

【作者】 杨志军

【导师】 陆宁;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当代中国政府在面对一些突发性的或者是久积成疴型的重大社会问题时往往采用一种自上而下式的“运动式”治理模式,这种模式以改革开放时代下的后全能主义政治形态为背景,以专项治理的方式进行迅疾治理,带有明显的行政执法职能取向,主要目的是维护社会稳定、树立政府形象和国家权威。从理论上来分析,“运动式”治理模式需要明确政治主体、政治基体在国家权力运用中的具体关系;需要比较运动式治理模式和政治动员的区别;需要对其主要内容进行归纳和分类。从实践上来看,“运动式”治理在特定的问题、特定的时间段内发挥了一定的作用,但是由于治理者没有认识到问题的真正制度缺陷,导致一系列被反复采用的治理措施最终陷入“头痛医头、脚痛医脚”的困境。因此,本文认为,在对“运动式”治理模式进行系统的内涵阐释和反思的基础上,实现政府治理模式的转型迫在眉睫,理论和实践意义重大。“多中心协同”治理作为政府治理模式的转型目标,遵循政府与社会团体,公民个人等治理主体共同分享权力的原则;强调运用资源共享、彼此依赖、互惠和相互合作的机制与组织结构,建立共同解决公共问题的纵向的、横向的或两者结合的协作网络;主张通过对话、协商、谈判等集体选择和集体行动,达成共同治理目标。能够有效地克服单一权威主体或者单极政府力量所形成的垄断和低效影响,为国家和社会的良性互动,为解决长期以来沉积成苛、影响恶劣的社会弊病作出积极贡献。因此,要成功的构建这种治理模式,建立制度化的常态治理机制是其本质属性,发育健全的公民社会是其现实基础,建设“民主合作型”的公共服务政府是其根本途径。

【Abstract】 The contemporary Chinese government usually adopts a top-down "campaign-style" governance model while facing some unexpected or great accumulated social problems. This kind of mode uses a special governance type treatment swiftly in orientation of obvious administrative and law enforcement functions under the background of post-totalitarian political form with the reform and opening up era. The main purpose is to safeguard social stability and set up a government image and national authority. Theoretically, "campaign-style" governance model requires a clear political subject, political basement and the specific relationship in use of state power. And needs to compare the distinctions with political mobilization and summarize its main content and classification. Practically, "campaign-style" governance model have played some certain roles in particular issues and specific period. But because lack of the awareness of institutional defects, which led to series of adopted governing measures repeatedly fall into the plights of "the headache cures a head, the feet pain cures to feet”finally. Therefore, this paper believes that it is theoretical and practical significance for the "campaign-style" governance model to carry out the transformation of government governance model based on the interpretation and reflection."Multi-center collaborative" governance mode as the transformation target of government governance mode that follows the law of power sharing with government and social groups, and civic personal,etc. and emphasis on depend on each other, mutual benefit and mutual cooperation mechanism and organizational structure to establish collaborative networks to resolve public problems of vertical, horizontal or mixed both of them; and advocates a common governed targets through collective action and collective choice ,such as :dialogue, consultation, negotiation . It can effectively overcome the monopolies and inefficient influence that is lead by single authority of the principal or unipolar government forces, which made contribution to the positive interaction between state and society, to resolve the long deposition of a harsh effects of social ills. Therefore, in order to successfully build such a governance model, the establishment of institutionalized mechanisms for normal governance is an essential property, the development of healthy civil society is based on the practical foundation and the establishment of "cooperative democracy" of the public service government is the fundamental approach.


