草本为三区域共有或两区域共有。结果表明成都市农家乐物种组成有较强的相似性,不同景区间植物组成差异不明显,均质化现象明显,植物景观特色不鲜明。(3)运用AHP法对445份问卷分析处理,计算出游客对农家乐旅游六大影响因素的权重赋值,各影响因素权重从高到低的排序为:卫生条件>服务质量>植物景观>风味餐饮>交通条件>娱乐活动,表明植物景观是影响农家乐旅游的比较重要的因素。通过相关性分析表明,植物景观与游客客体特征(性别、年龄、教育程度等)没有显著相关性。从年龄层次上看,青少年(18岁以下)游客和中老年(46岁以上)游客对植物景观的需求最高。从性别上看,男性游客对植物景观的要求高于女性。从月收入水平上看,月收入在4000-5000元的游客对植物景观的需求高。从受教育程度看,受教育程度高的游客对植物景观比较重视。从人均日消费水平上看,当人均日消费水平在100元以下时,消费水平和植物景观的重视程度呈正相关。若提高植物景观配置水平,超过90%的游客都愿意提高消费比例。

【Abstract】 This article based on three farmhouse tourism sceneries-"five golden flowers" in Sansheng County, agricultural villages in Pi County, North Lake Park in Chengdu, using principles and methods of ecology, sociology, tourism science and basic statistics, expored the plant community character and homogenization, investigated the importance of plant landscape by surveying the visitors in order to detect the requirement of different populations for the plant landscape. We found:(1)The typical plant species in agritainment farmhouse in Chengdu contain 56 tree species,83 shrub species and118 herbaceous species, summed up 257 species which belongs to 184 genus and 91 families. The most species (≥7 species) in three plots belongs to Rosaceae, Compositae, Gramineae and Oleaceae. The trees with higher occurence frequency are Cinnamomum japonica, Osmanthus fragrans, Eriobotrya japonica, Ficus viren; high frequency shrubs are Camellia japomica, Loropetalum chinense, Rhododendron sp., Rhapis excelsa, Fatsia japonica; the high frequency herbs are Stellariamedia sp., Youngia japonica, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Gnaphalium affine, Cardamine hirsute, Ophiopogon bodinieri etc..(2) There were mean 5.1±2.47 (N=60) species of configuration tree in Chengdu typical farmhouse and 5.25±2.34 (N=12),4.65±2.3 (N=20),5.36±2.68 (N=28) species respectively in North Lake Park in Chengdu, agricultural villages in Pi County, "five golden flowers" in Sansheng County. More than 50% of tree species were shared by three plots or two sites. There were mean 8.77±3.41 (N=60) species of configuration shrub in Chengdu typical farmhouse and respectively 7.83±4.13 (N=12),10.25±2.69 (N=20), 8.11±3.29 (N=28)species in North Lake Park in Chengdu, agricultural villages in Pi County and "five golden flowers" in Sansheng County. More than 55% of tree species were shared by three plots or two sites.There were mean 11.83±6.75 (N=60) species of configuration shrub in Chengdu typical farmhouse and respectively 13.92±10.05 (N=12), 9.7±3.61 (N=20),12.46±6.59(N=28) species in North Lake Park in Chengdu, agricultural villages in Pi County and "five golden flowers" in Sansheng County. More than 58% of tree species were shared by three plots or two sites. The result showed that the plant composition is highly similiar which indicated that there is strong homogenization phenomenon in plant landscape.(3) Using AHP method, we analyzed 445 questionnaires and calculated the weight assignment of six factors which had important impact on the Agritainment Tour. The order of the weight of factors are:health condition> service quality> landscape plant> flavor dining> transportation> entertainment, suggest that health condition is the most significant factor affected agritainment. Through correlation analysis showed there were no significant relationships between the plant landscape and tourist characteristics (gender, age, education, etc.). Looking from the age point of view, adolescents (18 years of age) and older tourists (46 years) demand more strong for landscape plants, middle-aged (18-45 years old) demand less for the plant landscape. Looking from the gender point of view, male tourists demanded more than female.visitors to the requirements of landscape plants than women. Looking from the monthly income point of view, tourists with monthly income between 4,000-5,000 yuan demanded more for landscape plants. Viewing from the level of education, highly educated visitors make more emphasis on landscape plants. Viewing from Per capita daily consumption, the consumption level and attention to landscape plants is significantly positively related to per capita daily consumption level when the per capita daily consumption level were below100 yuan, but not significantly when more than 100 yuan/day. Over 90% of the proportion of visitors expressed wills to increase consumption when the landscape plant configurations were improved.

  • 【分类号】S731.7;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】268

