

【作者】 冯喆颖

【导师】 张历历;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 外交学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 ?21世纪初联合国发布千年发展目标,以此标志新一轮对外援助热潮在全球范围展开。作为世界范围内最为贫穷落后的地区之一,非洲聚集了全世界49个最不发达国家中的35个,加之其丰富的自然资源和重要的战略价值,自然成为新世纪世界各主要大国竞相开展公共外交、进行对外援助的焦点。中国是援助非洲最多的发展中国家之一,历来重视同非洲关系,把加强与非洲国家的团结与合作作为中国独立自主和平外交政策的重要组成部分。21世纪以来,伴随国际政治经济形势的巨大变化,中国的国际地位和国家实力进一步提升,国内经济发展状况有所改善。中国对外援助中的意识形态因素进一步淡化,外援的经济发展目的进一步突出,外援的主体和形式均趋于多元,援助内容中加大了对非传统安全因素的关注。美国是援助非洲最多的发达国家之一,拥有50多年长期的援非历史。21世纪初期基于经济利益考虑和反恐需求,美国日益重视非洲的地缘战略地位和能源储量。尤其在“9.11”恐怖袭击事件后,美国着力于“非洲之角”构筑反恐网络,全面加强了对非的关注力度,其对非援助政策也相应调整:对非援助目标获得了新的战略意义,援助重点转向打击恐怖主义、应对全球问题及发展人道主义援助,并对美国援助机构进行了改革。将中美两国的对外援助加以比较可以发现:就援助理念而言,中国“不附加任何条件”的真诚援助在非洲更得民心,而美国外援的出发点基于其政治安全利益和全球战略的考虑;就援助制度而言,中国援助的决策权较为集中,而美国决策体系则更为成熟,中国对非援助主要流向重债和赤贫国家,而美国对非援助的国家分布则偏重于其战略布局;就对非援助质量而言,中国近年来在对外援助方面展现出强劲的发展势头,受到非洲国家肯定与赞誉,但中国参与多边援助机制和公开援助信息的程度都还有待提高。虽然两国在对非政策方面存在广泛的竞争,但探讨中美援非合作的可能对非洲发展意义重大,也对进一步加深中美互信影响深远。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of the 21st century, the United Nations had issued the Millennium Development Goals, which marks a new round of foreign aid flow over the world. As one of the poorest and most backward region in the world, Africa brings together 35 countries out of the world’s 49 least developed ones. Also combined with its rich natural resources and strategic values, Africa has become the arena of public diplomacy and foreign aid among the major powers.With the coming of the 21st century, as a member of the developing countries, China has further enhanced its international status, national strength and domestic development as well as improved its foreign aid policy: further dilute the ideological factors, highlight the purpose of economic development, diversify the subjects and forms on foreign aid, and reinforce the concern of non-traditional security factors. In the 21st century, especially after the "9.11" terrorist attack, based on economic considerations and counter-terrorism needs, The United States strengthens its foreign aid policy towards Africa: focus on new strategic goals, shift to anti-terrorism and humanitarian assistance, and adjust the U.S. aid agencies.Comparing between the two countries, we can find: as far as aid concepts are concerned, China’s aid "without any conditions" is more attractive to Africa, and the foreign aid of U.S. concerns more about its national interests and global strategy. About the aid system, China’s aid decision-making power is more concentrated, while the U.S. decision-making system is more mature, and China’s assistance mainly flows to poorest countries, while the aid distribution of U.S. is biased towards its strategic layout. For the aid quality, China’s external assistance has shown strong momentum in recent years, won recognition by Africans, but the China’s participation in multilateral mechanisms and publicity of aid information should be improved. The cooperation of China and U.S. on aid to Africa will be very meaningful and significant to African development and mutual trust of Sino-US relationship.

【关键词】 对非援助中国美国比较研究
【Key words】 Foreign Aid to AfricaChinaU.S.Comparative Study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】D822.34;D871.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】630

