

【作者】 周璐

【导师】 王学鸿;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自1975年中国同欧盟前身——欧洲共同体建交以来,中欧贸易已经走过了30多年的发展历程。双边贸易总额从1975年的24亿美元增长到2008年的4255.8亿美元,整整扩大了176倍。尽管受全球金融危机影响,中欧贸易额于2009年同比下降了14.4%,但是在世界贸易整体萎缩的背景之下,欧盟依旧保持着中国最大贸易伙伴地位和第一大出口市场地位,而中国同样继续稳居欧盟贸易伙伴的第二位。与此同时,双方在技术贸易和投资领域的发展也取得了一定的成就,截至目前,欧盟已成为中国累计最大的技术引进来源地和第四大外资来源地。然而,在中欧双边贸易规模不断扩大的同时,中国对欧盟的巨额贸易顺差问题也在日益凸显,已经成为欧盟频繁对华制造贸易摩擦的导火索;而2008年不期而至的金融危机更是将欧盟经济推入了低谷,欧盟内部的贸易保护势力随之进一步增强,对华贸易政策也日趋强硬。中欧贸易摩擦已经呈现出了愈演愈烈之势。近年来的知识产权争端、纺织品争端、中欧“鞋战”以及紧固件争端等等都是中欧贸易摩擦不断加大的佐证,这种不利局面对中国的经济贸易所造成的危害正随之进一步加大。因此,只有全面认清中欧贸易摩擦错综复杂的成因,并有针对性地提出有效可行的应对策略才是解决问题的关键所在,同时也是本文研究的主旨所在。这项研究对于减少或有效应对中欧贸易摩擦,促进我国出口贸易良性发展和实现中欧双方互利共赢,具有十分重要的理论意义与现实意义。本文在总结、归纳贸易摩擦的理论根源和相关文献综述的基础上,分析了中欧贸易的历史和现状,并按照中国入世前后两个阶段叙述了中欧贸易摩擦的概况,提出了贸易摩擦的特点。随后,着重剖析了中欧贸易摩擦错综复杂的成因,并阐述了贸易摩擦对中国经贸产生的辩证效应。不仅如此,本文还专门分析了中欧纺织品贸易摩擦这一典型案例的成因,并通过一个完全信息动态博弈模型,对此次贸易争端的始末进行了简析,不但从中总结出了启示,还对该争端的解决途径进行了评价。通过前几章节深入的研究,本文结合了贸易摩擦的成因,分别从宏观层面、中观层面以及微观层面提出了中欧贸易摩擦切实可行的应对策略。

【Abstract】 Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the predecessor of the EU—the European Community in 1975, the Sino-EU trade has been developing for more than 30 years. The bilateral trade between China and the EU increased from 2.4 billion dollars in 1975 to 425.58 billion dollars in 2008, which increased 176-fold. Despite affected by the global financial crisis, the Sino-EU volume declined 14.4% in 2009 over the same period last year, the EU still maintains the status of China’s largest trading partner and the largest export market position, while China also continues retaining its position as the second trading partner of the EU in the context of the shrinking world trade. In the meantime, the two sides have made some achievements in the technical trade and the investment. Up to now, the EU has become China’s largest technology import source and the fourth largest foreign investment source.However, in parallel to the continuous growth in the bilateral trade, the issue of China’s enormous trade surplus against the EU has also become increasingly prominent, which has been the fuse of trade frictions made by EU frequently. Not only that, the unexpected global financial crisis in 2008 has thrust the EU’s economy into recession. Therefore, the trade protection force in the EU has being constantly enhanced and the trade policy employed by the EU with China is becoming increasingly tough. The Sino-EU trade frictions have been growing in intensity. Among them, the intellectual property disputes, the textile dispute, Sino-EU“shoe war”and the fastener friction are all the evidences that Sino-EU trade frictions are on the increase. The great harm which this unfavorable situation has done to China’s economy and trade is getting more and more serious. Therefore, the key to solve the problem is to have a complete and clear understanding of complex causes of Sino-EU trade frictions and to put forward feasible and effective countermeasures accordingly. Meanwhile, it’s also the research backbone of this paper. This study is of great theoretical and practical significance to reduce or deal with trade frictions effectively, advance the sound development of China’s export trade and achieve the mutual benefits and win-win situation.Based on summing up the theoretical root and literature review on trade frictions, this paper analyzes the history and status of the Sino-EU trade, describes the overview of the Sino-EU trade frictions by two stages before and after China’s entry into WTO and presents the characteristics of the Sino-EU trade frictions. Then this paper focuses on the analysis of the complex causes, and elaborates the dialectical effects of Sino-EU trade frictions to China’s economy and trade. Not only that, this paper also takes the Sino-EU textile trade friction as a typical case, and makes a deep analysis of the causes. Moreover, the details of the textile trade friction are analyzed through a full information dynamic game model. Through the case analysis, this paper not only draws the inspiration, but also makes an evaluation of the dispute solution. According to above-mentioned study and the causes of the Sino-EU trade frictions, China’s countermeasures to cope with the Sino-EU trade frictions have been proposed by the macro level, meso level and micro level respectively.

【关键词】 中欧贸易摩擦成因应对策略
【Key words】 Sino-EU trade frictionscausescountermeasures

