

The Research on the Aesthetics of the Ming-style Furniture Design

【作者】 柳枝

【导师】 赵俊学;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 明式家具因其具有高度艺术美感和独特精神气韵而被后人视为家具审美典范,这种美感穿越时空,寓深意远,其背后隐藏的是整个民族的文化观念、哲学美学思想。那么,研究明式家具设计中的美学思想首先应从中国传统美学探根溯源出发。而在明代社会,文人士大夫审美情趣广泛的渗透于日常生活和器物之作中,所以,研究明代文人对明式家具独特的文人气质之形成的影响也是对明式家具设计中的美学思想的人文探索。然后,本文从博大精深的中国传统美学思想中最有代表性和影响力的几个命题如天人合一、道不远人、贵和尚中、文质兼备、道法自然、含蓄天成、有无虚实、刚柔曲直等美学思想入手,通过对明式家具的结构、造型、材质、装饰等具象元素的分析,揭示出明式家具所具有的简约朴素、和谐自然、含蓄内敛、虚无空灵之审美特征背后的深层哲学美学观念。最后,本文在之前研究的基础上以实例和作品具体介绍现代家具设计对明式家具的借鉴与创新,探讨各种设计流派与中国传统美学思想之共同点,并阐述明式家具设计中美学思想对于现代设计理念的建设性启发意义。

【Abstract】 It is said that Ming-style furniture is a model for future generations as furniture, because of its high artistic beauty and unique spirit. This aesthetic through time and space, with a profound meaning, behind which is the nation’s cultural values, philosophy and aesthetics. Then, the research of Ming-style furniture design aesthetics should explore the root of traditional Chinese aesthetics at first. In the Ming Dynasty, literaters’ aesthetic taste had a wide range of penetration in the daily life and artifacts, so the researching of the Ming literaters’ effects on the unique form of literary temperament of Ming-style furniture is also an human exploration in the aesthetic design of Ming-style furniture. Then, this article started from the aesthetic merits of the extensive and profound Chinese traditional aesthetics of the most representative and influential several propositions, such as Heaven, Roads not far from people, content and form, Imitation of nature, reservation, Virtual and Real, Rigid, flexible, straight and curved, through the analysis of Ming-style furniture structure, shape, material, decorative concrete elements revealed the deep philosophy aesthetic concepts behind the aesthetic characteristics with the simple, harmonious nature, reserved style, ethereal nothingness. Finally, the thesis introduced the effect of modern furniture design on the experience and innovation of Ming-style furniture which based on the concrete examples and works, investigated the common point of various design schools and traditional Chinese aesthetic ideas, and presented aesthetics in the Ming-style furniture design played an important role in the modern design conception.


