

A Preliminary Study of Ancient Ceramic Distribution and Producing in Jiangxi

【作者】 白宪波

【导师】 吴水存;

【作者基本信息】 景德镇陶瓷学院 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 江西是我国古代重要产瓷区之一,这里不但瓷业生产历史悠久而且其境内的瓷窑遗址分布也很广泛,因此做好这里的古代瓷业生产研究对整体上把握中国古代瓷业生产不但具有指导意义而且具备实践意义。从现已发表的资料看,在江西省的九江市、九江县、都昌县、景德镇市、婺源县、乐平市、余干县、玉山县、弋阳县、横峰县、铅山县、贵溪市、靖安县、奉新县、铜鼓县、萍乡市、宜春市、丰城市、新干县、永丰县、吉安市、崇仁县、抚州市、临川县、金溪县、南城县、南丰县、广昌县、大余县、赣州市、于都县、宁都县、瑞金市、会昌县、安远县、龙南县、全南县和寻乌县都发现了瓷窑遗址,共计38个县、市、区。江西境内的瓷窑遗址基本上以五大水系为中心,分布在五大水系的沿岸地区。其中赣江流域分布的瓷窑遗址数量最多,其次是饶河流域、抚河流域、信江流域和修水流域。除了这五大水系外,江西境内的瓷窑遗址还分布在鄱阳湖、寻乌水和萍乡水沿岸地区。其中赣江流域的赣州七里镇窑、丰城窑(洪州窑)、吉安窑(吉州窑),昌江流域的景德镇窑,抚河流域的南丰白舍窑,信江流域的铅山窑,寻乌水流域的寻乌上甲窑瓷业生产历史悠久、规模宏大、自成体系。创烧和终烧时间的不同导致江西诸窑差异很大,从而形成不同的风格面貌。江西的瓷业生产基本上可以划分为东汉到中唐、中唐到元末和元末至晚清三大时期,其中各期又可以分成若干阶段。从瓷业中心转移角度看,东汉到五代时期丰城地区是江西地区的瓷业中心,宋元时期江西的瓷业中心被赣州七里镇窑、南丰白舍镇窑、吉安永和镇窑、吉安临江乡窑和景德镇窑取代,元末江西的瓷业中心再一次转移,景德镇成为江西唯一的瓷业中心。从产品类型角度看,东汉到五代时期青瓷几乎一统天下,宋元时期青白瓷和黑釉瓷异军突起、各领风骚,元末至晚清时期青花瓷和彩瓷则先后成为时代音符。

【Abstract】 Jiangxi is one important area of the porcelain produce in ancient China, not only do the porcelain production of Jiangxi having long history but the ancient kiln sites in Jiangxi being widely distributed. So to study the ancient porcelain production in Jiangxi is not only contribution to the study of ancient Chinese porcelain in guidance but in practice.From to the information which has been released, archeologists have found the ancient kiln sites in Jiujiang, Duchang, Jingdezhen, Wuyuan, Leping, Yugan, Yushan, Yiyang, Hengfeng, Yanshan, Guixi, Jing’an, Fengxin, Tonggu, Pingxiang, Yichun, Fengcheng, Xingan, Yongfeng, Ji’an, Chongren, Fuzhou, Linchuan, Jinxi, Nancheng, Guangchang, Dayu, Ganzhou, Yudu, Ningdu, Ruijin, Huichang, Anyuan, Longnan, Quabnan and Xunwu of Jiangxi.The ancient kiln sites in Jiangxi are distributing along the five major rivers in Jiangxi. The number of ancient kiln sites along Ganjiang is biggest and the number of ancient kiln sites along Raohe, Fuhe, Xinjiang and Xiushui is bigger. In addition to the five major rivers, the ancient kiln sites in Jiangxi are also distributing along the Poyang Lake, Xunwu river and Pingxiang river.In the kilns, Ganzhou qilizhen kiln, Fengcheng kiln (Hongzhou kiln) and Ji’an kiln (Jizhou Kiln) in Ganjiang, Jingdezhen kiln in Changjiang, Nanfeng Baishe kiln in Fuhe, Yanshan Kiln in Xinjiang,Xunwu Shangjia kiln in of Xunwu river have long history and well-known in the world.Different times creating different styles. The appearance of porcelain production in Jiangxi province is basically divided into the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty to the end of Yuan Dynasty and the end of Yuan Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty three times, each time can also be divided into several periods. View from the transfer of ceramic center, In the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Five Dynasties times Fengcheng is the center of porcelain produce in Jiangxi, during the Song and Yuan times, the ceramic center was replaced by Ganzhou qilizhen kiln, NanFeng Baishe kiln, Ji’an kiln, and Jingdezhen kiln. In the end of Yuan Dynasty the ceramic center was replaced again. Jingdezhen become to the only ceramic center. View from the product style, In the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Five Dynasties times celadon almost dominate the world, during the Song and Yuan times blue white and black ceramics leading the trend, In the end of Yuan Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty times blue and white porcelain and pattern ceramics become to the time note.

【关键词】 江西古代瓷业分布发展
【Key words】 JiangxiAncientCeramicDistributiondeveloping
  • 【分类号】K876.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】554

