

Ku Hungming’s Translation of Confucian Classics: A Postcolonial Perspective

【作者】 章莉

【导师】 顾建新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 清朝末期,中国陷入了半殖民地半封建社会的深渊,社会形势内忧外患。中国文化身份在被忽视和被扭曲中濒临世界文化的边缘。爱国知识分子为拯救中国,争相引进西方先进的思想文化和科学技术,虽然带来一些积极影响却也进一步地扩大了文化交流赤字,中国文化身份仍处于被书写的状态中。此时,学贯中西的学者辜鸿铭却“反其道而行之”,大量著文写书推介中国传统文化,特别是儒家文化。除此之外,他先后将《论语》、《中庸》、《大学》翻译成英文出版,得到了许多学者,特别是西方读者的赞誉。然而,国内却鲜有笔墨探讨辜鸿铭译书行为,而大侃其奇闻异事、“怪癖”之举;或批评其译文不符合传统的翻译理论中“忠实”标准,对其重视程度和研究深度远小于其他译者。后殖民翻译理论为辜鸿铭的儒经翻译提供了新的理论依据和视角。后殖民翻译理论指导下,辜鸿铭的翻译行为在当时特定的社会文化背景下有其合理性和必要性。后殖民翻译关注译本生成外部制约条件(权利关系、文化差异、政治因素等)以及译本生成后对目标文化的影响。本文以后殖民翻译理论为基础,梳理了辜鸿铭翻译儒经的前因后果及其采用的翻译策略,拟在探讨辜鸿铭的儒经英译在中国文化身份的建构中所起的独特作用,并为后殖民翻译理论研究和中国典籍英译带来一些新的启示。文章首先分析了辜鸿铭英译儒经的主客观原因:辜鸿铭看到了西方对中国文化身份的扭曲,意识到中国传统文化正处于存亡之秋;在政府和朋友的影响下以及爱国热情的驱动下,选择将中国文化精髓之儒家思想传播到西方,用以矫正扭曲的中国形象,进一步达到教育西方人民的目的。在翻译策略方面,他并未逐字逐词进行对照翻译,而是选择了归化以适应西方读者。在辜鸿铭的《论语》英译中,儒家重要概念的翻译灵活统一,专有名词简单达意;句子形散而神在;篇章思路连贯、逻辑严密。此外,辜鸿铭还用西方耳熟能详的箴言和思想阐释中国儒家教义;根据自己的理解诠释和改儒家思想中难以理解的部分。因为只有用真正地道的语言和西方先贤的话语才能让强势的西人耐下性子倾听中国话语,才能让中国文化身份被知道和被理解。虽然辜鸿铭的儒经翻译并未从根本上改变中国被侵略的面貌,没有使中国文化身份彻底走出灰暗的阴影,但它打破了传教士、汉学家垄断制造中国形象的局面。从国内外学者的反馈来看,它也从一定程度上为中国的文明树立了正面的形象,是一次矫正和构建中国文化身份的积极尝试。辜鸿铭儒经英译同样也为后殖民翻译理论带来了新的研究话题和启示。辜鸿铭选择归化的翻译策略,使译本顺利进入目标文化系统,论证了抵抗性、排他性并非后殖民翻译的唯一特性,适当的归化同样也是构建文化身份的重要途径。这同时也避免了不同文化的激烈碰撞和强弱文化的不平衡灌输,使得中西文化在翻译中达到了杂合。此外,在中国文化国际影响力不断提升背景下,辜鸿铭儒经英译也指导当代译者正确处理的经典翻译:要以正确理解典籍、把握其中精髓为基础;要以准确传达精义、避免误解和误读为准绳;要以语言通达、容易被译入语文化读者所接受为目的。而这些都需要译者有长期深厚的专业积累和非功利性的情感投入,而非批量生产和粗制滥造。

【Abstract】 As a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, China was disturbed by both domestic troubles and foreign invasions in the late Qing Dynasty. Chinese culture identity was quite close to be marginalized at that time of national depression. Patriots desperately wanted to bring in the western technologies to help China pull through the difficulty, but still have the negative consequence as have increased the cultural deficit between China and the west. Chinese cultural identity stayed in the trap of "being written" by the west. Ku Hungming, different from the majority of scholars at that time, wanted to introduce the traditional Chinese culture, especially the Confucian culture, to the west. His translation works such as The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius, The Universal Order or Conduct of Life and Higher Education won many praises from western readers, while domestic scholars paid little attention to them. Ku Hungming and his translations were far less talked about with comparison to other native authors like Yan Fu, Lin Shu or Lin Yutang, as a result of which, his contributions and the value of his works are still much hidden.The postcolonial translation theory would take a new angle to study Ku Hungming and his translation. This cutting-edge theory would give reasonable explanations to Ku’s translation concerning the special social background of his time. Postcolonial translation theory mainly concerns the translation’s external conditions (politics, power, and ideology), based on which, the dissertation would analyzed the cause and effect of Ku’s translation as well as the strategy he had used. It is hoped to discover the unique functions that Ku’s translation of Confucian Classics have to the construction of Chinese cultural identity, and find its implications to the study of postcolonial translation and the contemporary translation of Chinese Classics.After the literature review of Chapter two, the dissertation first analyzes the objective and subjective reasons for Ku’s translation activity:Ku personally saw the distortion of China’s identity and the declining of traditional Chinese culture. Besides, the government, his friends and his patriotic enthusiasm all drive him to transmit the Chinese culture to the west by using the strategy of domestication on the lexical, sentence and text levels. He also quoted famous western sayings to explain the Confucian doctrines, which made the proud westerners be patient enough to read the translations by looking at the discourses of their own predecessors. Only in this way, the Chinese identity can be seen and truly further understood. All though Ku’s translation is not enough to pull China out of all invasions, it is still a good try to re-construct the Chinese image.Ku Hungming’s translation also has brought some implications to the study of postcolonial translation. By using the strategy of domestication, Ku successfully introduced the Confucian text into the target culture. It proves that "resistance" or "foreignalization" are not the only ways to keep the characteristics of "other" culture. Last but not least, Ku gives us a good example of translating Chinese classics to quenching the thirst of a growing number of foreign readers who are keen on getting to know traditional Chinese culture. Accurate understanding and comprehensive comprehending of the source text, expressive languages but less obscure and trivial expressions are suggested in order to avoid misunderstanding and be easier accepted in the target culture. To accomplish this, translators should have long-term accumulation of professional skills for the translation work.


