

Research on Environmental Crime Penalties

【作者】 牟桐

【导师】 高福德;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放三十周年以来,我国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,人民的生活水平显著提高,1978年到2006年间,中国经济总量迅速扩张,国内生产总值从3645亿元增长至210871亿元,增长近60倍!我国的经济成就不仅写在了中国历史之上,也在世界历史上刻下了辉煌的一页,过去25年间全球脱贫所得成就中,近70%的成绩归功于中国!然而,浮华的背后我们却付出了沉重的代价,那就是日益严重的环境问题。伴随着经济的高速发展,环境保护的观念被不断膨胀的利益驱动所吞噬,环境破坏不断加剧,环境犯罪层出不穷,其恶果是大气的污染、草场的退化、河流的干涸和森林的死亡。在一些偏远的农村地区,环境犯罪更是十分猖獗,有限的矿产资源被肆无忌惮的挥霍,珍贵、濒危野生动物被无情的残害。如果环境犯罪再得不到有效的预防和及时的矫治,我们所创造的一切财富必将毁于一旦,地球上所剩下的最后一滴水将会是我们悔恨的眼泪。因此,如何采取各种手段保护环境、打击环境犯罪是目前世界各国所普遍关注的问题,而行之有效的刑罚措施将会对这一问题的解决起到至关重要的作用。长久以来,虽然我国一直致力于对环境犯罪的严厉打击,然而多方面的诱因却致使环境犯罪的现状仍不容乐观。诚然导致环境犯罪频发的原因很多,但是刑罚制裁方法的缺陷却也难辞其咎。不可否认现阶段我国环境犯罪的处罚措施从某种意义上讲还有许多不尽如人意的地方:在处罚方法中过多的重视财产刑和自由刑的运用、资格刑的适用范围过窄、劳役刑的缺失、单位犯罪的相关处罚简单、对非刑罚处罚手段的轻视以及对屡次犯罪刑罚适用的不明确都是环境犯罪处罚中的“软肋”。因此,本文广泛借鉴了国外及我国港、台地区环境犯罪处罚的先进经验,提出了现阶段完善我国环境犯罪处罚的若干愚见,包括对刑罚体系的完善、增加对单位犯罪的处罚方式、对非刑罚处罚方法的适用以及区分再犯不同处罚的原则等,希望为有效的打击环境犯罪、保护环境尽绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 Since the 30 anniversary of the reform and opening up, China’s economic development has made remarkable achievements, the people’s living standards have markedly improved from 1978 to 2006, the rapid expansion of China’s economic aggregate gross domestic product growth from 364.5 billion yuan to 21.0871 trillion yuan, an increase of nearly 60 times! China’s economic achievements have not only written on Chinese history, world history is something which is also a brilliant page in the past 25 years, the achievements of the global income poverty, nearly 70% of the success attributed to China! However, the vanity behind we are paid a heavy price, that is an increasingly serious environmental problems. With the rapid economic development.The concept of environmental protection have been driven by the interests of ever-expanding engulfed by the growing environmental damage, environmental crime after another, the consequences of atmospheric pollution, the degradation of grasslands, rivers and forests of the dry death. In some remote rural areas, environmental crime is rampant, the limited mineral resources have been wanton squandering precious and endangered wild animals have been mercilessly mutilation. If the environmental crimes no longer receive the effective prevention and timely correction, we have created all the wealth is bound to be ruined, and left on Earth.Be the last drop of water will be our tears of remorse. Therefore, how to adopt various means to protect the environment, fight against environmental crime is of common concern to countries in the world problem, the penalty effective measures for solving this problem will play a crucial role.For a long time, although China has all along been committed to environmental crime crackdown, however many aspects to predisposing factors are causing environmental crime is still not optimistic. Of course lead to frequent environmental crime because many, but the defects of the penal sanction but also to blame. There’s no denying at this stage of China’s environmental crime of sanctions and, to some extent also has many unpleasant place:in a fine way too much emphasis in the property and the use of punishment, qualification of scope too narrow, detention and punishment of the crime of disappearance, Unit related punishment simple, non-punishment of contempt and the repeated criminal punishment applicable ambiguous are environmental criminal punishment of "soft". Therefore, this article has extensive experience in foreign countries and China-Hong Kong and Taiwan regions environment in the field of criminal penalties proposed at this stage, the perfection of environmental crime penalties of humble, including on the perfection of the penalty system, increased criminal penalties, on non-punishment methods applicable and distinguish different penalties for subsequent offences, the principle of hope for effective in combating environmental crime, protection of environment lands.


