

The Autobiographical Memory and Personality Traits: The Relationship and Metal Representation

【作者】 胡瑞恒

【导师】 秦金亮;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自传记忆是关于个人信息的记忆,是指个体对过去生活事件的回忆。近30多年里,自传记忆研究已在发生发展、信息加工、脑神经机制等方面取得了丰富的成果,为进一步了解人类的真实记忆又揭开了一层面纱。不仅如此,有关自传记忆功能取向的研究就像一场悄悄的革命,在记忆研究领域中慢慢开展而来。自传记忆具有自我、社会、指导三大基本功能,在自我功能上,自传记忆对自我同一性、自我一致性和自我增强的作用间接投射于人格的改变和构建中,而自传记忆的社会功能又在推动个体人格的判断和发展中扮演着重要角色。然而,却很少有研究对两者之间的关系进行探讨,Rubin等人也仅仅是从现象学相关的角度考察了自传记忆加工成分、信念与人格特质之间的关系,对于人格特质知识与自传记忆在心理表征上的关系却很少涉及。本研究立足于自传记忆的功能,以探讨功能的内在机制为核心,对自传记忆与人格特质之间的关系和心理表征进行了初步的分析。本研究第一部分以线索词技术为方法,从自传记忆信念、自传记忆加工成分以及自传记忆属性三个方面编制了自传记忆问卷。与以往研究有所不同的是,个体对自传记忆问卷的作答以人格特质词语为线索词。在证实了自传记忆与人格特质之间的表面相关之后,通过实验研究对自传记忆和人格特质各自的心理表征进行进一步探讨。文章首先分析了以人格特质词语为线索词时的自传记忆提取特点;然后通过启动效应范式,实验二、三重点讨论了人格特质判断中概括提取说、计算提取说、范围假说存在的可能性,实验四对相应自传记忆提取是否启动人格特质判断进行讨论,实验五对两者之间是否存在后效性予以分析。研究结果表明:(1)自传记忆问卷具有良好的信效度,而NEO-FFI中开放性和宜人性两个因素的内部一致性信度较低。情绪体验和视觉想象在自传记忆成分加工中尤为重要。自传记忆信念与人格特质的关系密切,自传记忆总分与人格五因素、人格总分都显著相关,并且,与人格特质词语一致的自传记忆成分、信念与五因素人格的相关较高。人格五因素对自传记忆信念的预测作用较为明显,而自传记忆成分对回忆的预测作用显著。(2)人格特质词语与具体名词相比较,在提取自传记忆时需要更长的反应时间,个体根据消极人格特质词语提取自传记忆的时间要长。高、低自我描述组虽然在提取自传记忆上没有差异,但是高自我描述组的反应时间长于低自我描述组,在人格特质判断上也有相同结果。(3)个体在人格特质判断过程中,不需要相应或相对立自传记忆的参与,证实了概括提取说,并与范围假说结果不一致,表明个体对人格特质的判断独立于自传记忆的提取。另外,自我描述判断和妈妈描述判断之间没有显著差异,也证实了两者功能性独立。在研究方法上,启动效应范式中起始任务与目标任务之间的注视点呈现过程中,个体可能会提取自传记忆,存在预期效应。(4)当起始任务为自传记忆提取,目标任务为人格特质判断时,出现启动效应,个体对相应自传记忆的提取有助于个体对该人格特质词语进行判断。然而,个体对人格特质词语的理解可能会对人格特质判断造成影响。最后,个体自传记忆的提取对人格特质判断的启动存在后效性。

【Abstract】 Autobiographical memory (AM) is memory for information related to the self, which is the recollection of the past life experiences. In these decades, it has made more and more progresses on the emergence, development, information process and neural mechanisms and so on, which provides us a better understanding of the human real memory. In addition, the research about the function of AM is just like a quiet revolution, which has been carried out gradually in the field of memory research. The AM has three functions, self function, direct function and social function. The self function of AM plays a very important role on the self-identity, self-consistency and self-enhancement, which will influence the personality trait indirectly. Moreover, the social function is also important for the judgment and development of personality trait. However, few researches mentioned it except Rubin et al., who, yet, only discuss the relationship between AM process components, beliefs and personality trait from the perspective of phenomenology. Apart from it, there are a few researches concerning the mental representation of each other. Based on the function of AM, this study tries to explore the mental representation and relationship of each other, and attempts to analyze the core of internal mechanism of it.In the first part of this study, according to the word-cueing technology, we design the autobiographical memory questionnaire (AMQ) from three aspects of AM, namely, beliefs and properties. There are some differences from previous studies. For example, the personality trait words are cues in our study. The results indicate that personality trait relates to the AM; however, the mental representation among them is our aim. Firstly, the characteristic of retrieval of AM following the personality trait words is discussed. Then, the experiment 2,3 discuss the possibility of abstraction view, computational view and the scope view. Experiment 4 discusses whether the retrieval of AM can facilitate the personality trait judgment, and experiment 5 tells us whether the influence can last for several minutes. The results are as follows:(1) The AMQ has good reliability and validity, while the NEO-FFI has low internal consistency reliability in the two factors of openness and agreement. For the process components of AM, the emotion and visual imagination are particularly important. The beliefs of AM have a close relationship with personality, and the totality of AM is significantly correlated with the five factors of personality and the totality of personality. The components and beliefs of AM have high correlation with personality corresponding to personality trait word. The five factors personality trait can predict the belief of AM, while the recollection of AM can be predicted by the components of AM.(2) Compared with the concrete nouns, people need more time to retrieve AM according to the personality trait words, and the subjects need more time on negative words compared with the positive. What’s more, the result also shows that high personality trait self-descriptive words need more time to retrieve AM and make personality judgment compared with the low self-descriptive words, although there are no differences significantly.(3) Individuals don’t need the AM to support their judgment of personality trait, which indicates that the abstraction view is possible, and it is opposed to the scope hypothesis. However, there are no differences between the self description and mother description. In this way, it can be concluded that AM and personality trait have independently functionally. In the prime paradigm, some factors can be found which influence the result in this study, for example, fixation.(4) As opposed to the experiments 2,3, this study converse the task, which means that the initial task is retrieval of AM, while the target task is to make judgment to the personality trait. The result points out that the retrieval of AM can help people make judgment to personality trait. However, it is not all right. If the understanding of words can be controlled, the different results can be found.


