

Morphological and Anatomical Studies on 31 Species of Pteridophytes from Heilongjiang

【作者】 孙强

【导师】 王秀华; 高瑞馨;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 利用光学显微镜对黑龙江省13科22属31种蕨类植物进行形态解剖学研究。结果如下:1.木贼科问荆属2亚属植物表皮特征差别明显,问荆亚属植物表皮角质层成瘤状,气孔器不下陷,木贼表皮角质层不成瘤状,气孔器下陷;气孔器均为平列细胞型,由2个保卫细胞及2个副卫细胞构成,副卫细胞位于保卫细胞之上;气孔器上的辐射状纹饰来源于保卫细胞的腹壁(ventral wall),是细胞壁形成的片状凸起;所观察的木贼科5种植物主枝的基本结构一致,内皮层层数在2亚属植物中不稳定,不能将它作为分亚属的证据。2.26种真蕨类植物叶表皮细胞多为不规则形,上、下表皮细胞垂周壁均呈波浪状,少数种类的上、下表皮细胞呈较规则的近长方形;共有6种气孔器类型,即极细胞型、腋下细胞型、不等细胞型、不规则四细胞型、不规则型和周细胞型,每种植物具1-4种不同类型的气孔器;气孔均为下生型气孔,一般散生,分布较均匀,并且沿着叶的长轴方向分布,只是偶尔在局部地方取向不规则,有时同一叶表皮的不同部分明显分布着不同类型的气孔。3.蕨类植物鳞片的形状、网眼以及边缘的特征可以作为分类的依据之一4.叶柄横切面显示,供试真蕨类植物维管束均为周韧型,可分为3种类型:(1)叶柄从基部向上至叶轴,维管束始终为一条,粗壮阴地蕨、桂皮紫萁、银粉背蕨、掌叶铁线蕨、过山蕨和耳羽岩蕨均属于这一类型;(2)叶柄基部具分体中柱2个,呈“八”字形排列,自叶柄基部向上,两个分体中柱于远轴面逐渐靠近,并连合成一个中柱,两束木质部远轴面末端的钩端相连,形成倒“V”字形至“人”字形,蹄盖蕨科供试的所有植物、卵果蕨、荚果蕨、球子蕨和乌苏里瓦韦均属于这一类型,除乌苏里瓦韦以外,其他植物木质部为“海马型”;(3)维管束多条,较规则的分散排列于基本组织之中,蕨、鳞毛蕨科供试的所有植物和有柄石韦属于这一类型。5.供试真蕨类植物的气孔器均与表皮细胞在同一平面内,保卫细胞2个;多数植物叶肉没有分化为栅栏组织与海绵组织,可以明显的看出上表皮附近的同化组织比靠近下表皮的同化组织数量多,排列紧密;粗壮阴地蕨、桂皮紫萁、银粉背蕨、乌苏里瓦韦与有柄石韦同化组织均分化出栅栏组织与海绵组织。6.与薄囊蕨纲的蕨类植物相比,木贼科植物、厚囊蕨纲的粗壮阴地蕨和原始薄囊蕨纲的桂皮紫萁的形态解剖学方面均表现出了较为原始的性状。

【Abstract】 The epidermal structures, scales and cross section of 31 species from different families in Heilongjiang Province were investigated under light microscopes.The results indicated that:1.The two subgenus of Equisetum shows apparent differences in the morphology of epidermis and stomatal position. Stomatas are both paracytic type and composed of two guard cells and two subsidiary cells,subsidiary cells located above the guard cells.Radial pattern of the stomatas derived from the apophysis on the ventral wall of the guard cells.The stem structure of five plants are similar,there are metaxylems in the vascular bundle.There are one or two layers of endodermis among the five species.2.The leaf epidermal cells of 26 species of ferns in Heilongjiang are mostly irregular, the anticlinal walls of the upper and lower epidermal cells are wavy;There are six types of stomatal apparatus:Polocytic type,Axillocytic type,Aisocytic type,Anomotetracytic type,Anomocytic type and Pericytic type,each plant with one to four different types of stomatal apparatus;all the stomatal apparatuses only occur in the lower epidermis and distribution along the long axis of the leaves.3.The shape, mesh and edge features of the ferns can be used as to classification.4.The cross sections of the petioles show that the vascular bundle of the ferns investigated are all amphicribral,can be divided into three types:(1)There is only one vascular bundle in the petiole,such as Sceptridium robustum (Rupr.) Lyon,Osmunda cinnamomea L.var.asiatica Fernald,Aleuritopteris argentea (Gmel.) Fee,Adiantum pedatum L.,Camptosorus sibiricus Rupr.and Woodsia polystichoides Eaton;(2)The vascular patterns of the basal part of stipe are two meristeles distributing in the shape of "八",the xylems in the two meristeles are typical hippocampus type and gradually combine into amphicribral vascular bundles upwards, such as all the ferns of Athyriaceae observed,Phegopteris connectilis (Michx.) Watt,Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Todaro,Onoclea sensibilis L.var.interrupta Maxim.and Lepisorus ussuriensis (Regel et Maack) Ching;(3)Several vascular patterns regularly arrange in the ground tissue,such as Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var.latiusculum (Desv.) Underw.ex Heller,all the ferns of Dryopteridaceae observed and Pyrrosia davidii (Baker) Ching.5.The stomatas of the ferns observed are in the same plane with the epidermal cells with two guard cells;The mesophyll do not differentiate into palisade and spongy tissue except Sceptridium robustum (Rupr.) Lyon, Osmunda cinnamomea L.var.asiatica Fernald, Aleuritopteris argentea (Gmel.) Fee,Lepisorus ussuriensis (Regel et Maack) Ching and Pyrrosia davidii (Baker) Ching.6.Compared with the ferns of Leptosporangiopsida,the plants of Equisetaceae,Sceptridium robustum (Rupr.) Lyon and Osmunda cinnamomea L.var.asiatica Fernald are more primitive on the morphological and anatomical characteristics.

【关键词】 蕨类植物表皮鳞片横切面
【Key words】 Pteridophytesepidermisscalecross section

