

【作者】 宋红豆

【导师】 宫少朋;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年对于尼泊尔人民来说是不平凡的一年。是年,普拉长达领导的尼共(毛主义)获得尼泊尔大选胜利,废除了君主制,建立联邦民主共和国,使尼泊尔成为世界上最年轻的共和国。纵观尼泊尔的历史,美、苏、印、中等大国或为了争夺势力范围,或为了确保自身的地缘战略利益,都通过不同方式参与到尼泊尔的发展过程当中,而尼泊尔则通过平衡大国间的关系来保持自身的主权独立。二十世纪七十年代,已成为经济强国的日本也加入进来,以向尼泊尔提供官方发展援助的方式,不断增强在尼泊尔和南亚的影响力。日尼双边关系成为尼泊尔对外关系中的重要一环。那么,对于尼泊尔这样一个远离日本且主要受到印度和中国影响的小国,日本是如何培植两国关系的?日本与尼泊尔的双边关系经历了怎样的发展历程?是什么使得相距甚远的两国走到了一起,双方又存在着哪些分歧?日本对尼泊尔的经济援助对尼泊尔国内的和平进程和经济发展起到多大的作用?日本在尼泊尔的战略意图是什么?本文将尝试着对这些问题做出解答。本文主要是通过分析尼泊尔与日本的关系,讨论日本的亚洲政策及其成效。文章力图通过经济关系分析政治问题。文中通过分析日本对尼泊尔的海外发展援助项目的发展变化,来考察该项目对日本与尼泊尔两国关系的重要影响以及日本经济外交内容和方式的变化。同时本文还对尼泊尔国内的局势进行讨论,并对日本的经济援助在重建尼泊尔国内和平与稳定过程中所能起到的作用进行分析。在文章的结论部分将对新上台的民主党政府的亚洲政策及其对尼日关系的影响等做出分析。

【Abstract】 The year of 2008 was a remarkable one in Nepalese history. In this year, the new democratic government led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) had been established while the 240-year long monarchy had been abolished. Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal became the world’s youngest republic. Looking through Nepal’s history, we can find out that the United States, the Soviet Union, India, China and other powers had showed their interests in Nepal and had made many efforts to hold their influence on Nepal by providing economic assistance or other ways. Nepal therefore could take advantage of balancing the powers to protect its independence and sovereignty. Japan joined in from 1970s on. At that time, Japan has become an economic power and constantly enhanced its influence in Nepal and South Asia through providing official development assistance. Nepal- Japan bilateral relations became a very important part in Nepal’s foreign relations.Those important parts constituted Nepal-Japan bilateral relations including the history of communication between Nepal and Japan, Japan’s Official Development Assistance to Nepal and Japan’s involving in Nepal peace process are discussing in this article. All the materials had been analyzed through historical and eco-political analytical approaches. The major parts of this paper were used to discuss the political situation in Nepal and the role of Japan’s economic assistance in rebuilding peace and stability in Nepal. Japan’s Asia policy and its effectiveness were also considered by analyzing changes and developments in Japan’s ODA policy to Nepal and Japan’s performance in UNMIN.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】D735.5;D831.3
  • 【下载频次】88

