

【作者】 苏婉妮

【导师】 苏浩;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 外交学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 冷战期间,东南亚地区因美苏两大阵营意识形态的激烈竞争而受影响。美苏为首两大军事集团的竞争,共产主义的扩张以及东南亚国家之间领土的争端都是当时东南亚国家安全的威胁。东南亚国家致力于参与和建立区域组织以防止外部威胁以及解决各国纠纷和争端,如东南亚条约组织(1954年),东南亚协会(1961年)和马菲印多(1963年)。然而,因东南亚国家的参与的区域组织并它们之间还存在着相互不信任而瓦解。后来于1967年东南亚国家联盟或东盟正式成立。这些区域组织的形成使东南亚东南亚国家进入一体化进程的初级阶段。东盟经历了40多年的从冷战时期的政治上的初步一体化到冷战后的经济一体化道路,使得东盟一体化进程经受了考验,东盟在国际舞台和地区事务中发挥着越来越积极的作用。应对东盟的一体化进程,中国从冷战时期到冷战后持有不同的态度与立场,即从敌对态度转化为友好合作伙伴。正在建构共同体的东盟需要中国的经济快速增长,中国在东盟一体化进程中是个重要的推动者,将对东盟一体化进程发挥积极作用。可以说,中国与东盟的友好合作将是东亚合作的重要伙伴和支柱。

【Abstract】 During the cold war era, under the strong political ideology competition of the two powers; the United States and the Soviet Union, the international environment in Southeast Asia has been unavoidable affected and become critical. Simultaneously, the influences and the expansion of Chinese communism toward the region had gradually increased the major threat of national security of Southeast Asian countries. Apart from these external threats, Southeast Asian countries had faced the internal territorial disputes and the increasing tensions. As a result, Southeast Asian countries had participated in Southeast Asia Treaty Organization or SEATO (1954); U.S-led system of anti-Communist military alliances. ASA (1961) and MAPHILINDO (1963) had been then initiated aiming to solve existing internal territorial disputes among members at that time. Due to an inadequate of mutual trust and understanding among members of ASA and MAPHILINDO, these regional organizations were eventually abolished. However, the trace of the formation of these regional organizations in Southeast Asia has showed the regional efforts and thier first step of the regional integration process.Since the establishment of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967, 40- years experience of ASEAN integration deserves attention from researchers starting political cooperation then expanding to economic integration in the post cold war. ASEAN integration process has been stronger and made ASEAN to become an important regional organization, playing an active role in regional and international affairs. As one of the successful regional organizations, ASEAN cooperation in political, economic and socio-cultural aspects have been strengthened continuously and deepened in order to build ASEAN Community successfully in the year of 2015 which is the mian objective of their integration process.For China, to some extent, the integration process of ASEAN both directly and indirectly impacts China’s foreign policy toward regional affairs. Responding to the ASEAN integration, with the difference ideology, China at first had pursued a hostile policy, but in the early of 70’s changed it policy to be more friendly and more cooperative with ASEAN. The importance of China for ASEAN integration has been growing overtime. China nowsaday is an important facilitator and plays an active role in stimulating ASEAN integration process. Moreover, the friendly and closer cooperation between China and ASEAN would be a main pillar to enhance closer and successful cooperation in East Asia in the future.

【关键词】 区域一体化东盟一体化中国
【Key words】 Regional integrationASEAN IntegrationChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】D822.3;D814.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】374

