

Study on Preparing Low-cost Coblat Free Black Ceramic Pigments

【作者】 陈宗玲

【导师】 顾幸勇;

【作者基本信息】 景德镇陶瓷学院 , 材料学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 通过Ni2O3、Cr2O3、Fe2O3、CuO、MnO2等化工原料引入的优化实验,初步研制了一种1280℃温度下呈色较纯正的低成本Cr-Fe-Ni-Cu-Mn系无钴黑色色料。该色料色度指数为: L*=27.49,a*=1.21,b*=1.45。黑色色料的组成是:氧化铬31、氧化铁42、氧化镍37、氧化铜7、氧化锰7、外加氧化镁3wt%。为了进一步降低成本,在保证色料品质的前提下,进而引入工业废料铜尾砂、铬铁矿取代部分化工原料制备低成本无钴黑色颜料。制得该颜料色度指数为:L*=28.26,a*=1.82,b*=1.35。该黑色色料的组成范围是:氧化铬21~26、氧化铁33.4~35.2、氧化镍37、氧化铜7、氧化锰7、铜尾砂11.8~23.6、铬铁矿10.2~20.4。通过XRD、紫外可见光吸收光谱等测试手段研究分析表明:色料呈现黑色是由于过渡金属离子生成了混合尖晶石晶相所致。铜尾砂、铬铁矿引入杂质离子导致晶相的平均晶胞常数和晶胞体积变化是影响色料的吸光强度和色调变化的主要原因。冷却方式对色料的呈色有影响,按黑度大小排列:水中淬冷>空气中急冷>随炉缓冷。水中淬冷保持了高温时过渡金属离子杂乱无序的分布及晶格畸变增大是吸光强度大的主要原因。保温时间对色料呈色也有影响,随着保温时间的延长,晶体的结晶程度越好,结晶越完整,色料的L*值增大,而a*、b*值减小。所以,此色料的保温时间为60min即可,不需要太长时间。

【Abstract】 Using nickel sesqui oxide、chromic oxide、ferric oxide、copper oxide、manganese dioxide as raw materials, a kind of low-cost black pigments, which presents pure relatively black color at high temperature, is obtained through a series of optiumization experiments. It’s a type of ceramic pigments which shows color indensity data L*=27.49,a*=1.21,b*=1.45. This type of pigments which can present pure relatively black color at high temperature with its compositional ranges as follows: nickel sesqui oxide 37, chromic oxide 31, ferric oxide 42, copper oxide 7, manganese dioxide 7 and magnesium oxide 3wt%. In order to further reduce the cost, a kind of lower cost coblat free black pigments, which also presents pure relatively black color at high temperature, is obtained through introducing the industrial waste including copper cement-tailings and chromite replacing part of chemical raw materials. It’s a type of ceramic pigments which shows color indensity data L*=28.26,a*=1.82,b*=1.35. This type of pigments which can present pure relatively black color at high temperature with its compositional ranges as follows: nickel sesqui oxide 37, chromic oxide 21~26, ferric oxide 33.4~35.2, copper oxide 7, manganese dioxide 7 ,copper cement-tailings 11.8~23.6, chromite 10.2~20.4 and magnesium oxide 3wt%.X-ray diffraction (XRD) and uv vis absorption spectrum(UV )analysis show that type ceramic pigments which present black color is due to transition metal ions forming complex spinel phases. Introducing copper cement-tailings and chromite to the samples leads to the changes of unit cell constant and unit cell volume, which cause the changes of photon absorbing intensity and hue. Cooling ways act on pigment color performance, according to the degree of size: quenching-in water > air quenching > furnace cooling. Quenching-in water keeping the transition metal ions sprawling distribution at high temperature and lattice distortion increasing is the main reason of light intensity. The color indensity data are also affected by soaking time. With extending soaking time, the degree of crystal is better and L* value is increscent while a*and b* is lower. So, the optimal soaking time was 60 minutes in this study.

  • 【分类号】TQ620.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】475

