

The Denouenment Art of Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 王晓均

【导师】 梅新林;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自宋代以来,中国古典长篇小说卷帙浩瀚,发展到明清时期,随着历史演义、英雄传奇、神魔鬼怪、世俗人情等题材的不断丰富,作家创作技巧日臻成熟,长篇小说的结构布局呈现出多样性,结局作为其中一部分,也形成了独特的叙事模式。在封闭文本意义的基础上,明清长篇小说结局突破了以往简单的交待模式,无论在情节收束还是叙事手法上都做了纵深探索,以创作情感的矛盾来展现作品生态的真实,以美学风格的悖反来加强阅读效果,以叙事节奏的缓急来烘托情节轻重,在作家的不断创作和发掘中达到了前所未有的艺术高度。本文对明清主要长篇小说结局进行了系统梳理,结合小说结局在整体结构中的功能和作用,对结局叙事理论、主要小说类型结局模式以及结局的文化意涵做了探究和阐释,以期对明清长篇小说独特的结局艺术加以归纳和总结。全文共分为五个部分:“引言”部分大致梳理了明清长篇小说结局艺术研究现状,介绍了西方结局理论研究成果;同时框定了“明清长篇小说”的研究范围,在“结局”与“结尾”的辨析中,进一步明确了小说“结局”是一个段而非点的概念,另外简单介绍了本文研究思路和研究方法。正文分上、中、下三个篇章,对结局理论、不同题材结局模式、文化意涵三方面做了探讨。上篇“明清长篇小说结局的结构功能”是本文研究的理论基础和逻辑起点,主要探讨了结局与结构、开篇的关系,归纳了不同小说结构走向结局的不同方式,尝试划定结局的大致临界点,并概括了明清长篇小说普遍的结局范式和类型。中篇“明清长篇小说结局的叙事模式”重点选取了明清长篇小说中较有代表性的四种小说类型:历史演义小说、英雄传奇小说、神魔小说、世情小说为研究对象,在具体结局模式的分析中总结了四类小说的结局特征,并结合部分成就较高的小说做了进一步探讨,注重其相互借鉴性和承继性。下篇“明清长篇小说结局的文化意涵”回归结局的意义内涵,联系时代背景和民族审美心理,从哲学、宗教、道德、社会等方面对明清长篇小说结局的文化意涵做了阐释,在做文学虚构与社会历史的互动分析中,延伸小说结局的社会文化功能。结语部分对本文所作研究做了规律性的总结,着重强调梳理了结局叙事理论,以期为今后结局研究理论的拓进奠定坚实的基础;同时也希望联系现代小说及其它叙事文学结局,在比较和发散研究中,进一步丰富中国小说结局艺术理论。

【Abstract】 In Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the amount of Chinese classical novels growing larger and larger, writers’technique reached the peak. The various themes such as Historical Romance, Saga, Mythical and Secular Human novels made the structure of the novels more diverse than ever. As a part of structure, the denouement also formed a unique narrative mode. Besides the original function of closing the meaning of text, the denouement of novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties breakthrough the previous model, and try to do in-depth on plot closing and narration, which showed the reality of the work via the dilemma of creative emotion, strengthened the readers’effect via reversal of aesthetic style, heightened the severity via narrative rhythm, and reached an unprecedented peak with the creating and exploring by writers.Tracing back of the denouement of major novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties, this paper studies the narration thesis, specific denouement mode and cultural values combining with the function of denouement in structure. There are all together five parts in this paper:The Introduction part describes the study panorama of the denouement art of novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and introduces the westerner’s achievements on denouement. This chapter limits the range of study on the novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties, following by which analyzes the difference between ’denouement’ and ’ending’, pointing out that ’denouement’ is a concept of section but not a dot. Furthermore, the research ideas and methods are simply introduced.The body text is divided into three chapters. The first part of the body text talked about the structural function of the denouement art, which laid basis for the subsequent analysis. Then the analysis about the relationship between the structure, opening and the denouement, the different ending ways of various structures, the critical point of denouement are carried out. Finally the simple types of the denouement are generalized.The second part of the body text is to find the narrative mode of novels with different themes. The paper picks the four important kinds of novels as examples:the Historical Romance, Saga, Mythical and Secular Human. The characteristics of the denouement are concluded through analyzing some specific endings.The third part focuses on the cultural values of the denouement art of novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties. By relating to the context of the time and the national aesthetic psychology, this part introduces the literary and cultural values from four sides:Philosophy, Religion, Ethics and the Society. It explores the social cultural function of the denouement in the interactive analyses between social history and literary fiction.The Conclusion part sums up the regular pattern of this paper. In order to get prepared for further studies, this part emphasized the narrative theories of the denouement again, pointing out that by connecting the modern narrations and the classical novels will push the study to a further development and will enrich the theories of the denouement art of Chinese novels.


