

School Health Education in Republic of China

【作者】 叶科

【导师】 吴民祥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 教育史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 民国时期,学校卫生教育得到了较大发展。中国社会的内忧外患、国民身体素质的孱弱,使得有识之士纷纷寻找救国救民的良方,学校卫生教育是他们找到的药方之一。论文通过考察民国时期学者对学校卫生教育的认识、卫生课程的演变、学校卫生教育的实施、学校卫生教育个案分析等内容,揭示了民国时期学校卫生教育这一主题。论文第一部分考察了民国时期学者对学校卫生教育的认识。学者们认为学校卫生教育与民族生存、学生健康具有莫大的关系;符合国情,按照学生身心发展的特点,注重学生的主动性等应该作为学校卫生教育的原则;学校卫生教育可以采用课堂教学、调查、参观、集会、展览等多种方法实施。论文第二部分研究了民国时期学校卫生教育的课程。1928-1936年卫生课程的演变经历了暂行、正式、修正课程标准三个时期。小学阶段在正式课程标准时期单独设置卫生科,初中阶段在三个课程标准时期都单独设置卫生科,高中阶段在正式课程标准时期单独设置卫生科。未单独设置卫生科的时期,中小学卫生教育在相关课程中渗透教学。论文第三、第四部分是对浙江公立中小学卫生教育实施的研究。以1931年九一八事变的爆发为界,把1927年浙江省政府成立到1937年七七事变爆发这个时间段的卫生教育实施分成两个时期。在后一时期中,随着国难教育、新生活运动的兴起,学校卫生教育得到了进一步发展,表现为学校卫生教育成为特种教育、地方教育辅导、儿童年活动中的重要内容之一,对学校卫生教育的研究也不断深化。论文的第五部分以浙江省立杭州高级中学卫生教育实施为个案,通过对该校卫生教育行政组织、卫生教育规章制度、卫生教学、健康检查等方面的考察,展现了学校卫生教育的具体实施过程。论文的结语部分总结出民国时期学校卫生教育取得一定成绩的原因:首先,在思想认识上重视学校卫生教育。其次,注意学校卫生教育的方式方法。第三,重视对学校卫生教育的研究。

【Abstract】 In the Republican Era of China, great development had been made in school health education. Under the circumstances of domestic unrest, foreign invasion and people’s weakness, elite Chinese were busy in finding solutions, among which is school health education. It is scholars’ conceptions towards school health education, development of the curriculum, implementation of school health education and a case study that manifest the theme of this thesis.The first chapter is a presentation of scholars’conceptions towards school health education in the Republican Era. In their opinion, school health education is in close ties with the rise and fall of a nation and students’ health conditions. Principles of school heath education are supposed to be in correspondence with national condition, students’ physical and psychological characteristics along with initiatives. Teaching methods such as classroom teaching, investigation, gathering and exhibition are among the choices.The second chapter is devoted to a research on the curriculum in the Republican Era. From 1928 to 1936, it had gone through three stages, which are interim period, formal period and formal revision. Health education is required as a subject in formal curriculum period in elementary schools and junior high schools whereas it is a must through three years of junior middle schools. For those periods without the curriculum of health education, it is penetrated via related curriculums.The third and fourth chapters present implementation of health education in public elementary and secondary schools in Zhejiang Province. Implementation of school health education in 1927-1937 can be divided into two periods, one is from 1927 when the provincial government had been established to 1931 when the "September 18th Incident" happened, and the other is from 1931 to 1937 when the War of Resistance against Japan broke out. During the later period, school health education had been greatly improved along with the flourishing of the nation’s conscious to the nations’ difficulties and the New Life Movement. School Health education had been included in special education, local education and children activities.Chapter Five is a case study on Zhejiang Provincal Hangzhou High School, whose administration, rules of health education and check-up of students had been explored in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the application of school health education.In conclusion, reasons for achievements made during the Republican Era are stated as follows:First, stess had been laid on school health education. Second, attention had been paid to teaching methods of it. Third, emphasis had been put on school health education research.


