

【作者】 刘祝君

【导师】 苏浩;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 外交学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 全球化已成为世界经济、政治发展的一大潮流,然而在全球化进程发展到一定阶段后,各个国家开始认识全球化这把双刃剑,一方面,各国享受全球化带来的福利,另一方面,人们也逐渐经受全球化所带来的弊端,尤其是发展中国家面临着全球化进程带来的巨大挑战。在这种情形下,各个国家开始有意识的建立自身区域内合作,以谋求以地区为依托,促进自身的发展。地区一体化发展因此受到很多地区国家的青睐,同时地区一体化对于南亚地区具有特殊的意义,南亚区域合作组织就是顺应这种形势而开展起来的。二十多年来,南亚区域合作发展缓慢,与其他区域合作的形式相比,成立以1985年的南亚区域合作组织还有很长的路要走,然而南亚区域地理位置显著,资源丰富,开展经济,政治等合作有利于整合区域各国的力量,调动区域内外各方的力量,促进区域内各国社会经济的发展进而带动整个南亚的发展。进入21世纪后,南亚区域合作组织既面临前所未有的机遇,也面临挑战。中国通过参与南亚区域合作有利于促进与组织内各国之间的相互了解和友谊,从而保证本区域的和平与稳定,加强我国与南盟国家的友好关系,为我国的发展创造一个良好的周边环境,这也是加快我国西部大开发,提升国家整体实力的重要途径。然而,目前的南亚区域合作并不像想象中那样富有成效,还面临不少曲折和矛盾。本文结合地区一体化相关理论,对南亚区域合作的成立,发展以及存在的问题等进行分析,并对中国在南亚区域合作中的地位,性质等进行定位,从而提供若干政策和建议。

【Abstract】 Globalization has become a trend in the development of economy and politics. However, as this trend coming to some stage,each country is becoming to realize this Double-edged sword.On the one hand, they enjoy the welfare of the globalization;on the other hand, People gradually suffer from it,especially the developing countries. under this circumstance,with the aim of boosting development, each country becomes to cooperate with each other by the support of their own region. Therefore, regional integration is favored by many countries in the region, while regional integration for the South Asian region has special significance, which is carried out follows up the situation.During the decades of development, SAARC, which founded in 1985 ,has the long way to go compared with the other regional organization. However,South Asia has the significant geography and rich resource. To carry out economic and political cooperation is conducive to integrated power countries in the region.Mobilizing the power of the parties outside the region to promote the development of countries in the region can stimulate socio-economic development of the entire South Asia.Coming to the 21st century, The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.China through the participation of South Asian regional cooperation is conducive to the promotion and organization among the mutual understanding and friendship,To ensure peace and stability in the region, China and SAARC countries must strengthen friendly relations, with the aim of creating a good surrounding environment, which is speeding up China’s western development, enhancing overall national strength, an important way.However, the current regional cooperation in South Asia is not as effective as the imagination, still faced with many complications and contradictions.This paper, combined with the regional integration theory,the author analyse the founding,developing and problems of the SAARC.meanwhile,the author also give some suggestions on the role of china cooperating with SAARC.

【关键词】 全球化地区一体化南亚区域合作中国
【Key words】 globalizationregional integrationSAARCChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】D814.1;D820
  • 【下载频次】343

