

Harbin City Hejia Channel Shore Water Landscape Plan Research

【作者】 程功

【导师】 许大为;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市滨水区是指城市范围内水域与陆地相接的一定范围内的区域,作为城市与江、河、湖、海接壤的区域,它既是陆地的边缘,也是水的边缘。因此在景观的营造上具有双重性,既要考虑水岸线的变化又要顾及丰富城市建筑天际线因此多边形式和优美的水面形成了城市中最有魅力的地区,所以,滨水景观设计作为城市规划设计的一个重要组成部分,正成为城市设计和建设的亮点,日益受到关注。城市滨水区是城市景观设计的重要组成部分,也是体现城市独有形象的重点,代表着一个城市的容貌。每一座城市都有其自己的历史文脉气息,就滨水区景观设计而言,都有代表着一个城市形象的独特设计手法,结合城市景观的建设,使其融为一体,成为一个统一而又相互独立组成部分。对城市滨水区的研究,我国还处于起步阶级,由于主观因素和客观因素的影响,我国每座城市都存在很多不同的差异。因此,立足于城市滨水区作为研究对象,本人提出切实符合人们生活、心理需求的设计理念和方法,在滨水区环境设计实践中体现人们所向往的理想空间。本文从空间区域入手研究何家沟滨水区景观环境特征,结合陆地、水域及水域与陆地交接地带三部分区域分别对功能、人文景观、自然景观和生态规划等内容进行规划研究。运用归纳、类比、理论联系实际等科学方法进行推理,着手从总体规划研究、景观功能研究、植物种植研究、道路交通组织研究、驳岸规划研究和公共设施规划研究等六方面对何家沟区域的整体布局进行规划研究,并且结合何家沟区域的自然、地理、空间环境等整体特点,对区域划分按照不同的用地空间形式和场所的用地性质制定何家沟滨水区的规划内容。借鉴景观生态学理论的廊道、斑块、基质的一般性原理和可持续发展理论作为规划指导理论,在景观规划中将理论应用其中,对景观规划起到一定的保护作用。研究与何家沟的开发相结合,以便达到对何家沟改造工程的目标,提出一些合理可行性的建义。本文通过理论学习及综合应用,将城市滨水景观规划提升到理论的高度,使景观规划不仅可以满足水利、防洪方面的要求,而且还可以美化城市生活,还城市以生态良好、生动优美的环境。本着人与自然协调共生的理念,提出了对滨水景观环境进行生态设计的新思路,并通过对哈尔滨市何家沟的综合整治使它由一条污染严重的公害沟变成清水河,形成贯穿市区的绿色廊道,既美化了市容,改善了生态环境,又消除洪水隐患和松花江干流的一大污染源,达到社会效益、环境效益、经济效益的统一。为哈尔滨市其他河流整治提供参考依据,并对城市的可持续发展规划有着深远的意义。

【Abstract】 Urban Waterfront is the city-wide adjoining area of water and land within a certain range. As the border areas of joining city with river, rivers, lakes and sea, Urban Waterfront is the edge of the land, but also the water’s edge. Therefore, to create a landscape that has a dual nature, it is necessary to take into account the changes in the water coastline and also take into account the extensive city building skyline since its multilateral form and beautiful water to form the most attractive areas in the city. Therefore, Waterfront Landscape designed as an important component in the urban planning design is becoming a bright spot of urban design and construction and getting more attention.Urban Waterfront District is an important part in the city landscape design, but also the keystone that reflects the city’s unique image, representing a city’s appearance.Each city has its own history context atmosphere. In terms of the waterfront landscape design, there is a unique design technique that represents the image of a city, and combined with the construction of urban landscape to make it integrated into a unified and also independent component. On the study of the urban waterfront, China is still in its initial class. There are many differences of every city in our country due to subjective factors and objective factors.Therefore, based on the urban waterfront as an object of study, the author put forward design concepts and methods which are practically in line with people’s lives and meet people’s psychological needs, and embody the ideal space people forward in the waterfront environment design practice.This article obtains from the spatial region to study the Hejia channel shore water district landscape environment characteristic, the union land, the waters and the waters and the land connection region three parts of regions separately to contents and so on function, humanities landscape, natural landscape and ecology plan conducts the plan research. Using the induction, the analogy, the apply theory to reality and so on scientific method carries on the inference, begins from the overall plan research, the landscape function research, the plant planter research, the road traffic fabric study, the waterfront construction plan research and the public utility plan research and so on six aspects conducts the plan research to the Hejia channel region overall layout, and unifies the Hejia channel region the nature, the geography, the space environment and so on overall characteristic, formulates the Hejia channel shore water district plan content to the regionalism according to the different land space form and the place land nature. Profits from the landscape ecology theory the corridor, the mottling, the matrix general principle and the sustainable development theory takes the plan instruction theory, in the landscape plan theory application in which, plans to the landscape certain protective function. The research unifies with Hejia channel’s development, with the aim of achieving to the Hejia channel improvement project goal, proposed that some reasonable feasible constructs righteousness.In this paper, the author upgrade the Urban Waterfront Landscape Planning to a theoretical level through theoretical study and integrated application, so that the landscape plan would not only meet the irrigation, flood control requirements, but also beautify the city life, and return a lively and beautiful environment.with the idea of coexistence between man and nature, the author put forward new ideas of ecological design on the waterfront landscape environment, and through comprehensive renovation to change Harbin Hejia Channel into a fresh water river from a serious pollution hazard ditch, to form a green corridor running through urban areas, which not only beautify the city and improved the ecological environment, but also eliminate hidden flood dangers and a major source of pollution to Songhua River, to achieve unity of social, environmental and economic benefits. This paper thus provides a reference for renovation of other rivers in Harbin, and has far-reaching significance for sustainable urban development planning.


