

Studies on High Yield and Quality & Security and Integration Technology of Sweet Cherry

【作者】 陈洪强

【导师】 吕秀兰;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 果树学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以四川省汉源县清溪乡富民村7年生“红灯”甜樱桃为材料,从基肥种类配比和施入方式,追肥配比及种类,生长调节剂与修剪方式结合促花,生长调节剂调控花果坐果率、果实品质、果实成熟期,人工授粉试验、病虫害无公害防治及经济效益等方面进行了研究与应用示范,创造性的提出了甜樱桃安全优质丰产集成技术。其研究结果如下:1、穴贮膜+地膜覆盖配方施肥的效果(1)7年生树以株施干鸡粪3.75Kg+1.5Kg过磷酸钙+1Kg尿素为基肥,通过穴贮膜+地膜覆盖施入,萌芽期比对照提前了2-5天,盛花期比对照提前了3-6天,每亩可减少灌水1-3次,节约灌水4125Kg,节水达51%,每亩节约用肥成本60元,节肥23.1%,裂果率小于5%。(2)在株施干鸡粪3.75Kg+1.5Kg过磷酸钙+1Kg尿素为基肥,通过穴贮膜+地膜覆盖,追肥采用萌芽肥株施高N复合肥1.5Kg+果实膨大期肥株施高K复合肥1.25Kg效果最好,平均花序座果率高达71.6%,平均单果重达11.5g、TSS达17.9%;而萌芽肥株施尿素0.5Kg+果实膨大期肥株施杨康生物肥1 Kg效果最差,平均花序座果率比萌芽肥株施高N复合肥1.5Kg+果实膨大期肥株施高K复合肥1.25Kg高出20.9%,平均单果重高出2.9g、TSS高出1.5个百分点,有机酸与Vc差异不显著。2、生长调节剂对座果率与果实品质的影响(1)不同生长调节剂处理对甜樱桃坐果率有较大影响。初花期喷施生长调节剂的所有处理结果均显著高于对照,其中30mg/L GA3+20mg/L 6-BA +10mg/L PCPA后的甜樱桃座果率极显著高于其它处理,比自然座果率高出28.1%,比喷施PBO分别高出24.8%、18.4%、24.2%;其次是20mg/L GA3+20mg/L 6-BA +30mg/L PCPA、30mg/L GA3 +10mg/L 6-BA +30mg/L PCPA处理极显著高于其它处理,但二者差异不显著,20mg/L GA3 +20mg/L 6-BA +30mg/L PCPA、30mg/L GA3 +10mg/L 6-BA +30mg/L PCPA比自然座果率分别高出24.3%、21.7%。说明20-30 mg/L赤霉素配上10-20mg/L 6-BA均能显著提高座果率。果树促控剂PBO以250倍效果最好,比自然座果率高出8.2%。(2)GA3在甜樱桃开花期应用能够显著提高果实的品质和增大单果重,同时能够使采收期相对集中。10mg/LGA3在花后10d、20d喷施两次单果重比对照增大0.80g,可溶性固形物比对照提高2.13%,糖含量比对照提高1.01g/100g,酸含量比对照降低0.114g/100g。对照成熟期持续13d左右;GA3处理成熟期持续6d左右,成熟期集中在花后54-57d,80%左右的果实集中在2-3d成熟,采收期集中在3-4d。3、新稍40-50cm摘心配合五月下旬至六月上旬连续喷两次500mg/L的15%PP333能使新梢花芽形成率达到47.8%,有效促使花芽形成。4、首次发现中国樱桃-汉源白樱桃可作为‘红灯’优良授粉品种。其效果还优于甜樱桃不同品种间的授粉结果。这一发现可解决甜樱桃生产上因授粉树不足而带来授粉花粉不足的问题。从而丰富了甜樱桃育种种质资源,对指导甜樱桃生产和新品种选育具有重要的实践指导意义和理论价值。中国樱桃-汉源白樱桃与其它授粉品种均表现出极显著的差异,其花序座果率可高达70%以上,花朵座果率也在40%以上;其次是巨红,花序座果率也在60%以上;最差的是红艳,花朵坐果率只有17.1%。5、在病虫害无公害防治方面,采用物理防治与生物防治相结合的方法,在甜樱桃果实发育阶段不喷施任何人工合成的农药,经农业部食品质量安全监督检验测试中心测试,产品质量符合NY 5112-2005无公害食品标准。6、甜樱桃安全优质丰产集成技术应用示范(1)标准化实施甜樱桃安全优质丰产集成技术,萌芽期比对照地提前3-4天,盛花期也提前3-5天,成熟期提前3-4天,平均花序座果率达69.1-72.3%,高出对照18.7%,平均株产量较对照增加53.6%,单果重较对照增加19.1%,TSS较对照增加17.8%、有机酸含量略低于对照,Vc含量与对照无显著差异。平均亩产经济效益能提高1.66万元。充分说明了实施甜樱桃安全优质丰产集成技术对促进地方农业经济发展、促进农民增收具有巨大作用。(2)2009年邀请省内为专家对甜樱桃安全优质丰产集成技术进行了成果鉴定,认为该技术针对性强,试验设计科学,技术路线合理,数据翔实,研究结果可信,对四川西部山地高海拔干旱、半干旱生态区甜樱桃生产具有重要的理论和实践指导意义,同时进行了科学技术成果登记。

【Abstract】 The experiment researches and demonstrates application of the 7-years "Hongdeng" sweet cherry in Fumin village of Qingxi country in Hanyuan county of Sichuan province, from aspects of species and mixing ratio of basic fertilizer, mixing ratio and species of additional fertilizer, promoting blossom by growth regulator and pruning pattern, regulating fruit-setting rate of flower and fruit by growth regulator, fruit quality, mature stage of fruit, artificial pollination experiment, pest and disease pollution-free control, economic benefit and so on, and creatively proposes the integrated technology for safety, good quality and high yield of sweet cherry. The research results are as follows:1. Effect of formulated fertilization of circular furrows cave storing fertilizer and waterplus plastic film mulching(1) 3.75 Kg of dried chicken manure,1.5 Kg of superphosphate and 1 Kg of urea used as basic fertilizer were applied to plants of the 7-years tree by circular furrows cave storing fertilizer and water plus plastic film mulching; thereby, the embryonic stage was 2-5 days earlier than that of the contrast, the full-bloom stage was 3-6 days earlier than that of the contrast; irrigation times per mu could be reduced by 1-3; 4125 Kg of water can be saved, which was up to 51%; fertilizer cost per mu could be reduced by 60 yuan,23.1% of fertilizer could be saved, opening rate of fruit was less than 5%.(2) 3.75 Kg of dried chicken manure,1.5 Kg of superphosphate and 1 Kg of urea used as basic fertilizer were applied to plants by circular furrows cave storing fertilizer and water plus plastic film mulching; the best effect of after fertilizer was to apply 1.5 Kg of high-nitrogen composite fertilizer to budding fertile plant and high-potassium composite fertilizer to fertile plant in fruit swelling period, the average inflorescence fruit-setting rate was up to 71.6%, the average weight of single fruit was up to 11.5 Kg, TSS was up to 17.9%; the worst effect was to apply 0.5 Kg of urea to budding fertile plant and 1 Kg of Yangkang biological fertilizer to the fertile plant in fruit swelling period, average inflorescence fruit-setting rate was 20.9% higher than that of applying 1.5 Kg of high-nitrogen composite fertilizer to budding fertile plant and 1.25 Kg of high-potassium composite fertilizer to the fertile plant in fruit swelling period, the average weight of single fruit was 2.9 Kg higher, TSS was 1.5 percentages higher, and difference between organic acid and Vc was unremarkable.2. Influence of growth regulator on fruit-setting rate and fruit quality(1) Fruit-setting rate of sweet cherry was affected greatly by being processed with different growth regulators. All results of spraying growth regulator in initial bloom stage were higher than the contrast remarkably, in which fruit-setting rates of sweet cherries sprayed with 30 mg/L GA3,20 mg/L 6-BA and 10 mg/L PCPA were remarkably higher than that of other processing,28.1% higher than natural fruit-setting rate, and 24.8%, 18.4% and 24.2% higher than that of the sweet cherry sprayed with PBO, respectively; fruit-setting rates of sweet cherry sprayed with 20 mg/L GA3,20 mg/L 6-BA and 30 mg/L PCPA, and sweet cherry sprayed with 30 mg/L GA3,10 mg/L 6-BA and 30 mg/L PCPA were remarkably higher than that of other processing, but the difference was unremarkable; fruit-setting rates of sweet cherry sprayed with 20 mg/L GA3,20 mg/L 6-BA and 30 mg/L PCPA, and that sprayed with 30 mg/L GA3,10 mg/L 6-BA and 30 mg/L PCPA were 24.3% and 21.7% higher than the natural fruit-setting rate, respectively. It illustrates that 20-30 mg/L gibberellin and 10-20 mg/L 6-BA can improve the fruit-setting rate remarkably. Effect of 250-fold PBO is the best, which is 8.2% higher than the natural fruit-setting rate.(2) Application of GA3 in blooming stage of sweet cherry could remarkably improve fruit quality and increase weight of single fruit, and relatively concentrate collection periods. In comparison with the contrast, spraying 10 mg/L GA3 at the 10th and the 20th day after blossom can increase weight of single fruit by 0.80 g, increase soluble solid by 2.13%, increase sugar content by 1.01 g/100 g, decrease acid content by 0.114 g/100 g. Mature stage of the contrast lasted for about 13 days; mature stage after GA3 processing lasted for about 6 days. The mature stage was concentrated within 54-57 days after blossom. About 80% of fruits matured within 2-3 days intensively; and the collection period was within 3-4 days.3.Blossom bud forming rate of 40-50cm fresh treetop was up to 47.8% after being continuously sprayed with 15% PP333 of 500 mg/L twice at late May and early June and top removal, so formation of blossom bud was promoted effectively. 4.1t primarily finds that Chinese cherry—Hanyuan white cherry can be used as excellent pollinated variety of’Hongdeng’. Effect of the white cherry is better than result of pollination among different species of sweet cherry. This finding can solve the problem that pollination pollen is insufficient because the pollination tree is insufficient in sweet cherry production. Thereby breeding germ plasm resource of sweet cherry is enriched, which is theoretically and practically important to and theoretically valuable to direct sweet cherry production and new species breeding. Chinese cherry—Hanyuan white cherry is remarkably different from other pollinated varieties, the inflorescence fruit-setting rate thereof is more than 70%, blossom fruit-setting rate is more than 40%; the second is Juhong sweet cherry, inflorescence fruit-setting rate of which is more than 60%; the worst is Hongyan sweet cherry, inflorescence fruit-setting rate of which is 17.1%.5.In the aspect of pest and disease pollution-free control, physical control and biological control were combined. Any artificially synthesized pesticide was not sprayed to sweet cherry in fruit growing period. Tested by food quality supervision, inspection and testing centre of Chinese ministry of agriculture, the product quality accorded with NY 5112-2005 pollution-free food standard.6.Application demonstration of integrated technology for safety, good quality and high yield of sweet cherry.(1) A standard integrated technology for safety, good quality and high yield of sweet cherry was performed, therefore embryonic stage was 3-4 days earlier than that of the contrast, full-blossom stage was 3-5 days earlier, the mature stage was 3-4 days earlier; the average inflorescence fruit-setting rate was up to 69.1-72.3%, which was 18.7% higher than that of the contrast; the average yield per plant was 53.6% higher than that of the contrast, the weight of single fruit was 19.1% higher than that of the contrast, the TSS was 17.8% higher than that of the contrast, the organic acid content was slightly lower than that of the contrast, difference between the Vc content and that of the contrast was unremarkable. The average economic benefit per mu could be increased by 16600 yuan. It fully illustrates that the integrated technology for safety, good quality and high yield of sweet cherry plays a huge role in promoting the development of local agricultural economy and income increase of peasant. (2) In 2009, achievements of the integrated technology for safety, good quality and high yield of sweet cherry were appraised by experts of Sichuan province. It is believed that the technology is of strong pertinence, scientific experiment design, reasonable technology roadmap, accurate data and credible research result, and is theoretically and practically important to sweet cherry production in high-altitude arid, semi-arid ecological region in western mountains of Sichuan province. Meanwhile, scientific and technological achievements thereof were registered.

【关键词】 甜樱桃安全优质丰产集成技术
【Key words】 Sweet CherrySecurityFine qualityHigh yieldIntegrate technology

