

Design and Realization of Testing Soil for Formulated Fertilization Information System Based on ComGIS in Hills Area in Sichuan

【作者】 钟文挺

【导师】 邓良基; 张世熔;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究在对研究区域进行地形地貌分析、耕地土壤肥力综合评价的基础上,运用面向对象的系统开发方法、组件式地理信息系统技术(ComGIS)和关系数据库技术,把图形管理系统和数据管理系统有机地联系起来,在VisualBasic6.0环境下开发出针对四川丘陵区地形地貌及土壤特征的测土配方施肥信息系统。系统实现了基本地图操作、土地信息查询、地形地貌分析、土壤肥力评价、施肥方案推荐、最优施肥量计算及可视化输出等功能,为安县土壤施肥与管理提供了依据和技术支撑,同时也为我国西南部低山丘陵区的县级测土配方施肥信息系统的设计与实现提供借鉴。研究结果如下:1.研究分析了现阶段测土配方施肥技术研究概况及国内外推荐施肥系统的开发情况,根据研究区域的实际条件与用户需要,结合测土配方施肥技术的要求,对系统的功能、性能、可靠性、可用性、数据分类、数据特点及数据量估算等进行了需求分析,并在此基础上进行了系统总体框架结构设计与系统功能设计。系统的总体框架结构由数据库、模型算法、辅助决策、人机界面、功能模块等构成。系统功能设计包括图层输入输出模块、数据浏览模块、数据查询模块、数据分析结果展示模块、推荐施肥模块。2.在系统总体框架结构设计的基础上设计并构建了系统数据库,由空间数据库和属性数据库组成。系统的空间数据库包括基础地理信息、土地利用、土壤类型、采样点、土壤养分、遥感影像、数字高程影像、三维虚拟信息等数据。属性数据库包括两方面的属性数据,一方面是用来精确描述空间数据的名称、类型、长度、精度、取值范围等属性信息的,其数据结构表设计统一按照数据分类编码与数据字典的要求对各个数据项以字段名称、字段类型、字段长度、小数位数等属性来构建;另一方面是用来提供施肥参数,包括各乡镇肥料使用情况、农业生产基本信息、田间试验数据等测土配方施肥的基础资料,用以施肥模型库的建立。在系统数据库设计的基础上,完成了地理空间数据库、属性数据库以及施肥模型数据库的构建。其中,地理空间数据库主要通过以数字化地图建立拓扑关系的形式来构建;属性数据库采用Microsoft Access2003数据库管理软件进行建库工作;施肥模型库是由与精准施肥有关的数学模型知识所组成,包括模型的适用范围、使用方法、系数、计算规则、变量含义等知识,主要应用养分平衡法来构建。空间数据与属性数据的连接,主要通过一个共同的Code字段(关键字段)关联项来连接。3.在比较各种GIS信息系统开发模式的基础上,本研究运用可视化开发语言Visual Basic6.0和GIS二次开发MapObject 2.3组件,构建了测土配方施肥信息系统。这种组件式GIS开发方式,具有功能强大、开发简捷、小巧灵活、价格便宜等优点,把图形管理系统和数据管理系统有机地联系起来,从而克服图形系统与数据库各自的局限性,使两者优势互补并增强了应用性,基本实现了用户直观、简捷地对测土配方施肥信息的获取、查询、分析、咨询等要求。在建立人机交互界面的过程中,没有直接使用Visual Basic6.0自带的用户界面设计工具,而选用操作更加简捷、集成度更高的Data Dynamics公司开发的一款专门设计用户界面的ActiveX控件——ActiveBar,使系统具有更加友好、方便的用户界面。4.研究区域耕地土壤肥力质量随地形地貌变化明显,以永安、安昌、睢水等乡镇为界线,耕地土壤肥力较高的区域分布在其东南丘陵、平原区,其西北低、中山区耕地土壤肥力随着海拔的增高逐渐降低。针对研究区域的地形地貌特点,综合考虑了地形地貌、耕地利用类型和土壤养分三者的关系,根据采样点数据,采用地统计学、空间插值对研究区域耕地土壤肥力质量进行了评价,较好的反映耕地土壤肥力质量的空间分布状况,土壤肥力的真实情况,并在此基础上确定了施肥方案,提高推荐施肥的精确性及可靠性。

【Abstract】 On the base of topography analysis and soil characteristics evaluation in hills area in Sichuan,using object-oriented system development method,component-based GIS technology of MapObjects and relational database technology, this paper organically linked graphics and data management system, completed development and integration of testing soil for formulated fertilization information system in County An in VisualBasic6.0. The system achieved the functions as basic map handling, land information query, topography analysis, soil fertility evaluation, recommendation of the program of fertilization, optimal calculation of fertilization and visual display of results, to provide foundation and technical support for fertilization and soil management in County An, simultaneously, to provide reference for development and realization of testing soil for formulated fertilization County information system in hills area in southwest China. The results are as follows:1.This research analyzed the current fertilization technology overview and the fertilizer recommendation system development at home and abroad.According to study of the actual conditions and user needs, this paper combined with soil testing and fertilizer technology requirements, analyzed the needs of the functionality of the system, performance, reliability, availability, data classification, data characteristics and estimate the amount of data needs analysis, etc and designed the general framework of the system and functional on this basis. The general framework build up with the system from the database, model algorithms, decision support, human-machine interface, functional modules. The function of system includes input and output module layer, data browsing module, data query module, data analysis results show module, fertilizer recommendation modules.2. Based on the general framework of the system design,this paper build the system database, including the spatial database and attribute database. Spatial database system included the basic geographic information, land use, soil type, sampling sites, soil nutrients, remote sensing, digital elevation image, three-dimensional virtual information data. The attribute database included two aspects of attribute data, one was to accurately describe the spatial data, name, type, length, precision, the scope of property value information, the data structure was according to the requirements of classification and coding of the date and the data dictionary, designed on each data item in field names, field types, field length, number of decimal places to build such property; on the other hand was used to provide the parameters of fertilization, including the fertilizer use of the towns, the basic information of the agricultural production, the basic data of field test data fertilization for the fertilization of library establishment. Based on the system database design, the paper completed the geospatial database, the attribute database, and the fertilizer model database. Among them, the geospatial database, was mainly through a digital map to establish topological relations in the form of construction; the property database used Microsoft Access2003 database management software to establish; the fertilization model library was established with the precise fertilization-related mathematical model knowledge, including the model scope of application, use, coefficient, calculation rules, the variable meaning of such knowledge, the main application was established with the nutrient balance method. The connection of the spatial data and attribute data, was mainly through a common Code field (keyword above) to connect related items.3.ON the base of compared the various GIS information system development model, this study used the visual development language of Visual Basic6.0 and the secondary development of MapObject 2.3 GIS components, constructed the fertilization information systems. This development mode of the component GIS, has many advantages of powerful, developing simple, small and flexible, low cost and organically linked the graphical management systems and the data management system, to overcome their own limitations so that the two were complementary of the basic realization and enhanced the application of the user intuitive, basicly realized access, query, analysis, consulting and other requirements from the information on soil testing and fertilizer. In the process of establishing human-machine interface, this study didn’t use the interface design tool of Visual Basic6.0, but choosed the ActiveBar. It was a specially designed user interface of the ActiveX control, more simple, more integrated, developed by the Data Dynamics, made the user interface of the system more friendly, more convenient.4.The soil fertility in the quality of the study area changed significantly with the topography, taked Yong’an Anchang, Suishui as boundaries, the higher soil fertility was in the southeast hills, plains region, in the northwest, the fertility decreases with the increasing altitude of the low, middle mountain land. For the topographical features of the study area, comprehensived the consideration of the terrain, the cultivated land use types and the relationship between the three soil nutrients, according to the data sampling points, using the geostatistics, the spatial interpolation, evaluated the study area by the quality of soil fertility, reflected the quality of the spatial distribution of soil fertility status, the soil fertility of the real situation and determined, and fixed the fertilization program on this basis, improved the accuracy and reliability of the recommended fertilization.

【关键词】 VBMapObjectsGISActiveBar测土配方施肥
【Key words】 VBMapObjectsGISActiveBarTesting soil for formulated fertilization
  • 【分类号】S147.2;S126
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】230

