

Exploring Life Meanings in Language Classroom in the Exploratory Practice of RICH

【作者】 江淑玲

【导师】 余泽超;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近十年来课程改革在我国不同教育层面进行,很多研究者从不同角度对课堂教学进行了研究。本文针对持续多年的某大学外语学院英语专业的RICH教改项目,试图探索:1)RICH课堂中生命意义的展现形式;2)RICH课堂中的生命意蕴。文章采用叙事探究方法,以RICH教改项目的核心成员Helen和参与教改的某班学生为研究对象,探讨大学一年级综合英语课堂教学实践。为使结论真实、可信,论文采用多种真实资料与数据:包括班级录音、教学光盘、学习者学习档案、教师物品、学生日志、班级博客、采访录音、教材,等等。收集数据的时间长达一学期。在对数据进行分析和重构的基础上,形成了四个相互关联、延续四个月的“生活体验系列故事”。论文以现象学、存在主义和解释学为哲学基础,以海德格尔(Heidegger)的“理解”和生活世界、哈贝马斯(Habermas)的交往理论、杜威(Dewey)和陶行知关于教育与生活关系的思想为理论依据,结合研究案例来探索RICH实践中课堂生命意义的展现方式和生命意蕴。作者强调课堂生活是师生生活中不可或缺的一部分,而不是孤立的。作者提出RICH课改中课堂生命意义以个体为中心展开,具体表现为四种方式:1)感受生命意义:以关心他人为出发点的相互尊重;2)意识生命意义:以相互理解为目的的交往互动:3)透视生命意义:以共同成长为宗旨的大胆想象、自我反思和创造;4)反思生命意义:回归生活世界和生命个体本身。这样,在叙事探究中,我们看到语言课堂成为师生、生生共同生活和生命对接的地方。课堂生活则是课堂中生命意识的觉醒和开放,是课堂中每个生命的碰触和对接,也是每个生命的拓展和超越,这就让教师和学生的生命意义和价值在语言课堂都得到了体现。总之,RICH教学课堂不仅是学习语言的地方,更是一个让生命绽放、让生命价值得到关注和提升的场所,师生在这样的课堂里能够更好地理解各自的生命价值。从RICH语言课堂生活入手,本研究提供了一种分析与理解外语课程改革中课堂生活之生命意义的操作方法,希望能够引发学界对生命本身更多的关注。

【Abstract】 In the past decade numerous curricular innovations have been witnessed at various levels throughout China; researchers have explored the classroom from different perspectives. This thesis aims to explore the classroom life underlying RICH, a curricular innovation program lasting over 10 years for English majors in a Chinese university. Specifically, it attempts to explore:1) how to reveal life meanings in language classroom in RICH; 2) what life meanings are embedded in classroom in RICH practice.This is a narrative inquiry of the course of Comprehensive English for freshmen, involving Helen, a leading member of RICH, and a class joining the program. To increase authenticity and credibility of the study, authentic data had been obtained through a variety of sources, including class records, CD ROMs, learners’portfolios, teacher’s artifacts, students’journals, class blog, observation notes, and transcribed interviews. These were collected over a period of a semester. The result was an accumulation of four stories named "Life Experience Stories".The study employs as its philosophical foundation phenomenology, existentialism and hermeneutics, and is based upon frameworks of Heidegger’s understanding and lifeworld, Habermas’s communicative action theory, Dewey’s "education of life" and Tao’s "life of education". The study attempts to investigate revelations of classroom life and reflections of life meanings in the RICH practice. In the first place, it is argued that classroom life is a necessary and coherent part of teacher and students’life rather than an isolated one. Besides, four revealing ways of classroom life in RICH are identified:1) Feeling life meanings:caring about each other to win mutual respect; 2) Realizing life meanings:interaction, contact and dialogue for mutual understanding; 3) Examining life meanings:imagination and creation with view to mutual growth.4) Reflecting life meanings:back to lifeworld and Being. In such ways, language classroom is rendered the place where teacher-student and student-student live and contact together. Life consciousness is thus realized and developed in classroom life, connection and communication of individual life happen in classroom life, expanding and transcending of life itself appear in classroom life. Finally, the paper concludes that, in classroom in RICH, values and life meanings are revealed, emphasized, and transcended.This study provides an alternative way of understanding classroom life meanings underlying various curricular innovations in foreign languages education in current China. It also serves to call for more attention on issues of life and Being.


