

Cultural Interaction and a Case Study of Culture Teaching for English Majors

【作者】 李佳楣

【导师】 张晶;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球文化交流的日益发展,外语教学中文化因素的影响变得越来越重要。因此,文化教学越来越引起了众多的专家、学者们的重视。在现今社会中,将文化因素融入到外语教学中以满足跨文化交际的需要已经成为外语教学领域的一个共识。但是,对于外语教学工作者来说,如何将文化教学与外语教学更好的融合,始终是摆在我们面前的一个难题。本文中,作者首先将西方国家的文化教学历史与本国的文化教学历史做了简要回顾,之后总结出现今文化教学的几种倾向。一种观点认为文化教学只是对文化背景知识的简单累积;另一种观点指出文化教学就是对目的语国家人民的社会行为的单纯模仿;还有一种观点则强调文化教学只是对跨文化交际中产生的文化冲突的一种有效补救方式。由此可见,以上的种种观点都表明目前外语教学中的文化教学的重点仅仅置于单一的目的语文化上。针对当前文化教学中的实际问题,Claire Kramsch教授提出了她的新颖且独到的观点。作为一位著名的语言学家与语言教育家,Claire Kramsch指出不存在一个的客观的、中性的文化。由于同一文化社团中的每一个成员都有其独自的特性,各种各样的亚文化的存在以及文化的复杂性特点,这些都势必造成跨文化交际过程中的文化冲突现象的产生。在语言教学中,虽然老师无法找出解决文化冲突的有效方法,但是依据Claire Kramsch提出的文化互动观点,这些冲突是完全可以在互动过程中得到化解的。在互动过程中,冲突的双方在交流过程中可以逐渐随着对方的变化而变化达到文化的理解而非一方对另一方的文化的完全遵从。而只有通过这种文化的理解,才能够使我们做到真正的成功的跨文化交际。也只有这样,才能够更好地提高学习者的创造力和解决问题的能力。依据Claire Kramsch的观点,本文作者着重强调了文化教学中本族语国家文化与目的语国家文化具有同等的重要性。笔者结合该理论在一所地方院校进行了一次针对英语专业学生的文化教学与学习的调查。依据调查结果,作者提出了许多建议并设计出一套适合于英语专业学生精读课程的文化教学方案。结合这套方案,作者进行了为期18周的教学实践活动,并在实验之前和之后设计两套相关的测试以检验学生的学习效果。通过两次测试的结果可以发现,这次教学实践活动使学生们无论在语言能力方面还是跨文化交际能力方面都得到了很大程度的提高。虽然成绩的取得令我们欣慰不已,但是此次研究是笔者近几年教学实践的首次尝试,所以在问卷设计及教学实践中难免存在缺陷和不足。而且从调查对象的人数来看也远远小于省内其他兄弟院校的专业学生数量。因此有关文化教学问题的探讨和研究还需继续,以期获得更多有效的、可行的文化教学方法以助于我国外语教学水平登上更高的台阶。

【Abstract】 With the development of cultural exchanges around the world, the influence of culture elements becomes more and more important in foreign language education. With the result that, due attention is paid on culture teaching by more and more scholars and researchers. A common sense is achieved that culture elements should be integrated into foreign language teaching to meet the need of intercultural communication in modern society. But it is still an unfathomed problem for us towards how to integrate culture teaching and foreign language teaching.In this thesis, the author first makes a brief review of culture teaching history of western countries and our country and finds that three tendencies towards culture teaching currently. One is considered that culture teaching is only the accumulation of cultural background knowledge, another is about simulation of social behavior of the target group people and some people stress that culture teaching is a way to remedy the culture conflicts in the process of intercultural communication. According to those tendencies, it indicates that the focus on culture teaching is mainly about target culture not the other one. Towards these existing problems on culture teaching, a novel and unique viewpoints is put forward by Claire Kramsch. As a famous linguist and language educationist, Kramsch stresses that there is no objective and neutral culture existing. The cultural phenomenon is too complicated to be categorized. For the existence of uniqueness of every member in the same culture community, the variations of subculture, and the complexity of culture, the cultural conflicts can not be avoided in the process of intercultural communication. In language teaching, teachers could find no way to solve cultural conflicts but they may be reconciled through the idea of double-directional interaction which is proposed by Kramsch. In this process, both the two sides contacting with each other may change with the other at the same time instead of submitting to the other as a result that understanding between the two sides also leads them to a more successful intercultural communication. The method of interaction of double-culture also improves the learners’ creativity and ability of solving problems. In the light of Kramsch’s perspective, the author emphasizes the importance of both home culture and target culture in culture teaching. She makes an investigation of current culture teaching and learning of local college and gives some suggestions based on the results of investigation and then designs her own teaching plan of intensive reading course for English majors, and has a check on her trial teaching after 18-week experimental period.With the result of two tests, the author find that her trial teaching really makes students have a great progress both on their language proficiency and intercultural competence. But this research is a totally new exploration for the author in her teaching experience so that there must be some flaws in the design of questionnaire and trial teaching practice.As to the amount of subjects in the survey, it is a bit smaller compared with that of other colleges in our province. But, a discussion of culture teaching still has to be continued and more researches and studies on culture teaching for English majors should be conducted in order to find out more effective and feasible method for improvement in this field.


