

Chinese Art in Modern Chinese Furniture Design Research

【作者】 范昕

【导师】 王逢瑚;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国现代家具的发展步伐是有目共睹的,但并没有形成具有民族特色的设计体系,中国现代家具设计要想在世界中如同明清家具一样有自己一席之地,就要有自己的民族特色。汉字是中华民族的文化之源。在研究过程中利用“系统法”为分析方法贯穿始终。首先利用系统论的方法,我们将整个汉字的发展体系作为一个系统的关系来看待,即从整个系统的角度寻找各子系统间一脉相承的内质来分析汉字创造的思维方式、审美取向。再把此系统分成若干子系统,选取学术界大部分学者认可的甲骨文、金文、小篆、隶书、楷书五大发展阶段,分析其各自的自身特点,最后又回到整体系统中,将部分子系统的优越性特点相互交融,重新应用于本课题研究的现代民族家具设计中,从而形成新的系统。最后从家具设计的几何要素、空间要素、材料塑造表现等几个方面入手,以“辩证法”作为分析的基础方法,与汉字构型特点结合,运用仿生拟态设计与模块组合设计的设计方式,融入从汉字构型艺术中总结的设计方法进行汉字艺术在中国现代家具设计中的实例设计。本论文主要为中国现代家具设计提供了新的设计思路,将最具民族代表性的艺术瑰宝——汉字,引入中国现代家具设计中。

【Abstract】 The pace of development of Chinese modern furniture is obvious, but not the formation of national characteristics of the design system. Modern furniture design in China in the world wants the same as the Ming and Qing furniture has its own place, should have their own national characteristics.Chinese culture is the source of the Chinese nation. Firstly, the paper form the way of two aspects of the major ways of thinking and configuration of Chinese character map out their own national character. Secondly, analyzed the Ming and Qing furniture that the history of Chinese furniture of the most brilliant stage. Chinese character art for Chinese modern furniture provide the theory feasibility and the powerful example argument, and has laid certain ideological foundation for the Chinese modern furniture’s innovative design.Many types of Chinese character fonts, in this study select the academics of the majority of scholars accepted Oracle, Jin, Xiao Zhuan, official script, regular script of the five stages of development of their different characteristics, to select the most beneficial to the study of fonts-characters in seal script and regular script the next step of the analysis and application.Furniture design from the geometric elements, spatial elements, materials, shape the performance of several aspects, combined with the characteristics of Chinese character configuration, the use of bionic design and module combination to be state of the design, and finally into the configuration from the Chinese Art of Design Summary methods of Chinese art in furniture design in modern Chinese design example. For modern furniture design providing the new design ideas, make the nation’s the most representative pieces of art-characters introduce modern furniture design.

【关键词】 汉字现代家具设计应用
【Key words】 Chinese charactermodern furnituredesign applications

