

A Study of Preschool Teacher Implements the Character Themes Curriculum

【作者】 胡秀娟

【导师】 甘剑梅;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究旨在从接受过和合学习模式培训的教师实施品格主题课程的历程中,了解教师实施品格主题课程的动机与观点、品格主题课程实施的历程及影响教师品格主题课程实施的因素。综合分析品格主题课程实施的可行性,为其他教师实施品格主题课程提出相应建议。本研究通过个案研究,综合运用观察、访谈与文件分析等方法收集相关资料,深入探讨个案教师品格主题课程实施的情况。最后得出如下结论:(一)基于和合学习模式的品格主题课程,虽未得到人们的普遍认同,但个案教师仍继续支持且落实品格主题课程,其原因在于该课程能较好地促进幼儿品格等多方面的发展且该教师拥有执著而坚定的品格教学信念。(二)经由协同合作小组老师们的共同讨论、交流与分享后,规划出勇敢品格主题的目标、内容与活动。并且个案教师从集体智慧中拓展品格教育视野,表现出较强的自我反思与创新能力。(三)从品格主题课程实施中,个案教师使用的服务提名、夹心蛋糕、冲突桥、引导想象等策略有效地促进了幼儿品格的学习。(四)个案教师为坚持幼儿品格学习的纯正动机,对幼儿进行非正式的评量,但仍会依据幼儿的行为、语言及绘画作品评价幼儿品格学习效果。(五)个案教师对幼儿品格学习成效的评量多限于幼儿园和班级层面,并与家长建立联系,形成对幼儿的共同评量,以期全面了解幼儿品格学习情形。(六)从品格主题课程实施中,个案教师展现出“在地创造”之课程实施观点。(七)影响个案教师品格主题课程实施之因素包括教师自身因素、师生互动因素、家长因素、课程因素。

【Abstract】 This study is aimed to understand the curriculum implementation in character education by a Preschool teacher who ever accepted training from the modle of Full-Circle Learning. By the case study, it will probe the individual teacher’s motivation, the perspective and prosscess implementation on character theme progam and the factors of affecting character theme curriculum implementation. The thesis analyze the possibilities of character theme program and offer concrete reference about character education curriculum for other teacher.This study takes "case study" and comprehensively utilizes "observation" "interview" and "document analysis" approaches to gather material and to explore of how the individual teacher implemented the character theme curriculum.The conclusions are as follows:1、Although the character theme curriculum based on the Mode of Full-Circle Learning has not yet been generally recognized, individual teachers still continue to support and implement character theme curriculum bescause this course can be good for children character development in many areas and individual teacher has determined and inflexible faith in character education.2、In the Collaboration Group,teachers discussed and shared experiences with each other,then designed "courage" character theme object ,content and activities. The individual teacher has enlarged her vision of cahracter education from collective intelligence and has shown strong ability to self-reflection and innovation.3、The individual teacher utilized the strategy frequently in the process of character teaching includes:server nominations、building a layer cake、the conflict bridge and guided imagery. 4、In order to maintain children to study with pure motivation, the individual teacher doesn’t intend to take formal evaluation on cahracter education. But still according to the behavior of children, language and drawings to evaluate the children character learning.5、The individual teaacher evaluated students’ character learninng effects focuses on the kindergarten level and Class level. To access students’ character learning status thoroughly, individual teacher established contact with parents and joint assessment on children.6、In the process of the character theme curriculum implementation, the individual teacher displays the "indigenous creativity".7、The major factors that influence the individual teacher on shaping her curriculm implementation in character education could be explained in four aspects:the individual teacher herself,the interaction betwween the teacher and studentsrents’ participation and course factors.


