

Design and Research of Remote ECG Display System Based on Smart Phone

【作者】 操端

【导师】 王海滨;

【作者基本信息】 西华大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪后,人类从工业时代迈向了信息时代,生活水平稳步提高,工作节奏也日趋加快,心血管疾病的发病数也与日俱增。心脏病已成为严重威胁人类健康和生命的三大疾病之一。而心脏病具有病情隐蔽、发作突然、病发危险性高等特点,对先天性心脏病患者、尤其是中老年患者的危害性极大。据世界卫生组织估计,到2020年左右,我国和其他发展中国家,将会迎来心脏病的发病顶峰。为了有效的预防与治疗心脏病,一系列的手段孕育而生,心电图就是其中之一。心电图异常的出现频率和复杂形式是猝死或急性心脏事件独立的预测指示。实时监测心电图,能够发现常规心电图不易发现的心率失常和心肌缺血等病症,是临床分析病情、确诊和判断疗效的重要依据,而且它还可以为心血管疾病的诊断提供重要依据。及时发现心电变化异常,赢得早期救治时间和挽救生命的机会,对心血管疾病患者来说具有重要意义。本文研究的基于智能手机的远程心电显示系统主要应用于人体实时心电检测和动态心电分析,适用于心血管疾病的临床检查、监护和平时心脏功能保健,可广泛用于医院诊断治疗、院前急救、家庭监护、健康保健等众多领域,在心脏疾病的预防、诊断、治疗中将发挥重要作用。该系统主要由三部分组成:美国BIOPAC公司MP150型16通道生理信号记录分析系统、GPRS移动通信网络和医生监护手机。生理信号记录分析系统完成心电数据的采集与预处理,然后进行初步判决,检测到异常心电信号后,分析系统自动将异常信号数据通过GPRS移动通信网络传输给医生,监护医生的智能手机使用Java技术的“Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME)”构建心电显示平台,在此平台上运行心电显示程序来查看异常心电图,并根据病人的情况做出初步的诊断与指导。试验结果表明,基于智能手机的远程心电显示系统可以及时、有效地显示异常心电。该系统的实现将为医院经营模式的改变、医生监护手段的提升以及病人诊疗的方便性等方面提供有力的技术支持与服务。该系统解除了监护病人及主治医生活动区域的限制,给患者的远程诊断与救治提供了帮助,实现了远程监护。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, human vary from the industrial age to the information age, the standard of living has improved steadily, the pace of work are becoming increasingly faster, but the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is increasing too. Heart disease has become a serious threat to human health and life. It has the characteristics of hidden, sudden, and high risk of congenital, especially has great dangers to elderly patients. According to the World Health Organization’s estimation, China and other developing countries will meet the peak incidence of heart disease around 2020. In order to efficiently prevent and treat the heart disease, a serious of measures were born. The abnormal frequency and complexity form of the ECG are the independent predictor instructions of sudden death or acute cardiac events. Real-time monitoring ECG, which can detect arrhythmia and myocardial ischemia and other diseases easier than routine electrocardiogram, is an important basis for clinical analysising, diagnosising and judging. It is also an important basis for cardiovascular disease. The timely detection of abnormal ECG has great significance for patients such as gaining time for early treatment and life-saving opportunities.This paper proposed a remote ECG real-time display system which based on smart phone. It mainly used in human testing and Holter ECG analysis for clinical examination of cardiovascular disease, normal heart function custody and health care, diagnosis or treatment which can be widely used in hospitals, pre-hospital first aid, home care, health care and many other fields, the system will play an important role in the heart disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The system is used in human real-time ECG detection and Holter ECG analysis. It mainly consists of three parts: the BIOPAC’s MP150-type 16-channel recording physiological signal analysis system, GPRS mobile phone networks and medical care. Physiological signal analysis system using for the recording of ECG data acquisition and preprocessing, and make a preliminary judgement. When comes to abnormal ECG, the analysis system transmits abnormal signal data automatically to a doctor via GPRS mobile communications network. The doctor uses a smart phone whose display platform is using Java technology--- "Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME)" to construct ECG, to check the abnormal electrocardiogram on this platform ECG display program, and then to make a preliminary diagnosis and guidance according to the patient’s condition .The results show that the long-distance ECG display system which based on smart phones, can show the abnormal ECG in time and efficiently. Achievement of the system will provide strong technical support and services for the change of the business model for the hospital, the doctor and the patient care means to enhance ease of treatment and so. It releases the patient and the attending doctor from the regional restriction, and gives assistance to the remote diagnosis and treatment and realizes remote monitoring.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】TN929.53;TN873
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】297
  • 攻读期成果

