

Study on Direct Request Rights of the Third Party in Liability Insurance

【作者】 张伟华

【导师】 肖和保;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代责任保险的基本价值取向在于对第三人利益的保护,如何加强对责任保险第三人的保护,是当今责任保险立法和实务亟待解决的重要课题。由十一届全国人大常委会第七次会议于2009年2月28日修订通过的新《保险法》第65条,明确规定了责任保险第三人对保险人的直接请求权,这是在责任保险基本法层面第一次对直接请求权的确认,具有正本清源的历史意义。然而,我国现行立法对第三人直接请求权的规定并不统一,没有形成一个内部和谐的制度体系,理论上也有诸多概念没有得到明确,导致实务操作中争议不断。以合同法、民法通则、侵权法等相关理论为指导,参考国内外包括我国台湾地区关于第三人直接请求权的立法例和保险实践,对责任保险第三人直接请求权的性质、法理基础、存在合理性、行使条件和程序、保险人之抗辩事由等方面进行研究之后,提出应当以区分强制责任保险和任意责任保险的视角对待第三人直接请求权的各个理论问题和立法完善。关于直接请求权的基础,应当在区分强制责任保险和任意责任保险的基础上采用原始取得说和权力转移说作为其法理基础,而因学说之不同,直接请求权的性质也是不同的。而关于直接请求权的行使,则不能是无限制的,应当在区分权利性质的基础上,分别确定其行使条件。同样应当明确的是,任意责任保险和强制责任保险的保险人对第三人抗辩事由是不同的,对前者,保险人得以被保险人对抗第三人的事由和保险人对抗被保险人的事由对抗第三人,而后者保险人只得以被保险人对抗第三人的事由对抗第三人,这是由权利性质决定的。对我国的现行立法,从法律结构到内容都有必要进行完善,以《保险法》为一般性规定,统筹包括强制责任保险和任意责任保险中的直接请求权,以强制责任保险单独立法为特别规定,对第三人直接请求权的性质和行使乃至保险人抗辩等内容进行系统和完备的确定,以期最终达到切实保护受害第三人的立法目的。

【Abstract】 The liability insurance is a modem insurance which is new and developed rapidly,how to strengthen the protection of the third party in liability insurance, is a very important topic for now day liability insurance legislation and practice to figure out. The new Insurance Law revised by The Seventh Meeting of the Eleventh National People’Standing Congress in 28th,janury,2009 has definitely prescribed the direct request rights of third party by article 65 It is the first time to ensure the direct request rights on the level of principal insurance law and display the historical significance. However, our country’legislation system is not unified, the confusion in theory leads to dispute in practice. This article based on the instruction of the general rule of civil law, the law of contract, the abuse of authority law and the basic theory of the insurance law, refers to the domestic and abroad related theoretical research and legislation practice of the direct request rights for the third party in liability insurance, embarks from our national conditions, this article has researched some basic problem of the direct request rights for the third party in liability insurance, such as the rationality, the limitation, the legal principle theories the application conditions and the rejection which the third party encountered when he use his rights.Generally speaking, we should solve the interrelated problems based on the distinguish of compulsory liability insurance and random liability insurance. We should take the theory of original acquisition and transformation of rights as the legal principle theories of direct request of the third party in liability insurance. Naturally, the essence of the direct request rights is different by the two different theories. The use of the rights is not unlimited and should accord to certain conditions that are based on the two kinds of rights. Similarly, the counterplea which the third party encountered when he uses his direct request rights should be different. For compulsory liability insurance, the insurer can only use the matters which the insured resist the third party to insist the direct request; but for random liability insurance, besides the resisting matters used in compulsory liability insurance, he insurer can also use the matters that they used to insist the insured to insist the third party. It is necessary to consummate our country’s legislation from the legal structure to its content. Take the Insurance Law as the common law to prescribe the principle matters and take the compulsory particular law to prescribe the essence、using and counterplea. The final legislation aim is to protect the legal rights and interests of third party.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】281

