

On the Legal Issues of the Management Supervision of the Social Security Fund

【作者】 易定君

【导师】 王全兴;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 社保基金是我国社会保障制度的核心和关键,其营运目的是为了最大限度地降低全体社会成员未来生活的不确定性风险,因此社保基金带有很强的社会公益性,如果社保基金运营出现风险,将使社保基金作为社会稳定的减震器和安全阀的作用遭到极大损害,、必将影响社会成员的基本生活。所以,对社保基金的运营进行严格的监管成为我国制度体系中非常重要的一环。然而在我国,由于社保基金运营监管法律制度不健全、监管模式存在不合理因素、现行监管机构设置不规范,导致社保基金被挪用的案件层出不穷,数额令人触目惊心。完善社保基金运营监管立法,建立完善的基金运营监管法律体系,确立合理有效的运营监管制度,是当前我国社会保障法制建设必须完善的重要问题。从分析我国社保基金监管现状入手,从经济法学的角度分析现行社保基金运营监管中存在的法律问题和社会现状,并通过借鉴国外社保基金运营监管法律模式对比分析,寻求提出完善我国社保基金运营监管的对策建议,已成为学界和实务界探索中的重要途径,通过这些途径,必将有力推动这一制度的完善。我国现行社保基金的运营存在的问题主要体现在监督对象和监督主体定位模糊,多头监管的现状只能导致监管方法的效率低下,漏洞明显,这也是我国社保基金案件频发的直接原因,而从深层次的角度来说,是法律体系的构建缺乏严密性和有效性,法律的滞后必然导致监管体系的无力。从国外运营监管法律体系来看,很多国家的监管主要体现在国家监管、社会监管、社保基金自我监管等监管力量的平衡,多管齐下,构建一个完整的监管体系。政府运营还是市场运营,这是社保基金被监管的前提。在国外,被监管对象的不同和差异直接导致了监管法律主体的差异和监管方法的不同,比较分析的方法可以看出其监管法律体系的构建所导致的法律作用不同。因此,国外模式的经验和借鉴可以给我们以深刻启迪,这种比较得出的监管法律模式特点使完善具有现实的意义。在比较国外运营监管体系的基础上,综合本国情况,可以较好地构建一个较为完善和有效的监管法律体系。在法律层面上,宪法是我国法律的母法,所有法律都是在宪法指导下进行立法,针对社保基金运营监管立法,可以从社会保障法和社保基金运营监管法的层面进一步作微观立法,力求法律层面的严谨,构建一个中国特色的监管法律体系。在法律的构建体系下,具体对社保基金运营监管的主体、对象、方法进行了详细的规定,力求监管全面、有力。社保基金监管法律的构建是为了监管的目的实现,而监管的实践检验也是法律作用的反思和改进,论文希望通过对社保基金运营监管法律研究,探索理论与实践结合的创新之路。

【Abstract】 As the kernel and core of the social security system, in my country, the aim of managing the social security fund (thereafter named as SSF) is to reduce the uncertainty of the social members for future life. Its main characteristic is benefit for the whole community. If the management of SSF faces with risks, the role of SSF as the "shock absorber" and "safety switch" would be damaged. Therefore, it is of great importance to strictly supervise its management.However, China’s current supervision system for the SSF is far away from perfect. The lack of supervision law, the irrationality of supervision model, and the illogicality of supervision organs have resulted in the endless big cases of embezzling the SSF. In order to build the perfect Chinese social security system, we should immediately adopt the necessary laws and regulations for management supervision, establish the perfect and effective supervision system.This thesis introduces the current SSF supervision situation in China, analyzes the legal issues and social problems, compares the legal models for SSF management supervision in different countries, and finally puts forward the suggestions of strengthening Chinese SSF management supervision.The major problems of Chinese SSF management supervision include the indistinct supervision object and subject, low efficient and lots of leaks. These factors directly caused the big cases. Moreover, the legal system’s incompleteness and ineffectiveness, and the delay of legislation have inevitably brought about the inability of the supervision system.The foreign management supervision system focuses on the balance among different supervision powers, including state supervision, social supervision and the self supervision. Whether the government or the society should be responsible for the SSF management is the premise of supervision system. The different objects decide the choice of different supervision subjects and methods. Through the comparative analysis methodology, we can tell the differences among those foreign legal systems. Other countries’supervision model and successful experience have great significance for China. It is one of the original points of this thesis.On the basis of comparative analysis of foreign SSF management supervision, the author tries to construct a more complete and effective supervision legal system. The Constitution is the foundation law of Chinese legal system, and other laws are legislated under the direction of the Constitution. As to the SSF management supervision, the legislation in the micro level should emphasis the laws of social security and SSF management supervision. This thesis puts forward we should construct a perfect supervision system with China’s characteristic, particularly defining the subject, object, and method of SSF management supervision. It’s another original point of this thesis.The aim of legislating supervision laws is to achieve effective supervision, while the real supervision practices can promote the legal system become more perfect. Through research on the legal issues of SSF management supervision, this thesis endeavors to explore the creative path of combination theory with practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.182.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】226

