

【作者】 杨刚

【导师】 谢洪忠;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 我国农地流转已经成为大势所趋,中央对农地流转的态度已经逐步放开,研究农地流转已经成为研究我国当前农村工作的一项重要任务。农地流转作为完善农村土地承包制度的重要手段,是我国农地制度的一项重要制度创新。同时,农用地流转不是一项简单的工作,它的实施涉及了诸多方面的内容,事关农村生产、生活变革的要求,与农业发展、土地权属、土地资源配置效率、农民切身利益等紧密相关,是一项涉及面广、需要统筹兼顾、协调发展的系统工程,各环节和层次都要有运行高效的机制把关,才能使农用地流转依法、依规进行。针对流转中存在的各类问题和影响因素,设计和完善农用地流转机制,对于平衡各方利益,实现政府公共政策导向目的,保障农民利益,解决“三农”问题,促进社会主义新农村建设都有积极意义。因此,本文选择了经常性作为农地政策改革的试点,且地处津京工业带和环渤海工业带中,农地流转较为频繁的河北省廊坊市为调研点。以对调研点的调查数据调查为基础,对农地流转中出现的现实情况和现状为依据进行分析,总结调研地区农用地的各个影响因素以及该地区农地流转存在的问题,以此作为进行农用地流转的实证研究的手段。同时,对各个机制的基础理论理论分析、数据统计分析和历史分析等分析手段,说明我国农地流转机制普遍存在的问题。通过这些普遍问题,结合实证研究分析出的农用地流转影响因素和相关结论,在相关机制理论的理解和分析的基础上,论述并说明农地流转所涉及的法律、政策、管理、动力、市场、产权等机制的相互关系,在分析相互关系的基础上尝试分析并提出我国农地流转机制完善的建议。

【Abstract】 For the various problems that exist in circulation and influence factors, design and improvement of agricultural land transfer mechanism, for the balance of interests, public policy-oriented purpose of government to protect the interests of farmers to address the "three rural" issue, and promote new socialist countryside are positive. For the various problems that exist in circulation and influence factors, design and improvement of agricultural land transfer mechanism, for the balance of interests, public policy-oriented purpose of government to protect the interests of farmers to address the "three rural" issue, and promote new socialist countryside are positive. Therefore, this article selected Langfang which is a regular pilot agricultural policy reform, and located in Beijing and Tianjin and the Bohai Industrial zone, agricultural land transfer is more frequent for the research point of Langfang City, Hebei Province. Research points to survey data on research-based, arising in the circulation of the agricultural reality of the situation and status as the basis for analysis. Summarize research area of agricultural land of various factors and transfer of agricultural land in the region problem. As for empirical studies of agricultural land transfer means. The basic theory of each system theory, data analysis, statistical analysis and historical analysis of means, shows that our agricultural land transfer mechanism in a common problem. Through these common problems, combined with empirical research to analyze the impact of agricultural land transfer factors and related conclusions, the relevant mechanisms to understand the theory and analysis, based on discussion and explain the circulation of farm land to the legal, policy, management, power, market , the relationship between property rights and other mechanisms.In the analysis of mutual relations based on the attempt to analyze and propose mechanisms for improving China’s rural land transfer proposal.

【关键词】 农用地流转机制创新
【Key words】 agricultural landtransfermechanisminnovator

