

【作者】 黄惠

【导师】 谢立新;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 人力资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人才是企业最具活力的因素,是企业的第一财富,是企业的核心资本,是国家兴旺的基石。然而近几年来,建筑行业的人才流动率呈现上升趋势。流动率高的人才集中在工程管理和工程技术类的关键性人才,如项目经理、技术总监、造价师和土建工程师等。从大学毕业到成为一名优秀的造价师、土建工程师至少需要3年的实践经验,而一名优秀的项目经理的成长时间和成长路线更是有着特殊的要求。这些职位都是建筑企业的核心职位,这些人才也是企业的骨干,他们的流失将对我国国有建筑企业的可持续发展带来无法弥补的损失。而人恰恰是企业的首要资源,是企业核心竞争力的源泉,人力资源管理贯穿于企业管理的所有环节,人的主观能动性和智力的开发对提高劳动生产率和保证工程质量有极大的影响,发挥国有建筑企业人员的主观能动性是搞好项目进度、质量和成本管理的前提。因此,国有建筑企业应建立全新的薪酬管理模式、运用科学的薪酬管理办法,对企业员工进行有效激励,真正满足他们的需要,留住关键性人才,提高竞争力。建筑行业是典型的劳动密集型行业,其业内工资水平普遍低于其他行业。根据中国薪酬调查网推出的《2009年中国薪酬调状况白皮书》显示,在全国20个主要行业薪酬状况中,建筑业年薪平均值排名16位。目前多数国内建筑施工企业工资水平没有真正与市场挂钩,工资水平调整没有进行薪酬调查,缺乏客观的专业数据。国有建筑企业在薪酬分配上重公平,轻效率,劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素不能按贡献参与分配。虽然历经多次的薪酬改革,但薪酬结构仍不能体现员工个人的能力和业绩,主要考虑职务、资历因素,导致员工对薪酬制度不满而纷纷跳槽,因此,建立灵活性强的以市场为导向的薪酬模式势在必行。本文采用理论与实际相结合、定量分析与定性分析相结合的研究方法。引用宽带薪酬的设计理念,使用要素计点法作为岗位评估工具,结合国有建筑企业的实际情况和市场薪酬状况,对国有建筑企业的薪酬结构作进一步的探索和研究,完善现行的薪酬体制。全文分5个章节。第一章为引言。介绍了论文的选题背景、研究意义、思路及创新之处。第二章为我国国有建筑企业的薪酬现状分析及存在的问题。介绍了我国及云南省国有建筑企业的发展趋势和薪酬状况,分析薪酬管理存在的问题,阐述薪酬改革的可行性。第三章为薪酬理论概述。介绍了薪酬、薪酬管理的概念与发展,激励理论,宽带薪酬的定义、优势及设计原则等理论知识。第四章为案例分析,以云南建工集团某子公司为例,介绍了宽带薪酬设计的具体过程以及实施宽带薪酬应注意的事项。第五章为结论,对该文章进行了简要的概括总结。

【Abstract】 Talent is the most dynamic factor, the company’s first wealth and core capital, the cornerstone of national prosperity. In recent years, however, the personnel turnover of construction industry is rising. It focus on key personnel of project management and engineering classes, such as project managers, technical director, cost engineer, and civil engineers. To be an excellent cost engineer, civil engineers need at least 3 years of practice after graduated from college, and a excellent project manager need special requirements on growth time and line. These posts are the core positions in construction companies, and these are also the backbone of enterprises. Loss of these persons will be irreparable loss of China’s state-owned construction enterprises to bring sustainable development. Human resource is precisely the primary resource and the stem of core competitiveness in companies, human resource management throughout all aspects of business management. Initiative and intellectual development have a great impact to improve the productivity and ensure the quality of the project. It is the premise of improving project progress, quality and cost management of state-owned construction enterprises. Therefore, the state-owned construction enterprises should establish a new compensation management mode, using scientific management methods, motivate employees with effective incentives to meet their real need, retain key talent, Enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.Construction industry is a typical labor intensive industry; the industry wage levels are generally lower than other industries.“The White Paper of the compensation situation in China in 2009”launched under the Chinese Compensation Net shows that, the average annual salary of construction industry ranked 16 at20 major industries in the country. At present, most of the domestic construction enterprises are not linked to the market in wage levels, wage levels do not adjust conducted by the salary survey, lack of objective and professional data. State-owned construction companies’compensation emphasizes fair distribution and slight efficiency. Labor, capital, technology, management and other production factors cannot be allocated according to contribution. Although reformed compensation many times, the compensation structure still cannot reflect the individual’s abilities and performance, mainly considered duties and qualifications factors, leading to staff dissatisfaction on the compensation system and separation, it is imperative to establish a flexible, market-oriented pay system.This paper used qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method to take further exploration and research in the compensation structure of state-owned construction companies, based on the concept of broadband pay and combined with the practice of state-owned construction enterprises, to improve the existing compensation structure.The article is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter one is the foreword, have recommended the research background and significance, ideas and innovation. The second chapter is the pay situation and problems in state-owned construction companies, to analysis the development trend and compensation problems, explain the feasibility of compensation reform in state-owned construction enterprises. The third chapter has introduced theories about compensation and motivation theories, broadband compensation, including concept, advantages, design principle, etc. Chapter four is the case studies, take a subsidiary of Yunnan Construction Engineering Group for an example, introduce the specific process and the implementation of broadband should pay attention. Chapter five is the conclusion, briefly summarize the article.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F426.92;F276.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】431
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