

The Comparison of Main Heroes between 《Jiang Nagel》 and 《Iliad》

【作者】 龚利春

【导师】 王艳凤;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《江格尔》是蒙古民间流传下来的著名史诗,是一部记叙英雄事迹的长篇史诗。讲述了英雄首领江格尔建立、保卫自己宝木巴王国的过程。它是蒙古族数百部英雄史诗中最优秀的一部,也是最能代表蒙古史诗发展水平的作品。由“江格尔齐”们演唱并且代代相传,是我国一宗有着重要历史意义和文学价值的宝贵遗产。同样以氏族部落战争为题材的史诗,西方有大型史诗——荷马史诗,荷马史诗是古希腊瑰丽的文化遗产,它由《伊里亚特》与《奥德赛》两部英雄史诗构成。尤其以《伊里亚特》为胜。两部史诗同为歌颂英雄的史诗,本论文从两部史诗主要英雄形象这个点切入,来体会史诗带给我们的各个方面的享受。在探讨主要英雄形象之前,论文对“英雄”以及“史诗英雄”的内涵进行界定,为后文的论述打下理论基础。史诗在人物形象的塑造上有许多相似之处。例如:英雄身上所体现出来的“神”性和“人”性,以及英雄形象这个特殊身份的解构与建构。两部史诗的主要英雄形象有这么多的相同点,究其深层原因,是因为两部史诗所处的社会发展阶段相同,指导两部史诗写作的原始思维有许多相似之处。尽管有相同之处,但主要英雄人物也有表现出很大的差异。《江格尔》中英雄人物体现出的是蒙古族所特有的骁勇善战,团结和集体主义精神;《伊利亚特》中的英雄形象则展示出古希腊所特有的人本思想——为个人的荣誉和利益而战。究其原因,是产生两部史诗的地理环境和宗教信仰不同。通过比较两部史诗英雄人物形象的同质性与异质性,论文的第四部分着眼于两部史诗的艺术手法,是丰富的艺术手法塑造了两位活灵活现的主要英雄人物。通过对史诗人物塑造方法的总结,使《江格尔》与《伊利亚特》在人物形象的比较研究上更为系统化、理论化,也为我们塑造人物形象提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 《Jiang Nagel》is a long famous Mongolian folk epic. It interprets a cause that Jiang Nagel build and defend his kingdom Pakistan.It is of the most outstanding one in hundreds of Mongolian epics and it is also the most representative works of the Mongolian. It is speaked and sang by "Jiang Nagel Qi" from generation to generation. It is also a important and precious heritage in Chinese history.Homer’s epic is a magnificent cultural heritage of ancient Greece,which is also regard the tribal war as theme.It is divided into two parts——《Iliad》and《Odyssey》. In particular, the "Iliad" is the winner. Two hero epics’purpose is to praise the heros.The paper mainly intercept hero images in two works.And then to understand enjoyment from all aspects of the epics.Prior to discuss the heroic image of the main thesis,the paper defines the concept of the "hero" and "epic hero" and then plays a significant role in promoting.There are many similarities in images of the Jiang Nagel.For example: such as the hero who embodied the "spirit" and "people", as well as the special status of the hero image of the deconstruction and construction.The two main hero epics have so many similarities, the underlying reasons for study, because there are many similarities in the stage of social development and between the original thinking.Despite the similarities, but the main hero also show great differences,《Jiang Nagel》embodied in the heroes are brave and fierce Mongolian unique, solidarity and collective spirit;《Iliad》shows the heroic image of the thought of ancient Greece, which for the honor and interests of individuals to fight. The reason is the geography and religious beliefs of two epics.

【关键词】 江格尔伊利亚特英雄形象
【Key words】 Jiang NagelIliadheroic image
  • 【分类号】I0-03;I106
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】603

